Microsoft’s Xbox One Earns An Emmy Award

Microsoft’s Xbox One Earns An Emmy Award

There are many news items that people don’t expect to see on any given day.

There are many news items that people don’t expect to see on any given day. Within the video game industry in particular, anything involving Half-Life 3 or the return of the Sega Dreamcast will probably fit that list. Something else that no one anticipated hearing? The words “Xbox One” and Emmy” in the same sentence. Yet that one has actually happened – recently too.

Believe it or not, the Xbox One earned an Emmy for Television Enhancement Devices this past Thursday during the 66th Annual Technology & Engineering Emmy Awards, as presented by the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences. On the official Xbox Wire blog, Microsoft revealed that its Xbox One console received the award, not because of any Halo show done in the past, but for the system’s “industry-leading television-on-demand and media center capabilities.” This covers features like OneGuide, which allows people to watch live TV while utilizing other apps and features, as well as all the other media apps the console offers -which are a lot.

In fact, Sling TV (yet another media service) is also coming to the Xbox One soon. For $20/month users will get a wide range of channels, video-on-demand, and internet video. Whatever criticism may be levelled against the Xbox One’s launch, it gives people a lot of media options.

It’s interesting that Microsoft would be praised for its media efforts, when both the company and Xbox One system were heavily criticized prior to launch for focusing too much on media instead of games. With regards to the award, however, the company stated that it was “proud to be awarded this honor.” One previously awarded to other notable technology companies like Apple, TiVo, Roku, and Sony.

While games may be the main driving force behind these current-gen systems, it’s hard to deny that Microsoft may have a good thing going with their media plans. And Sony is undoubtedly paying attention. Although, the company doesn’t need to compete for this particular award, seeing as how it’s already earned it in the past.

The Technology & Engineering Emmy Awards were held during the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) this year, where it’s been held for the last nine years. That said, how many of you were aware of the existence of the Emmy for Television Enhancement Devices before today?

Source: Xbox Wire

GR Pick [Video]: What If Skyrim Took Place in 2012?

GR Pick [Video]: What If Skyrim Took Place in 2012?

A botched job in Riften has left you with nothing but the clothes on your back and nary a gold coin in your pocket.

A botched job in Riften has left you with nothing but the clothes on your back and nary a gold coin in your pocket. In the world of– a land where talk of dragons reaches to every corner farming village and holdfast – those ill-equipped to defend themselves don’t have a  shot in Oblivion of seeing their next Hearth Fire.

So, of course there’s only one possible course of action: Fast travel to Whiterun and visit Belethor’s food mart, where his umpteenth great grandson Gregathor  just might have an extra Kevlar vest on sale. Oh, and on the way, perhaps you’ll want to rock out to some tunes on your iPear. Welcome to Skyrim in 2012, as envisioned by John and Justin Grosjean of Grosjean Brothers Productions.

Here, the shop that the late, great Belethor once founded still has a knack for hiring awkward store hands – and Gregathor himself proves that obnoxious swagger isn’t lost on generations. The video goes on to show its two broke protagonists as they attempt to rob an “NPC” for the gold to buy some armor. Unsurprisingly, things don’t go as planned, and we find out that in 2012, Skyrim justice is still best served on the end of a well-cast dragon shout.

Check out the full video below, and be sure to pay a visit to the GroBroPros YouTube channel. The two appear to be just getting started but have already produced a handful of awesome special effects-laden short videos.


While this surely won’t be the last modern day Skyrim parody for fans and the team at Bethesda to laught about, it sets the bar pretty high in just about all facets. However, it would be interesting to see different takes on how some of our contemporary crises panned out in the world of Skyrim – and if you look closely at the apparel Gregethor has for sale, it does appear that a mounting hipster threat is on the horizon. Better stock up some Potion of Resist Indie Rock.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is now available for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360.

Follow me on Twitter @ Brian_Sipple

Microsoft Apologizes For Not Paying Indie Devs On Time

Microsoft Apologizes For Not Paying Indie Devs On Time

At first it was the Xbox One’s parity clause that disgruntled devs.

Despite having shown off several indie games at Gamescom, including Woolfe: The Red Hood Diaries ,and, Microsoft does not have the best track record with independent game developers.

that disgruntled devs. The parity clause deemed that indie titles have to be published on Xbox One either before or at the same time as other platforms but for some developers this strategy just wasn’t possible. Meanwhile, confusion about the use of Xbox One retail models as dev kitsalso frustrated game makers who had expected to use retail units to cut down development costs.

But as indie developers have issues with Xbox One, indie devs on Xbox 360 also have cause to be upset. An error with Microsoft’s payment system means that payments to developers are almost a month late.

The problem, noted on Twitterby indie developer Ian Campbell (who made PC and Xbox 360 platformer Bleed ) suggested that Microsoft was late in paying Xbox Live Indie Games developers. According to another XBLIG developer, Freelance Games (who made adventurer game Trailer Park King ) Microsoft should have paid up within 45 days of the end of the third quarter. The third quarter of the year ended on September 30th and so at the very latest, Microsoft should have paid them by November 15th.

Xbox One Indie Publishing

Xbox One Indie Publishing

By December 3rd, several more developers had said that payments still hadn’t materialized. Microsoft has since confirmed the delay via the ID@Xbox Twitter, citing a “technical issue” in their payments system. Additionally, the company also stresses that this was “an unfortunate error” and that indie developers on Xbox One shouldn’t worry as it only affects Xbox 360 indie developers.

However, it’s being suggested that this is not the first time that Microsoft has delayed payment to XBLIG developers. Journalist Jimmy Page (who tweeted with both Ian Campbell and Freelance Games) questionedif this was Microsoft “doing their normal thing of “forgetting” to pay you” with Freelance Games asking Page to shed light on the situation.

Indie Games Winter Uprising Xbox Live

Indie Games Winter Uprising Xbox Live

While it doesn’t necessarily mean that Microsoft has been doing this on purpose, it does highlight another reason as to why indie devs are unhappy with the company. And, it’s worth noting, Microsoft has already announced plans to shut down XBLIGso this may just be a hiccup as they prepare to do so.

Enclosed is an official statement and apology from Microsoft on the Xbox Live Indie Games for Xbox 360 payment issue— ID@Xbox (@ID_Xbox) December 3, 2014

(Also, we just want to make clear this is not an issue for ID@Xbox developers on Xbox One!)

— ID@Xbox (@ID_Xbox) December 3, 2014

Payments are expected to reach XBLIG devs within the next two weeks though, so hopefully that should ease the tensions for a while.

Source: ID@Xbox

Let’s Play ‘The Expendabros’ – Broforce Meets ‘The Expendables 3’

Let’s Play ‘The Expendabros’ – Broforce Meets ‘The Expendables 3’

When we played Broforce earlier this year we labeled it as “one of the greatest homages to the brotastic action movies of the ’80s and ’90s that we’ve ever seen.” Developer Free Lives and publisher Devolver Digital either thought the same or totally read our preview because this week they released The Expendabros , a game that takes the successful and over-the-top violent fun of Broforce and meshes it with the upcoming film The Expendables 3 .

The Expendabros is entirely free, a standalone expansion of sorts to Broforce . No freemium nonsense. No in-game DLC purchases. It’s simple a smart marketing partnership blending the bro-tastic gameplay with the bro-tastic film releasing next week.

The game features the core cast of all three films with one of the new characters played by Wesley Snipes. The trailer down below will do a better job of introducing Sylvester Stallone’s Barney “Broney” Ross, Jason Statham’s Lee “Bro” Christmas, Arnold Schwarzenegger’s “Trent Broser” Trench, Dolph Lundgren’s Gunner “Broner” Jensen, Wesley Snipes’ Dr. “Brocter” Death, Randy Couture’s Toll “Broad” Road and Terry Crews’ Hale “Bro” Caesar.

