Call of Duty: Black Ops to Have Prestige and Hardened Editions?

Online retailer had listed both a Prestige and a Hardened Edition of Call of Duty: Black Ops for pre-order.

for pre-order. The Prestige version reportedly costs $149.99 and the Hardened option is $79.99. No other details were listed regarding these two special editions, and the site has since removed the listings from their website.

To date, Activisionreportedly has refused to confirm their existence.

So were these listings a mistake by ? Unlikely, since Modern Warfare 2 also released similar editions, which included artwork, the originalgame, and in the case of the Prestige edition real night vision goggles. The fact that Activision plans to release special editions of its next installment in the popular franchise would not be a huge surprise. Perhaps the Black Ops Prestige edition will feature a riot shield. One can only dream.

With the upcoming releases ofandwe’re likely to see an old fashioned Limited Edition showdown. Hopefully each game provides some unique and properly rare swag for the fans willing to throw down some extra greenbacks. We all know these games are going to sell like crazy, hopefully that doesn’t mean these Limited Editions will be stripped down for maximum profit.

Black Ops Screen 6

Black Ops Screen 6

Whatever edition you purchase you can expect one hell of a game, because Black Ops is looking betterand better. Are you excited for the next iteration in the Call of Duty series, Ranters? Think you’ll be willing to drop an extra dollar or two for some delicious collectibles?

Call of Duty: Black Ops is set to release on November 9, 2010, for the PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Wii.

Source: IGN UK