Gears of War 4 Release Date Emerges for Xbox One

Microsoft finally reveals the release date for its hotly anticipated Gears of War 4, setting the game to arrive exclusively on Xbox One later this October.

Longtime fans of the Gears of War franchise have been chomping at the bit for more information on the upcoming installment for the Xbox One, and they’ve been on the receiving end of just that in recent weeks. Following an onslaught of information – including the fact that the new protagonist, JD, is none other than former franchise lead Marcus Fenix’s son– the only major thing that Gearsheads have left to learn is just when Gears of War 4 will be hitting store shelves. Fortunately, Microsoft has now let gamers in on that crucial tidbit.

In an official press release, Microsoft has confirmed that consumers can mark October 11, 2016 on their calendars as a newfound Emergence Day of sorts. That’s right,will at long last be arriving on the Xbox One later this October, which makes it a rather perfect Halloween-time game since the fourth numbered iteration is said to be going back to its horror-esque roots. Of course, the trademark gameplay that fans have come to adore will still be present, so it’s hard to gauge just how many of those intimate and terrifying encounters will occur at this point in time.

Interestingly enough, Microsoft claims that “today’s announcement is set to ignite a chain of upcoming revelations about what’s in store for JD Fenix and the next generation of Gears heroes.” Building off of that, it sounds like there is still a lot more that both Microsoft and developer The Coalition have planned to reveal. Evidently, that indicates that there will be plenty of news and asset drops to keep the hype levels of consumers slowly building until the title reaches its inevitable debut.

Those that are eager to dive into the action, however, won’t have to wait until October to try Gears of War 4 out. The multiplayer beta for the next core entry in the Gears franchiseis set to open this month, meaning that fans will be able to hop on and play a few matches beginning April 25th. That said, those that have playedwill be able to get in on the action even sooner, kicking off on April 18th.

Are you relieved to finally have a release date for Gears of War 4 ? Will you be picking up the game on day one? Get at us in the comments.

Gears of War 4 will arrive exclusively for the Xbox One on October 11, 2016.