With so many stars, some miss out, including series regular Jet Li and franchise newcomers Antonio Banderas, Kellan Lutz, Ronda Rousey, Harrison Ford, Kelsey Grammer and Victor Ortiz. Maybe in the next Broforce ?

As you can see in our quick playthrough of the first stages up top, each character has a unique primary weapon and secondary grenade/ability and players are forced to switch between characters as they rescue their teammates. As players rescue characters they not only earn extra lives for the stage they’re on, but also unlock additional characters until all of the above-listed mercenaries are acquired.

The Expendabros have assembled and set their sights on the forces of ruthless arms dealer Conrad Stonebanks in the forests of Eastern Europe. Battle in a flurry of bullets and non-stop action through ten full-throttle missions set amongst the picturesque tree tops and the absurdly dangerous lumber mills teeming with enemy soldiers, excessive artillery, and inconveniently placed circular saws. Rescue your brothers in arms and play as seven different legendary soldiers – each with their own unique weapons and special attacks – with up to four players at once in local multiplayer co-op mode.

The Expendables 3 Synopsis

In The Expendables 3, Barney (Stallone), Christmas (Statham) and the rest of the team come face-to-face with Conrad Stonebanks (Gibson), who years ago co-founded The Expendables with Barney. Stonebanks subsequently became a ruthless arms trader and someone who Barney was forced to kill. or so he thought. Stonebanks, who eluded death once before, now is making it his mission to end The Expendables — but Barney has other plans. Barney decides that he has to fight old blood with new blood, and brings in a new era of Expendables team members, recruiting individuals who are younger, faster and more tech-savvy. The latest mission becomes a clash of classic old-school style versus high-tech expertise in the Expendables’ most personal battle yet.

The Expendabros:

The game is quite simply fun and we only wish that we could play with friends online as well as local. This is one of those cases where a simple, yet great idea was realized in a way that’s awesome for gamers. Download the game free here.

The Expendabros is available right now on Steam for free but will only be there until December 31, 2014.

Follow Rob on Twitter @ rob_keyes.

Broforce’ First Impressions and Gameplay Video

Broforce’ First Impressions and Gameplay Video

‘Broforce’ First Impressions and Gameplay Video
Welcome to our regular gameplay impressions and video post where we record our first 10-30 minutes with a new game, and provide some general impressions on that early playthrough.

Welcome to our regular gameplay impressions and video post where we record our first 10-30 minutes with a new game, and provide some general impressions on that early playthrough. Today’s game is: Broforce from developer Free Lives Games.

At its most basic, Broforce is a pseudo 8-bit homage to the side-scrolling shooters of yesteryear, the Contras and the Metal Slugs of the arcade and early console generation. However, while many games take homage to a level of reverence, Broforce tips the scales more towards parody. And as a result it’s pretty fantastic.

See, as players venture through the various levels of Broforce ‘s campaign, turning baddies into piles of pixelated blood with bombastic explosions and gunfire, they will come across a series of prisoners in need of a little assistance. In an average title, rescuing these prisoners would net the player some form of power-up or a new weapon, but in Broforce rescuing prisoners is an essential part of the game.

By rescuing these prisoners the player unlocks new bro characters, all of which draw from the “brotastic” movies and TV shows of the ’80s and ’90s. For obvious copyright reasons these characters aren’t direct adaptations, but they come pretty close. The only key difference being that their names feature some riff on bro within them. We don’t want to spoil all of them since unlocking these new characters is part of Broforce ‘s main appeal but some favorites include Rambro, Brommando, and Bro in Black.

Broforce Gameplay Video - Bro Hard Character

Broforce Gameplay Video - Bro Hard Character

What’s more, each of these Broforce characters has a different skill set. Some are useful at range, some deal more damage to enemies, and others are just plain badass. However, what makes Broforce unique is that players never know what character they are unlocking; it’s all a mystery.

On the one hand, the randomness of the character unlocks ensures that players learn the strengths of every bro character, but it also forces them into some unfortunate situations. For example, MacBrover ( Broforce ‘s version of MacGyver) is useful for clearing out enemies but his attacks are fairly limited in terms of their range and accuracy.

All in all, though, it’s hard to be too critical of a game that really goes for it. From the destructible environments to the exaggerated enemies, bosses, and iconography, this is a game that, like many of Devolver Digital‘s releases, fully embraces its silly concept. And while the mechanics of Broforce might be simple and its gameplay does get repetitive, the need to see each new bro character will always push the player forward. Add in online multiplayer and this game could get a lot of action.

Broforce Gameplay Video and Impressions

Broforce Gameplay Video and Impressions

There’s also a lot of potential in the game’s campaign creation tools, which have already revealed some really clever ideas. For that matter, Free Lives promises that Broforce will only get better as time wears on and they continue to refine many of the game’s features.

Based on our early time with the game it seems like Broforce hits some high notes with its comedy, its character selection, and its destructible environments, enough to prop up the rest of the game’s somewhat generic mechanics. Like Goat Simulator , this is a game that many will fail to see the appeal of, but those who do will likely come away smiling and satisfied.

[NOTE: If you enjoy these gameplay videos please like and/or subscribe to our YouTube Channelto let us know you’re watching and you want more. We’ll keep making them if you keep watching them.]

What do you think of Broforce ? Does it look like a game for you? Let us know in the comments below.

Broforce is available now for $14.99 on Steam

Follow Anthony on Twitter @ANTaormina

El Gato GameCapture HD60 Review

El Gato GameCapture HD60 Review

If the recent $ 970 million sale of Twitch to Amazon has taught us anything it’s that there’s big money to be made in gameplay streaming.

has taught us anything it’s that there’s big money to be made in gameplay streaming. What was once an industry that required exceedingly expensive equipment and technological know-how is now as simple as a few button presses.

A major player in the consumer gameplay streaming and recording market has been El Gato, whose line of GameCapture products are at the forefront of the industry. Chances are most have heard of the El Gato GameCapture HD, and many can’t sing the device’s praises enough. But with the introduction of new consoles come new needs for gameplay streaming, and that’s where the El Gato GameCapture HD60 comes in.

As the name implies, the HD60 supports 1080p60 recording, a first for the El Gato line. That means any PC, PS4, or Xbox Onegame that outputs at 1080p60 can be recorded at that resolution and frame rate.

The device itself isn’t that much different from the GameCapture HD in terms of design – the HD60 is still a pocket-sized piece of tech – albeit this time the device trades the fingerprint prone shiny black finish for a standard matte black. It features the basic HDMI-in and HDMI-out ports as well as a USB 3.0 output for transferring video to a PC or Mac.

The Game Capture HD60 is also extremely easy to operate and requires very little from the user. El Gato has built their devices to be almost foolproof thanks to their streamlined GameCapture software. In fact, I might argue that the more significant release for El Gato this month is the 2.0 version of the GameCapture software, which boasts some fairly significant improvements.

The software has always been easy to use, but this 2.0 version features some really smart additions like flashback recording and basic overlays for text, images, or webcams. Where the GameCapture device took the idea of gameplay capture and streaming and made it easier, this 2.0 software makes delivering a professional presentation a cinch.

GameCapture Software

GameCapture Software

It’s worth mentioning, though, that the Game Capture 2.0 download is free to all El Gatoowners and is not unique to the HD 60. But as a longtime El Gato user, I found improvements like separating game audio and commentary onto two different tracks and the improved user interface a big step forward.

However, as a 1080p60 game capture device, the HD60 is still well ahead of the current technology curve. Yes, YouTubeis slowly introducing support for 1080p60, but most video players have yet to accommodate the higher frame rate. For that matter, most gamers won’t feel the need to record in 1080p60, unless the goal is to deliver a true representation of gameplay or to track a game’s frame rate.

1080p30 or even 720p30 will suit the average consumer just fine, and that’s the group that this device is mostly built for. As a result, if you already own a gameplay capture device capable of delivering a 1080p30 presentation, like an El Gato or some other type of HD PVR, then it might be better to wait until 60fps video becomes standardized.

