Call of Duty: Black Ops’ Record Breaking First Day Sales Total 5.6 Million

‘Call of Duty: Black Ops’ Record Breaking First Day Sales Total 5.6 Million
There was no doubt that Treyarch and Activision’s latest entry into the Call of Duty series was going to sell incredibly well.

Call of Duty: Black Ops - Record Breaking First Day Sales

Call of Duty: Black Ops - Record Breaking First Day Sales

series was going to sell incredibly well. The game had high pre-order numbersand a huge amount of hype, but not very many people expected the game to be bigger than Modern Warfare 2‘s 4.7 million first day sales last year. It turns out they wrong by about a million copies. Earlier today Activision revealed that Tuesday’s launch ofsaw 5.6 million copies of the game sold, which generated a staggering $360 million in sales.

To put those numbers into perspective the number one movie in America over the weekend, Megamind , only made $46 million. A movie ticket isn’t $60, but it still gives an idea of just how successful the launch of this game was. Activision Blizzard CEO Bobby Kotick was quick to brag about how huge this series is and what it means for Activision:

“There has never been another entertainment franchise that has set opening day records for two consecutive years and we are on track to outperform last year’s five-day global sales record of$550 million. The game’s success underscores the pop culture appeal of the brand. Call of Duty: Black Ops is the finest game that Treyarch has ever made and raises the bar for online gameplay by delivering the deepest and most intense Call of Duty experience yet. The Call of Duty franchise has over 25 million players around the world that are engaged in billions of hours of online gameplay, and we are committed to supporting them with new content and features on a more frequent and regular basis.”

The last line of that quote from Kotick shows that Activision isn’t done making money of this game after it leaves the retail store. “New content and features on a more frequent and regular basis” could only mean we will be seeing a flood of DLC for this game over the next year as was promised. The game will continue to sell well through the holidays and into next year, add to that some DLC map packs, and Activision appears likely to bank a good amount off of Call of Duty: Black Ops just like they did with Modern Warfare 2 .

So readers, how many of you were one of the 5.6 million that bought the game on launch day? How has the game been treating you so far? Be on the look out from Game Rant’s review which should be up sometime soon.

Call of Duty: Black Ops is now available for the Xbox 360, PS3, and PC