YouTube Introduces 60FPS Support With ‘Battlefield Hardline’ Trailer

Late last year, when YouTube’s ‘ Copyright Smackdown’ took place, we speculated that a change was on the horizon for everyone’s favorite video sharing site.

took place, we speculated that a change was on the horizon for everyone’s favorite video sharing site. And now it appears one of those big changes has arrived.

Coming soon, YouTubecreators will have access to a variety of new features that will make their creation process easier, and YouTube viewers will be able to reward those creators with more than just your basic ‘like’ and ‘subscribe.’

For the purposes of video games, however, YouTube’s biggest upcoming feature is support for 60fps videos. Now video makers will be able to show off gameplay footage in its original format, not trimmed down to the 30fps standard.

To give you a better idea of what a 60fps video looks like, publisher Electronic Artshas released a new, true frame rate version of their recently debuted Battlefield Hardline trailer. Check it out below.

Overall, the presentation on a 60fps video (running at 1080p, of course) is crisp and clean, and as close to the real thing as gamers are going to get. It also better suits our purposes because it gives readers an idea of what type of footage we sawor played at an event like E3 2014. So when we say a game’s visuals impressed us, then readers have a clearer picture as to what exactly we saw.

Another potentially big feature in the YouTube pipeline is fan funding, which will allow viewers to “tip” a video maker anywhere from $1 to $500 in support of their channel. That way those channels that aren’t part of a MCN (multi channel network) have a new way of generating revenue.

With crowdfunding sites like Kickstarterand Patreon changing the business models of content creators (game developers, Let’s Play-ers, podcasters) across the board it makes sense that YouTube would implement their own system. Obviously there are plenty of YouTube-ers out there who find success even without fan funding — popular Let’s Play-er PewDiePiereportedly makes $4M a year — there are an even greater number who may be able to start a career thanks to the new Fan Funding system.

Other new features coming to YouTube include a mobile content management system, a new sound effects library, and creator credits, but the 60fps support and Fan Funding seem to be the biggest changes. YouTube, Let’s Play, and all other forms of content creation are going to become a major talking point in the next few years, and it will be interesting to see how services adapt to support these users. YouTube seems to be taking strides in that regard, but it will interesting to see how users respond to these changes.

What are you more excited about: fan funding for creators or 60fps videos? Do you think fan funding for channels is a good idea?

Source: YouTube