Moreover, recording in 1080p60 can take quite a toll on both your hard drive space and your PC’s processor. At higher bit rates, for example, the HD60 will output video at 40Mbps, which can add up extremely fast. I also found that the device struggled to keep up when recording at max bit rate and resolution, resulting in an inconsistent video.


Interface: USB 2.0 Input: PlayStation 4, Xbox One & Xbox 360 (unencrypted HDMI) Output: HDMI (pass-through) Supported resolutions: 1080p60, 1080p30, 1080i, 720p60, 720p30, 576p, 576i, 480p Dimensions: 112 x 75 x 19 mm / 4.4 x 3 x 0.75 in Weight: 106 g / 3.7 oz Comes with: Elgato Game Capture HD60, USB cable, HDMI cable

While the HD60 may be a little ahead of its time it’s still, without question, a top tier option. If you’re the type of gamer who has been looking to get into recording Let’s Play videosor streaming gameplay, then you cannot go wrong with the El Gato GameCapture HD60: it’s reasonably priced and it’s easy to use. El Gato was already leading the pack in terms of consumer gameplay capture devices, but with the HD60 they’ve secured that lead for the foreseeable future.

Have you had a chance to check out the GameCapture HD60? Are you thinking about picking up or upgrading to the device?

The El Gato GameCapture HD60 is available now for $179.95.

Follow Anthony on Twitter @ANTaormina

Price and Details on Wii U GameCube Controller; Nintendo Still Pushing GamePad

Price and Details on Wii U GameCube Controller; Nintendo Still Pushing GamePad

Regarded as something of a failure relatively to the sales precedents set by Nintendo’s other consoles (the Virtual Boy an exception), the Nintendo GameCube actually has a lot in common with the company’s more recent Wii U .

. Both are faced with stiff competition against consoles that are regarded as better and stronger for ‘hardcore’ gamers, and both include unusual control schemes that might take a bit of getting used to. Despite some players finding the GameCube’s controller lacking since it didn’t feature dual analogue sticks like its competitors, it ultimately garnered cult status (like its odd three-pronged N64 predecessor did) that Nintendo would surely like the Wii U’s GamePad to achieve in the future. In fact, for the Nintendo purist, it’s very much considered the only way to play classic GameCube franchises so with Super Smash Bros. set to launch later this year Nintendo has announced a Wii U compatible GameCube controller to commemorate the game’s release.

Priced at $19.99, the GameCube controller adapter is the first (and cheapest) of Nintendo’s three compatible options and will presumably allow for the use of any dusty GameCube controllers that you already have lying around. Secondly, there’s the brand new $29.99 GameCube controller which will be branded with Super Smash Bros . markers “to honor devoted loyalty to a classic way to play,” according to Nintendo. Alternatively, dedicated Smash Bros. fans can get all three parts to the puzzle in a bundle of the GameCube controller, the adapter and a copy of Super Smash Bros. too (the game is currently the only announced title to work with the controller) for the price of $99.99.

Star Fox on Wii U

Star Fox on Wii U

However, despite Nintendo’s decision to bring back the GameCube’s controller, that doesn’t mean GamePad support is being reduced. In fact it’s quite the opposite with Nintendo game designer Shigeru Miyamoto announcing two GamePad enabled products (along with the newgame) at a pre-E3 event earlier this week.

The GamePad controls in Miyamoto’s new Star Fox are reportedly a bit fiddly to use and that has been an on-going gripe with the controller thus far, but since it provides a cockpit view of Fox ’s Arwing starfighter and allows players to use motion control to tilt, aim and shoot, it could actually be quite useful too. However, as the game is regarded as unpolished and far from finished, these things can be alleviated before the game’s release.

The first of Miyamoto’s other games, Project Giant Robot , is comical in nature as players take control of a painfully slow, customizable robot who is as tall as a skyscraper. The analogue sticks control the robot’s arms and tilting the GamePad moves its torso in that direction while the screen displays the view from the robot’s eyes, allowing players to shoot lasers and missiles at robot opponents or explosive objects in order to defeat them.

Project Guard screenshot Project Guard screenshotScreen shot from ‘Project Guard’

Project Guard , the final of Miyamoto’s GamePad projects is also robot related. Putting the player in charge of 12 security cameras and a base to defend from waves of robots which you can do by looking from GamePad to TV screen for oncoming threats to shoot at and thwart. Again, Project Guard ’s implementation of the GamePad does sound slightly uncomfortable and even Miyamoto himself says that the games “started off as an experiment” so they’re still very much works in progress. Works in progress aren’t going to sell the GamePad and its uses though, especially not when smartphones and their tilt-supporting accelerometers and touchscreens are already offering us gameplay akin to what the GamePad, in theory, could do. Neither are unfamiliar gameplay experiences such as encouraging backseat gamers ( Project Guard is said to work best when other players help you out) and consistently having to switch viewpoints between screens.

Miyamoto is one of the most well respected names in game development (he’s responsible for Donkey Kong , Super Mario Bros. and Wii Sports) but his next projects will certainly have to be some of his best if Nintendo want to prove that the GamePad is a worthy reason to shell out on the poorly selling Wii U. Super Smash Bros. on 3DS will arrive on the Nintendo 3DS on October 3, 2014, while the Wii U version will arrive in Winter 2014.

Sources: joystiq, Polygon

Unreal Tournament’ Development Begins Now With Your Help

Unreal Tournament’ Development Begins Now With Your Help

‘Unreal Tournament’ Development Begins Now With Your Help
As promised, Epic Games provided Unreal Tournamen t fans with the first news regarding the future of their favorite franchise.

t fans with the first news regarding the future of their favorite franchise. Late last week, the publisher/developer teased an announcement was on the horizon, and today we know what exactly that is.

However, while in most cases a game announcement comes a few months, or even years, into development, Epic Games revealed that not a single minute as been spent on Unreal Tournament development. In fact, development on the future entry in the franchise starts today.

It’s important that Epic Games be transparent about when development starts because they want to do things a little differently with this next Unreal Tournament . Instead of a product developed solely by Epic, and then released out to the public, the developer wants to make the game with fans.

See, while Epic may be doing a lot of the heavy lifting, they want the development process on UT to be a collaborative one. They will be sharing information and progress on forums, livestreaming regular updates on their Twitchchannel, and even releasing all code and content to Unreal Engine 4developers on GitHub.

What’s more, Epic plans to make Unreal Tournament a completely free game — not free-to-play, just free. That means whenever the game reaches a playable state — they suspect that will take “many months” — it will be available to the public.

That being said, Epic does plan on creating a marketplace for developers to sell mods and additional content. Epic will then take a cut of those earnings, and that will, in essence, be their revenue stream.

Unreal Tournament Coming Back

Unreal Tournament Coming Back

It’s obviously a lot to take in, but the good news is that a new Unreal Tournament is on the way, and it won’t cost gamers a single cent to play. Some of the more exciting add-ons and mods will presumably retail for at least a few bucks, but even then, those items are purely optional and not part of the core experience.

Going for a collaborative approachto game development seems like a smart move on Epic Games’ part, as Unreal Tournament is very much a fan-driven franchise. It’s unclear how much input fans will have on the development of the game, but the fact that Epic Games is releasing all of their code to the public speaks volumes. This is clearly a game that they want to get right, while also trying something new for game development.

Again, development begins today so we wouldn’t expect too much from the game just yet, but the forums should start booming with content soon. This is relatively uncharted territory so we’re eager to see how things work out.

What do you think of Epic Games’ approach to the next Unreal Tournament ? What do you like about it? What do you think might not work?

Source: Epic Games

Crystal Dynamics: Relationship With Lara Croft Will Evolve in ‘Tomb Raider’

Crystal Dynamics: Relationship With Lara Croft Will Evolve in ‘Tomb Raider’

It’s been a controversial week for Crystal Dynamics’ upcoming Tomb Raider reboot – after one of the developers implied that there’s an attempted rape scene in the highly anticipated game.

in the highly anticipated game. The game makers have since refuted the claim, asserting there is no attempted rape scene – since, even in a mature narrative, that kind of story beat would still hit too close to home for some players.

