McDonalds to Introduce VR Headsets Made Out of Happy Meal Boxes

There is no denying that Virtual Reality getting ready to be unleashed upon consumers, not only in gaming but for entertainment in general.

McDonalds to Introduce VR Headsets Made Out of Happy Meal Boxes

There is no denying that Virtual Reality getting ready to be unleashed upon consumers, not only in gaming but for entertainment in general.  McDonalds in Sweden are taking part in the VR boom by having specialty Happy Meal boxesthat can be folded into simple goggles that you can slip you smart phone right into, called Happy Goggles.  It’s a similar model to the Google Cardboard, although you have to make these goggles with specially made Happy Meal boxes.

Of course being the cost of a Happy Meal, these googles aren’t going to have astounding graphical capabilities.  As shown in the video above, the main app for the Happy Goggles is a simple little skiing game “Se up I backen” or “Watch out for the slopes” in English.  The Happy Goggles are meant to be more of a fun distraction than a state-of-the-art interactive experience, much like the toys they already put in Happy Meals.  The Happy Goggles will have a limited run of 3,500 at 14 McDonalds restaurants in Sweden.  Hopefully kids in America can experience the Happy Goggles soon.

Even though it’s kind of a gimmick, this could be a great way for consumers to ease themselves into Virtual Reality technology.  Not to mention, widespread popularity of simple VR goggles like this could lead to a huge market of virtual reality phone apps to be made by independent developers.  So if someone is still wondering about dropping $700 for an Occulus Rift, maybe you can go get some Happy Goggles and some McNuggets to get a little taste of what the future of VR holds.