Deus Ex: Human Revolution DLC Includes New & Improved Boss Battle

Deus Ex: Human Revolution is a fantastic game according players and critics however, it was not without its problems, the biggest of which are its boss battles that represent a spike in difficulty and eschew many of the tenets that players have come to love and, more importantly, expect from the franchise.

Deus Ex - HR DLC Has Boss

Deus Ex - HR DLC Has Boss

Last week, a behind-the-scenes video detailing the boss battles in the game made headlines when it revealed that the boss battles inhad been outsourced to Grip Entertainmentinstead of being done in-house at Eidos Montreal. In the video, President of Grip Entertainment, Dr. Paul A. Kruszewski explains how he wasn’t even familiar with the universe of Deus Ex when his company took the project and, most telling, came from a shooter background.

Needless to say, when we talked about the gameplay trailer for ‘The Missing Link’ DLC, we expressed our concern regarding a potential boss battle in the DLC. Today, Eidos Montreal has gone on record to say that while there is a boss battle in the upcoming DLC it has been developed completely in-house and that players can expect the experience to be less frustrating than the boss encounters in the core game.

In an interview withEidos Montreal production coordinator Marc-Andre Dufort spoke about the upcoming Deus Ex: Human Revolution DLC and took the opportunity to let players know the company is aware of the problems with the boss encounters in the core game.

“I was playing more of mixed stealth and combat style, so I had some good weapons in my inventory. I didn’t have a lot of trouble dealing with. No, I didn’t get any big frustrations dealing with them. But I can understand people playing more stealth style having some frustration dealing with those bosses.”

Players will be happy to learn that the new boss can be dealt with through complete avoidance if so chosen. In fact, Eidos Montreal is allowing the player to deal with the boss in all the same ways that any enemy can be dealt with in Deus Ex: Human Revolution . He can be killed through combative or stealthy means or he can be dealt with non-lethally. Indeed, by giving players the choice of how to deal with this DLC boss, Eidos Montreal is demonstrating that they understand that the biggest concern amongst players has been the lack of choice in dealing with those moments.

“You can actually not kill the boss. You can do a non lethal takedown on him. And you can kill him from afar. You can even kill him without him seeing you. It’s more of a bigger challenge than a standard boss fight like we have in many games.”

Dufort’s emphasis is on the idea of allowing for player adaptation in dealing with this particular encounter. If Eidos Montreal can make the encounter more managable without it becoming too easy then they may redeem the biggest weakness of their product.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution is available now for the Xbox 360, PS3, PC, and OnLive. The first announced DLC ‘The Missing Link’ will be available sometime in October.

Follow me on Twitter @ VivasKaul

Source: Eurogamer

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