However, that doesn’t mean that Lara Croft won’t face a number of grueling and difficult to watch physical and emotional challenges – a set-up that could, as events unfold, cause players to identify differently with the character over time.

According to a recent interview with, one of the developers at Crystal Dynamicshinted at the approach the team is taking to a female-driven adventure grounded in a mature, and at times gut wrenching, character journey.

According to Brian Horton, Tomb Raider art director:

We’re making a game about someone who is inexperienced and who has to learn how to become a hero […] Now, the fact that she is a woman is not lost on us, and that’s an important part of the dynamic of it being Tomb Raider, but it’s not our primary concern to distinguish that she is a woman. We are playing up the fact that she is human and believable […] So far the reaction has been very positive from the people who have seen the game, they’re starting to care for her and I don’t think they’re as eager to objectify her, in fact I think they want to protect her.

It’s an especially interesting reaction – especially after the alleged rape comment caused a major stir for one 2013’s most anticipated titles. Crystal Dynamics’ approach to the character had, ever since the original announcement, been major source of encouragement for fans of the franchise – since Lara Croft is one of gaming’s most iconic characters (but has rarely been explored with a truly compelling character story) – and it’s good to hear that players have reason to be hopeful (even if the E3 gameplay reveal was mostly style over substance).

Tomb Raider Captured Screenshot

Tomb Raider Captured Screenshot

Horton, as well as the rest of the Tomb Raider team, is hoping that players connect with Lara in ways that might have previously been hard to imagine (especially back in the days when “nude code” rumorswere all the rage):

I feel like some of those players might actually evolve their perspective. They might look at it in the beginning and say ‘I’m protecting her,’ but as they grow with her, become closer to her, they’d start to think ‘I am her’ giving them the fantasy and fulfilment of being Lara Croft.

It’ll be especially interesting to see if Crystal Dynamics can successfully create an environment where this kind of player/character evolution is possible – but there’s no doubt that the downright brutal events depicted in this year’s E3 Tomb Raider teasewill go a long way in helping inform a more mature connection. Much like the footage presented for Sony’s, some developers seem to finally be in a position to ground violence in a meaningful (and evocative) context – not just to appeal to the blood and guts crowd.

For more on Tomb Raider , check out our E3 demo impressions.

Follow me on Twitter @ benkendrickfor further updates on Tomb Raider as well as other movie, TV, and gaming news.

Tomb Raider is set to release March 5th, 2013 for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and the PC.

Source: EDGE

Conan O’Brien Plays ‘Hitman: Absolution’

Conan O’Brien Plays ‘Hitman: Absolution’

We know what you’re thinking: sure, Hitman: Absolution will be bringing new levels of stealth and story to Agent 47’s beloved franchise.

will be bringing new levels of stealth and story to Agent 47’s beloved franchise. And yes, you can easily find out what any number of gaming aficionados think of the game from hands-on experience. But what about those who aren’t familiar with the ins and outs of professional hitmannery?

Will Absolution strike a chord with those somewhat averse to stealth gameplay? What about a player who doesn’t even enjoy playing video games of any type? Now what if that player is late night host Conan O’Brien? That’s what we thought.

In the latest edition of O’Brien’s ‘Clueless Gamer’ segment, he tasks himself with playing through a portion of IO Interactive‘s latest Hitman adventure without any previous experience, or interest. It might not be exactly what IO meant when they said they hoped Absolution would appeal to a broader audience, but it makes for a gameplay demonstration that’s entertaining in a completely unexpected way.

Stumbling awkwardly in front of and up against patrolling guards certainly doesn’t showcase the tension possible in the most challenging levels, but it does prove that players will absolutely have their choice of how to eliminate their targets– as awkwardly as they’d like, it seems.

Conan OBrien Plays Hitman Absolution

Conan OBrien Plays Hitman Absolution

Jokes aside, it is refreshing for experienced gamers to gain a little perspective on their habits. It would be possible to get too absorbed into the world of professional contract killing to realize that a video game actually lets players turn a hula girl statue into a deadly weapon. Or grasp the implications of a hitman who compulsively fills up dumpsters with his victims (although we now know how many Law & Order opening scenes have Agent 47’s fingerprints all over them).

If nothing else, the video helps show why Absolution ‘s director Tore Blystad was so shocked when people were offended by the inclusion of a band of dominatrix assassins disguised as nuns. We’re not saying people overreacted, but when seen through the eyes of someone whose career is built on not taking things too seriously, the entire debate seems a bit silly.

We’re not looking to reignite the flame war, but O’Brien makes one thing clear: there’s no issue so big it can’t be solved by a pun.

Hitman: Absolution releases November 20, 2012 for the PS3, Xbox 360, and PC.

Follow me on Twitter @ andrew_dyce.

First ‘Tomb Raider’ Web Documentary Focuses on Camilla Luddington

First ‘Tomb Raider’ Web Documentary Focuses on Camilla Luddington

Crystal Dynamics and Geoff Keighley are teaming up for a new installment of Keighley’s “interactive journalism series,” The Final Hours , focused on next year’s Tomb Raider .

. Like the game itself, The Final Hours of Tomb Raider is set to debut next March. In the meantime, a “documentary web series ” hosted by Chuck star/ Spike VGAshost Zachary Levi, will take players inside the game’s development.

The inaugural effort, titled Final Hours Episode 1: An Icon Reborn , is viewable at the top of this page.

Opening in Crystal Dynamics‘ Redwood City offices (which, sadly, showcase nary a shred of Gex memorabilia) before moving on to the Digital Domain motion capture studios in Los Angeles, Final Hours Episode 1: An Icon Reborn focuses primarily on Camilla Luddington, the English-born actress who portrays young Lara Croft in. Luddington and Levi discuss Lara’s iconic status, and the pressures associated with the role. Along the way, Luddington reveals that, thanks to the game, her childhood archery lessons have, at long last, come in handy.

In addition to the interview segments, An Icon Reborn includes some brief glimpses of Tomb Raider in action — and one glimpse has significantly more impact than the rest. Luddington is shown, apparently for the first time, the sequence in which Lara first kills a man. While that part of the game was covered in Tomb Raider’s brutal E3 2012 trailer, that footage cut away from the moment of carnage. Not so this time. Between Tomb Raider and, 2013 should have plenty to offer in the “shooting peoples’ faces off” department. (After outlining the difference between Tomb Raider and Uncharted , will Crystal Dynamics have to defend against The Last of Us comparisons, too?)

The Final Hours of Tomb Raider joins previous installments focused on(available here) and(available here). As with those projects, The Final Hours of Tomb Raider will be made available on iPad and PC. It’ll also be the first Final Hours project to appear on Amazon’s Kindle Fire. Keighley describes why Tomb Raider is such a good fit for the series.

“The Final Hours series documents the creative process behind today’s most anticipated games, with a particular focus on the final stretch of development. In the case of TOMB RAIDER I’m especially excited because, at its heart, this is a tale about the act of reinvention, both of a studio and of a franchise.”

An undisclosed number of Levi-hosted web shorts remain to tide us over until Tomb Raider and The Final Hours of Tomb Raider arrive next March (the next covers the writers who crafted Lara’s origin story). We’ll call that one hour down, 5,843 to go.

Ranters, are you looking forward to Tomb Raider ? What do you think of these behind-the-scenes documentaries — would you like to see more games chronicled like this? Let us know in the comments below.

Tomb Raider releases March 5, 2013, for Xbox 360, PS3 and PC.

The Final Hours of Tomb Raider releases March, 2013, for iPad, PC and Kindle Fire.

Follow me on Twitter @ HakenGaken.

