Grand Theft Auto 5’ Mocks Facebook with ‘Lifeinvader’; New Screens

‘Grand Theft Auto 5’ Mocks Facebook with ‘Lifeinvader’; New Screens
By now, gamers have likely seen all they need to see to get excited for Grand Theft Auto 5 .

. In case they haven’t, however, Rockstar Gameshas continued to release new screenshots for their highly anticipated game, only in a very unconventional context.

Last week, several new screenshots and a brief video were released as fake advertisementsfor retailers that do business in Los Santos. Some ads featured old standards like Ammunation, while new establishments like the new Ego Chaser energy bar staked their claim as well.

Most recently, Rockstar Games revealed a page called Lifeinvader for Grand Theft Auto 5 , and while the page is mostly for laughs it does offer some closer looks at the game.

In the most obvious sense, Lifeinvader is a riff on Facebook, only for the residents of Los Santos. Characters like Alan McClean (pictured above) can share everything from their general interests to some of their favorite images from around town.

While the epithets are fun to read, the real treat of these Lifeinvader pages are the images (a.k.a. screenshots) from around town. It’s hard to deny Grand Theft Auto 5 is a pretty looking game, even if there is some skepticism over how the game will run on current-gen consoles. Rockstar Games claims the game “feels next-gen”to them, but it’s obviously not. And despite what Rockstar says, gamers are still holding out for, at the very least, a PC portof the game.

In addition to McClean’s page, there’s a Lifeinvader page dedicated to Los Santos Customs, Grand Theft Auto 5 ‘s version of the popular Pay ‘n Spray establishment. In addition to swapping color schemes to avoid the fuzz, players will be able to use LSC to soup up their rides, some of which are returning favorites from GTA ‘s past.

With only five days left until the release of Grand Theft Auto 5 , Rockstar is still going strong with their unconventional promotions. While we’re sure fans would rather be pouring over the recently leaked game map, or trying to uncover secrets from the latest trailer, things like Lifeinvader serve to remind us that GTA 5 will have a sense of humor.

If you lived in Los Santos would you sign up for Lifeinvader? What are you most looking forward to in Grand Theft Auto 5 ?

Grand Theft Auto 5 releases September 17, 2013 for the PS3 and Xbox 360.

Source: Lifeinvader