Source: Joystiq

Tomb Raider’ Walkthrough Shows Traversal & Hunting

Tomb Raider’ Walkthrough Shows Traversal & Hunting

‘Tomb Raider’ Walkthrough Shows Traversal & Hunting
As we inch closer and closer to Lara Croft’s coming out party with the release of Tomb Raider in 2013, the developers are starting to give a more complete idea of what kind of gameplay awaits players.

in 2013, the developers are starting to give a more complete idea of what kind of gameplay awaits players. At PAX Prime 2012this week, Crystal Dynamicsshowed off an extended section of gameplay that had previously only been visible behind closed doors.

A blend of story, cinematics, traversal, and hunting of wild animals is the content of the walkthrough, providing varying insights into the larger game. There are few surprises, since the demo was covered after Comic-Con, but actual footage speaks volumes.

It truly is difficult to judge just how Tomb Raider will be received, since the gameplay featured (courtesy of GamesRadar ) seems to be both embracing what made previous titles so beloved in the eyes of fans, while also taking strong influence from modern franchises. The similarities to Uncharted have been citedfrom day one, but at this point most games have taken bits and pieces of that formula and made them very much their own, so there’s no reason to think that Crystal Dynamics can’t do the same.

The section of gameplay being demonstrated presumably takes place shortly after the extended E3 trailer, judging by the amount of damage and filth Lara seems to have accrued. If one thing’s clear it’s that the developers are so far showing only the extremely early stages of the game, which may be wise in the long run, but will be difficult to maintain for long.

What’s been shown to date is extremely linear (given the tutorial nature, that’s to be expected) and directed, which in itself is not a problem. But with the developers boasting “organic, natural and diverse gameplay,”it won’t be long before fans start asking for video footage of that type of gameplay, as opposed to the first few missions. We’re not meaning to be negative, but in the days of Skyrim and Red Dead Redemption , claiming to have animals in your game brings some serious expectations.

What stands out in the gameplay is the portion of traversal challenging Lara to climb across a derelict airplane, mainly for its ability to show how Tomb Raider will be similar to Uncharted , and how it will not be. While the traversal is done well, and looks beautiful in action, it’s worth asking if simply climbing across an object in a prescribed path is what gamers are satisfied with these days.

Uncharted threw explosions, environmental hazards, and grand, cinematic twists that made even straightforward traversal appear to have depth, so hopefully Tomb Raider will as well. Crystal Dynamics has certainly found an actress capable of – and extremely devoted to – breathing a new type of personalityinto Lara Croft. Hopefully the larger gameplay will impress just as much.

Tomb Raider releases March 5, 2013, for Xbox 360, PS3 and PC.

Follow me on Twitter @ andrew_dyce.

Tomb Raider’ Achievements & Trophy List; Online Multiplayer Required

Tomb Raider’ Achievements & Trophy List; Online Multiplayer Required

‘Tomb Raider’ Achievements & Trophy List; Online Multiplayer Required
One of the most-anticipated titles of 2013, Crystal Dynamics’ Tomb Raider reboot promises a more grounded and emotional look at the video game starlet, Lara Croft.

reboot promises a more grounded and emotional look at the video game starlet, Lara Croft. Last year, the developer teased that a player’s relationship with the iconic characterwould evolve throughout the latest Tomb Raider entry – giving gamers hope that the prequel title would, above all else, feature a thrilling and evocative storyline.

Now, with the release of a complete list of in-game achievements and trophies, we’re also finding out that Crystal Dynamicsintends to place a heavy emphasis on multiplayer – possibly as an escape from that “mature” and “emotionally challenging” single player story.

Tomb Raider multiplayerwas unveiled just before the new year – to a mostly mixed response from gamers. While some players appreciate the added replay value, others have touted the industry’s flagship anti-multiplayer argument – i.e. that development dollars and resources should have been spent on as much single player content as possible.

Tomb Raider Multiplayer Combat

Tomb Raider Multiplayer Combat

However, the complete Tomb Raider achievement and trophy lists makes it very clear that Crystal Dynamics intends to make multiplayer a major element of their game package (and, likely, post-release add-ons). Especially since the list of single player challenges is easily some of the most generic set of achievements in recent memory – relying heavily on collectibles, purchased upgrades (skills and mods), as well as weapon-specific kills.

Check out the full list below (with accompanying gamerscore points) courtesy of: Bookworm (10 points)  – 25% of all documents found. Historian (15 points) – 75% of all documents found. Relic Hunter (10 points) – 25% of all relics collected. Archaeologist (15 points) – 75% of all relics collected. Looking for Trouble (10 points) – 25% of all GPS caches found. Bag Full O’ Cache (15 points) – 75% of all GPS caches found. No Stone Left Unturned (50 points) – All documents, relics, and GPS caches found. Scrounger (20 points) – 5000 pieces of salvage collected. Picky (15 points) – 200 enemies looted. Clever Girl (25 points) – Purchased all skills in one category. Lethal (50 points) – Purchased all skills in all categories. Now We’re Getting Serious (25 points) – One weapon fully modded and completely upgraded. The Professional (50 points) – All weapons fully modded and completely upgraded. Big Game Hunter (15 points) – 10 large animals killed and looted. Tastes Like Chicken! (15 points) – 10 small animals killed and looted. Feather Duster (15 points) – 10 flying animals killed and looted. Sharp Shooter (15 points) – 50 headshot kills performed in the single player campaign. Predator (10 points) – 50 enemies killed with the bow. Equalizer (10 points) – 75 enemies killed with the rifle. Widowmaker (10 points) – 40 enemies killed with the shotgun. Gunslinger (10 points) – 35 enemies killed with the pistol. Epic Fumble (15 points) – Forced an enemy to drop dynamite that killed two people. Get Over Here! (20 points) – 5 enemies rope pulled off edges. Opportunist (15 points) – 25 unaware enemies killed. Down and Dirty (15 points) – 15 finishers performed. Deadeye (20 points) – 10 enemies shot off zip lines. Former Adventurer (20 points) – 25 enemies incapacitated with dodge counter. One Smart Cookie (20 points) – One optional tomb completed. Intellectually Superior (50 points) – All optional tombs completed. Unfinished Business (20 points) – One challenge completed. Inconceivable! (50 points) – All challenges complete. A Survivor Is Born (75 points) – Game completed. Adventurer (20 points) – Played a match to completion in all multiplayer modes. Artilleryman (20 points) – 20 enemy players killed with a turret in multiplayer. Down Boy! (10 points) – Zip-lining enemy killed in multiplayer. Entrapment (10 points) – Trapped an enemy in multiplayer. Escapist (20 points) – Survived 10 explosions in multiplayer. Good Samaritan (10 points) – Revived a teammate in a multiplayer match. I’m all that! (25 points) – Won a ranked match in every multiplayer mode. Sole Survivor (15 points) – Sole survivor on your multiplayer team. Lights Out (15 points) – 10 multiplayer enemies killed with the melee attack. Master Blaster (20 points) – Two multiplayer enemies killed with one explosive. Monkey Around (15 points) – Survived 3 times in multiplayer by using the rope ascender. Narcissistic (10 points) – New character purchased. On My Way Up (10 points) – Multiplayer level 10 attained. Shopaholic (20 points) – Purchased all upgrades and characters in multiplayer. True Commitment (30 points) – Multiplayer level 60 attained.

Secret Achievements Secret Achievement (10 points) – Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement. Secret Achievement (5 points) – Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement. Secret Achievement (5 points) – Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.

Tomb Raider has already drawn numerous comparisons to Naughty Dog’s Sony exclusive Uncharted franchise – no surprise considering Nathan Drake was, at first, considered by many gamers to be a Lara Croft knockoff. Still, Uncharted multiplayerdefinitely seems like a fitting blueprint for what fans can expect from Crystal Dynamics in the online arena. Villages and jungled arenas along with vertical traversal and quick-moving characterscould make for a unique multiplayer offering that will appeal (for a time) to certain gamers. Still, when Naughty Dog planned out their in-game trophy lists, multiplayer challenges were mostly an afterthought and it’s surprising that Crystal Dynamics has placed such a heavy emphasis on the mode for Tomb Raider – most notably the ” True Commitment” achievement which challenges players to reach level 60 (likely the maximum rank) in multiplayer.

Tomb Raider Multiplayer Characters

Tomb Raider Multiplayer Characters

While players may have previously complained about BioWare’s co-operative horde mode in Mass Effect 3 , the majority of the respective in-game challenges could still be acquired in single player– which took a bit of heat off of the newly-created multiplayer experience. The sheer amount of multiplayer-only achievements in Tomb Raider casts a bright spotlight on an entirely untested multiplayer offering – meaning that the final product had better deliver. Otherwise, the game’s biggest fans (the ones who are most likely to aim for “True Commitment”) might ultimately be put-off in their quest to level 60.

It’s a lesson that rival publisher EA learned the hard way with– and one reason why the Dead Space 3 achievement list(not to mention the game itself) does not feature competitive multiplayer.

Follow me on Twitter @ benkendrick.

Tomb Raider releases March 5, 2013, for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360.

Source: Xbox 360 Achievements[via VG247]

Crystal Dynamics: ‘Tomb Raider’ Does Not Contain An Attempted-Rape Scene

Crystal Dynamics: ‘Tomb Raider’ Does Not Contain An Attempted-Rape Scene

The trail of fanboy anticipation left behind by E3 2012 was palpable, with many games garnering huge support from players eager to see what developers have in the works – for not only current gen consoles, but those yet to be announced.

Tomb Raider Controversial Scene

Tomb Raider Controversial Scene

was palpable, with many games garnering huge support from players eager to see what developers have in the works – for not only current gen consoles, but those yet to be announced. Theprequel was certainly among the top presentations at the XBox conference (not to mention our favorite titles at E3), breathing new life into what was arguably a declining brand. Unfortunately, however, with all of the good press surrounding Crystal Dynamics‘ upcoming hit, there was bound to be some negative attention.

A few days ago,posted an article including a statement from game producer Ron Rosenberg that details the struggle of the iconic protagonist and femme fatale, Lara Croft. One thing led to another, and a slip of the tongue on Rosenberg’s part put “attempted rape” on the list of challenges Lara is to face in the prequel. His wording — specifically the part about Lara needing to be protected, as opposed to kicking ass — sent players into a flurry of angry rants about the game’s content, which is still almost a year from release

Studio head Darrell Gallagher has since come out to make clear Crystal Dynamics’ intentions with the beloved character’s backstory – which thankfully does not include such a graphic sequence. It is arguably too close to a reality that people use video games to escape from, however briefly. Despite Gallagher dispelling some of the confusion surrounding Lara’s character, Rosenberg’s words still linger with many female gamers. Plenty are concerned with how, “you start to root for her in a way that you might not root for a male character,” and what that entails.

Tomb Raider Screenshot 2

Tomb Raider Screenshot 2

It has certainly been an emotionally-charged week between E3 and now, but it shows how much love fans have for the games and characters they care about.

For more on Tomb Raider, check out our E3 demo previewas well as the latest trailer for the game.

Ranters, are you relieved that Lara’s character will not be subject to even more sexualization than it has been, or do you think society is ready and mature enough to take on such controversial material in video games?

Tomb Raider is set to release March 5th, 2013 for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3and the PC.

Follow me on Twitter @ superkyol.

Source: CVG

Sequel to ‘Tomb Raider’ Reboot Already Planned

Sequel to ‘Tomb Raider’ Reboot Already Planned

While the game is still eight months away from release, developer Crystal Dynamics has confirmed that there will indeed be at least one sequel to the upcoming Tomb Raider reboot.

reboot. Banking on the fame of lead character Lara Croft (now voiced by Camilla Luddington) and the new story behind her origin, Crystal Dynamics evidently believes that the soon to be revived series will bring enough to the table to become a popular franchise once again.

The newis a reboot that focuses on a much younger, less inexperienced and more vulnerable Lara Croft, and her transformation into an adventuring heroine. The Global Brand Director for Crystal Dynamics, Karl Stewart, commented tothat he and the team at Crystal Dynamics believe that the person Lara Croft becomesby the end of Tomb Raider will have a strong enough character to continue driving the franchise forward.

“You have to look at the future, you have to look at where… It’s not just one game. At the end of this game we want her to be that strong female character that is willing to go and seek out mysteries and seek out tombs. She’s going to be going to plenty of tombs in this game, but we’re going to have somebody who wants to go on that adventure, who wants to be the person that she now is. That’s the goal.”

Though Stewart does know which direction the franchise is headed in the future, any hope that he would reveal more about the Tomb Raider sequel was quickly shot down.

“I don’t want to say anymore on it because I’ll have the game director of the next game going ‘what the f**k are you saying!?”

Rebooting a franchise with a history as storied as Tomb Raider ‘s takes a lot of guts; thinking that reboot will have enough impact to warrant a sequel requires even more. When the reboot is finally released, there will have been 11 Tomb Raider games published to date.

The first games in the series were critically and publicly lauded upon release, and really helped to bring about the 3D revolution in gaming. Unfortunately, the series suffered from some shoddy sequels that caused popularity to decline until Crystal Dynamics took the franchise over. Despite the fact that the Tomb Raider games developed by Crystal Dynamics (as collected in) were much more enjoyable than the last few titles handled by series-creator Core Design, they never reached the levels of sales or mainstream relevance seen by the earliest Tomb Raider entries.

Ranters, will this Tomb Raider reboot bring the series back to mainstream relevance once again, or has Lara Croft looted the tomb one too many times?

Tomb Raider releases March 5, 2013, for the PS3, Xbox 360, and PC.

Source: VideoGamer

LEGO Batman 3’ Adds Batman ’66 Voiced by Adam West

LEGO Batman 3’ Adds Batman ’66 Voiced by Adam West

‘LEGO Batman 3’ Adds Batman ’66 Voiced by Adam West
While DC Comics fans all have their favorite iterations of Batman throughout the ages, there exist a few beloved versions that will always hold a special place in fans’ hearts.

LEGO Batman 3 Comic Con Panel

LEGO Batman 3 Comic Con Panel

throughout the ages, there exist a few beloved versions that will always hold a special place in fans’ hearts. For example, Adam West’s ’60s Batman has stood the test of time, partly because that character is so markedly different from all other iterations and partly because West is such a likeable actor. And that iteration has seen a new renaissance thanks to the recent Batman ’66 run of comics.

Hoping to capitalize on that newfound (or rekindled) fandom for Batman ’66, LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham has added the classic Batman incarnation into their upcoming game. What’s more, Warner Broshas secured Adam West as the voice of Batman ’66, ensuring that this will be the purest version possible.

At Comic-Con 2014, we went hands-on with LEGO Batman 3 to see how Traveller’s Tales Games is expanding arguably their strongest franchise-within-a-franchise. Granted, Batman ’66 won’t be a key portion of the game, but he will have a special bonus episode dedicated specifically to his character.

We only saw Batman ’66 for a brief time during our demo, but fans should know that TT Gameshas not missed a beat when adapting the character. Everything from the “Thwack” and “Bop” text that appears any time Batman strikes an enemy to that classic ’60s score — it’s all there.

It’s strange how much freedom Traveller’s Tales appears to have within the DC universe, more so than those companies working in film or TV. Securing Batman ’66 and getting Adam West to voice him, and having that fit completely within the tone of the game, is no easy feat, but the developers seem to have nailed it. That being said, TT Games has a great respect for every property they work with, and so they’d rather not play too fast and loose with these characters. In other words, don’t expect any type of crazy alternate universe storylines a la Injustice: Gods Among Us.

Moreover, putting Batman ’66 in the game and having Adam West voice him not only proves that the LEGO Batman franchise knows exactly what it wants to do, but shows that they have a fondness for the whole breadth of DC’s library. Just a quick perusal of the game’s roster of over 150 characters (we only saw about 30), which includes Krypto the Super Dog and Bat Cow, should tell you that. And if the full game is anything like the brief gameplay demo and panel presentation we saw (more on that later), then DC Comics fans will absolutely love this game.

How do you feel about Batman ’66 joining The LEGO Batman 3 roster? Are there any really obscure DC characters you’d like to see in the game?

LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham releases this fall for current-gen, last-gen, and handhelds.

Follow Anthony on Twitter @ANTaormina

Lara Croft Descends Through 11 Minutes of ‘Tomb Raider’ Gameplay

Lara Croft Descends Through 11 Minutes of ‘Tomb Raider’ Gameplay

She might not possess the arsenal (or syringe supply) of Far Cry 3’s Jason Brody , but Lara Croft will have to mold herself into every bit the warrior if she wants to survive her adrift-on-a-remote-Pacific-island-that’s-actually-a-pirate/mercenary-sanctuary misadventure in the upcoming Tomb Raider .

Square Enixand Crystal Dynamicshave released an 11-minute walkthrough for the game chronicling one of Lara’s missions — a perilous mountainside descent as she scrambles to rescue one of her friends — and it gives us an operative glimpse at the combat choices, enemy encounters and environmental rigors players will be facing over the course of the action.

Narrated by Tomb Raider Creative Director Noah Hughes, the walkthrough delves deeply into Tomb Raider’s navigation mechanics and its multifarious combat structure. Utilizing the game’s auto-cover system, Lara’s dexterity and the branching pathways of each environment, it’s clear that many scenes will allow for getting the drop on unsuspecting enemies. Provided they don’t rush into combat (always a viable option, though, according to Hughes), opportunistic players can use these moments for tailoring their approach — finding the right vantage point, striking at the right moment, shooting out an oil lamp conveniently placed on a munitions box, you get the idea.

Reconciling these mechanics with enemy AI could prove vital to the strength of Tomb Raider’s gameplay. Hughes mentions on several occasions how Lara’s cunning — her ability to “create chaos” through intuition and destruction — can throw adversaries into disarray. And while we see our foes adapt adroitly in some instances (running to cover, creating their own cover, flushing Lara out of cover with a Molotov cocktail) we also see them fail farcically in an another (running blindly into barrels as Lara picks them off one-by-one with a shotgun).

Gameplay aside, the eleven minutes also illustrates the underlying grimness of Tomb Raider’s narrative. Crystal Dynamics has been advancing the concept of Lara Croft’s death-defying crucible ever since revealing its revamped, roughened protagonist in December of 2010, and the macabre motifs are on full display here: corpses hanged, piled and strewn about courtesy of the island’s merciless mercenaries; Lara’s deteriorating physical state — even an ill-fated water-stream ride culminating in the kind of lurid impalement we’d expect to see in Dead Space 3 (then again, Crystal Dynamics is collaborating with Dead Space series composer Jason Graves for the musical score).

In less than a month we’ll discover how Lara escapes her terrifying predicament, and it’s bound to prove as formative for the future of the Tomb Raider franchiseas it will for her.

Tomb Raider releases March 5, 2013, for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360.

For another in-depth look at the game, check out our hands-on previews from E3 2012and Comic-Con 2012.

Follow Brian on Twitter @ Brian_Sipple.

LEGO Batman 3’ Adds Stephen Amell and Kevin Smith

LEGO Batman 3’ Adds Stephen Amell and Kevin Smith

‘LEGO Batman 3’ Adds Stephen Amell and Kevin Smith
With a cast that includes such obscure characters as Bat Cow and Krypto the Super Dog, LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham is already looking like a DC fans’ dream.

is already looking like a DC fans’ dream. However, publisher Warner Bros.and developer Traveller’s Tales continue to surprise us with new character announcements left and right, many of which seem perfectly suited for this exciting game.

Just today, for example, LEGO Batman 3 added several new characters into its fold. Popular film director and noted comic writer/fan Kevin Smith has been added to the cast, alongside an iteration of Green Arrow voiced by actor Stephen Amell. Amell is, of course, the actor who plays the character in the CW show Arrow .

In addition to the Smith and Amell announcement, Warner Bros. also confirmed a version of Bruce Wayne (voiced by Troy Baker) as well as DC Comicswriter Geoff Johns are in the game. Check out each new LEGO Batman 3 character below:

Obviously, most of these characters will be of the unlockable variety and not part of the core LEGO Batman 3 story. In that story, for those who are curious, Batman and Robin are called up to the Watchtower to investigate an interstellar disturbance, one that seems to involve a few of the Lantern planets like Oa and Odym. The villainous Braniacalso appears to be involved in some capacity, but LEGOfans will have to wait until the final game to discover how.

Overall, it appears LEGO Batman 3 packs a substantial trove of content into its retail package. So much so that Warner Bros. has decided to bring DLC and a Season Passto the series for the first time. And that DLC looks might intriguing in its own right, especially the opportunity to play as Batman Beyond.

Other character additions of note include Gorilla Grodd, Black Manta, and even Batman ’66 voiced by none other than Adam West. It really is a DC fans’ dream.

Also, if there are any gamers planning on attending New York Comic Con next week, the LEGO Batman 3 panel will feature appearances by Stephen Amell, Troy Baker, Geoff Johns, and Kevin Smith. It takes place October 11th at 12pm.

What do you think of the latest additions to the LEGO Batman 3 cast? Who else would you like to see join the fold?

LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham releases November 11, 2014 for PC, PS3, PS4, Wii U, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.

Follow Anthony on Twitter @ANTaormina

Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham’ Release Date & Box Art Revealed

Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham’ Release Date & Box Art Revealed

‘Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham’ Release Date & Box Art Revealed
It’s not easy to maintain a sense of newness and wonder for properties that release on an almost yearly cycle.

It’s not easy to maintain a sense of newness and wonder for properties that release on an almost yearly cycle. Innovation at the early stages eventually gives way to minute changes. This is where the LEGO series of games continues to go strong. While the changes between titles are not earth-shattering, each subsequent title does enough new for the franchise to pull gamers back for another go. The latest title – LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham – looks like it will be continuing that trend.

Whereas past LEGO titles have remained close to subject matter that would be familiar to most audiences, Traveller’s Tales’latest outing looks to be one of their biggest and most interesting departures yet.takes everyone’s favorite caped crusader and a massive cast of DC alumni, and fires them into the depths of space. Luckily, gamers won’t have to wait much longer for its release, as the game has been confirmed for a November 11, 2014 release in North America.

As if the inclusion of Adam West’s Batman ’66and the reveal of Blue Lantern planet Odymweren’t enough to get DC die-hards excited for this upcoming title, Warner Bros. Interactivehas also presented gamers with their first look at the game’s box art.

While the title focuses on Gotham’s own Dark Knight, it’s more clear than ever that this is going to be a group affair. From the Justice Leagueto villains like Braniac and Cheetah, Traveller’s Tales seems to be drawing from all corners of the DC universe like they did for LEGO Marvel Super Heroes . Considering that game’s success at bringing together so many diverse characters in a meaningful way (check out our review), one can hope that LEGO Batman 3 will find similar success.

It’s not likely that this latest LEGO outing will reinvent the wheel but as has been proven year after year, reinvention is not exactly necessary. Traveller’s Tales has shown great skill in grounding their many LEGO properties in worlds that feel truly unique. This will undoubtedly help when the game launches in the midst of the deluge of other high-profile releases this November.

Do you think LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham will find the same success that its Marvel counterpart did? What characters from the depths of the DC universe would you like to see represented in this title?

Follow Ryan on Twitter @ ThatRyanB.

Green Arrow Revealed for ‘Injustice: Gods Among Us’; New Trailer Released

Green Arrow Revealed for ‘Injustice: Gods Among Us’; New Trailer Released

As our friends at Screen Rant have been covering all year, this Wednesday, October 10, marks the North American debut of Arrow on The CW.

on The CW. The hotly anticipated show, which captivated critics at this years Comic-Con, appears set to give the DC Comics superhero Green Arrow his best shot yet at pop-culture predominance.

And where some see a resurgence, Warner Brotherssees a renaissance. No doubt capitalizing on The Emerald Archer’s attention spree of late, the interactive wing of the company has released concept art and a brand new trailer revealing Green Arrow as playable character in the upcoming DC Universe brawler Injustice: Gods Among Us.

First announced by, Green Arrow becomes the tenth member of a cast that, to date, also includes Batman, Catwoman, Cyorg, Flash, Harley Quinn, Nightwing, Solomon Grundy, Superman, and Wonder Woman. We previewed Injustic e at this year’s E3and praised NetherRealm Studios‘ detailed, edgy character designs, and it appears that Green Arrow falls into the same class: Robin Hood-esque, sure, but also debonair, deadly, gritty, and lithe for the frenetic action the Mortal Kombat developer hopes to deliver.

Likely, Green Arrow’s presence was a synergistic mandate for developer NetherRealm Studios, assuming WB’s confidence in the hero’s marketability after Season 1 of Arrow . Nevertheless, our Andrew Dyce outlined this June why the hero would be an asset for Injustice , citing his potential for ranged attacks and deadly hand-to-hand bow strikes. The trailer above seems to suggest NetherRealm was thinking along the same lines, and also paints Green Arrow as nimble “ gadget character” with at least one insane environmental execution move.

Green Arrow Injustice Character

Green Arrow Injustice Character

From audio designto art styleto dynamic interaction with settings, much of what’s already known about Injustice: Gods Among Us has DC fans – and anyone partial to the fighting genre– anticipating its release in April of 2013. We counted over 20 available character slots during our time with the game – Green Arrow certainly won’t be the last reveal – and it will be interesting to see how all of DC’s superheroes and villains compare once the full roster becomes available.

Ranters, Green Arrow is one of the 25 Characters we think deserve to be in Injustice – but there are plenty more to choose from. Who do you think Warner Bros and NetherRealm should decide to reveal next? And how well have they assimilated the vaunted Green Arrow?

Injustice: Gods Among Us releases in April 2013 for the PS3, Xbox 360, and Wii U.

Follow me on Twitter @ Brian_Sipple.

Source: Entertainment Weekly

First Footage from Cliff Bleszinski’s New Game Debuts

First Footage from Cliff Bleszinski’s New Game Debuts

When Cliff Bleszinski announced his departure from Epic Games few expected the prolific Gears of Wars creator would stay away from games for long.

creator would stay away from games for long. Sure, Cliffy B had earned a brief respite from games development, but someone as talented as this was unlikely to call it quits altogether.

Instead, most expected that Bleszinski would cut out on his own with a new studio, a new project, and a new team. Those assumptions soon came to fruition when Cliff Bleszinski announced Boss Key Productionsand Project BlueStreak .

While little was known at the time, Project BlueStreak intrigued for no other reason than its ties to Bleszinski. Conservative estimates and knowledge of Bleszinski’s history with genre pegged the game as a shooter, and eventually Boss Key confirmed those assumptions as well. Project BlueStreak will be a PC-focused free-to-play arena shooter, not unlike Unreal Tournament . However, without seeing Project BlueStreak in action there were still a lot of questions – questions that Bleszinski hoped to answer soon.

The latest phase of Project BlueStreak’s slow burn reveal took place at PAX East over the weekend, where the above footage made its official debut. It’s obviously a small tease for the game, but at the very least the pre-Alpha Project BlueStreak footage gives gamers a sense of the game’s tone and visual style. No gameplay unfortunately.

Cliffy B New Game Footage

Cliffy B New Game Footage

Visually, Project BlueStreak looks quite striking, with obvious Asian influences and splashes of sci-fi. As expected, the game makes great use of Unreal Engine 4, ensuring that textures pop and lighting is crisp. Cliffy B may no longer be at Epic Games, but there was little chance he wasn’t going to use UE 4.

Although the tease is nice we would have loved to get a closer look at those weapons, but for now the brief hallway pan will have to suffice. We’d expect that the guy responsible for combining chainsaw and machine gunwould have some new tricks up his sleeve, but those answers are likely being saved for a later date.

We also still don’t know an official title for Project BlueStreak . The code name gives BossKey the freedom to show off their new project while they secure trademarks and such, but eventually we’re going to be referring to this game by another name. According to Bleszinski that announcement should be coming soon.

What do you think of this pre-Alpha footage for Project BlueStreak ? Do you like the look of the game?

Source: Boss Key Productions

Cliff Bleszinski Done With Disc-Based Games, Targeting PC for Next Project

Cliff Bleszinski Done With Disc-Based Games, Targeting PC for Next Project

When Cliff Bleszinski announced his imminent departure from Epic Games , many figured the former Design Director had a new project or studio already brewing.

, many figured the former Design Director had a new project or studio already brewing. As it turns out, however, Bleszinski was instead ready to take some time off from games, and enjoy life for a little bit before jumping back into the daily grind.

Now, Bleszinski is, little by little, teasing his latest endeavor, focusing mostly on grand ideas without giving too much away. But, in a recent interview, Bleszinski revealed where he expects he’ll end up, and what types of games he’d like to make.

In an interview with Gamasutra , Bleszinski shares a lot of his history as a developer, specifically his work on the hugely popular Gears of War franchise. As Bleszinski reveals, Gears of War was not originally envisioned as the dude-bro shooter that it became. Rather, the team at Epic Gameshoped to craft something akin to Band of Brothers , only with giant lizard men.

However, things didn’t work out as planned, but Gears of War still went on to become a massive hit. And the emotionally resonant stuff still shines through, just not on the level that Epic Games might have been hoping for.

That isn’t to say Bleszinski left Epic for those reasons, only to shed some light on his original vision for the game. Now, that vision has changed, as has the games industry as a whole, but Bleszinski is prepared to respond that change.

Gears of War Judgment Intro Cinematic

Gears of War Judgment Intro Cinematic

For starters, Bleszinski is ready to embrace the YouTube and Let’s Play generation. He believes that the most successful titles are those with strong communities, who share experiences through all forms of social media. Games like Rust , for example, where the discovery and the sharing of ideas are equally as, if not more fun, than the actual playing of the game.

“Your game is as good as how many YouTube videos it can yield. My wife and I are totally hooked on Rust right now. It’s not about the ‘new user experience’; in these games the new user experience is utter shit, and it’s okay. There are two lessons people have not learned from Minecraft : Get the game out there and build it. Some kid will put out a video. Players will teach each other. You don’t need the ‘press A to jump.'”

The former Design Director also greatly doubts that he’ll work on any platform besides the PC. He wouldn’t rule out the Xbox Oneor PS4, mind you, but cites the success and growth of indie titles as a key appeal of that platform.

“PC is where I’m going to wind up. That’s where the community is. The trend will always be the core. If I start a studio, I want a community manager there day one. I want weekly video or podcasts; I want task lists available on the subreddit.

And finally, no more discs for Cliff Bleszinski. The dev says that he will never work on a disc-based game again, further proof that the PCis his preferred platform.

Strangely, Bleszinski’s comments about the games industry’s future, and how it factors into his plans, mirror those of Irrational Games’ Ken Levine, who today announced that developer Irrational Games will be winding downconsiderably. Both Bleszinski and Levine can clearly see the writing is on the wall, more so than those who are in front of the curtain, and are willing to adapt as a result.

What do you make of Cliff Bleszinski’s approach to his future project? What type of game would you like to see him make?

Source: Gamasutra

Amazon Announces Fire TV Set-Top Box and Gaming Console; Available Now for $99

Amazon Announces Fire TV Set-Top Box and Gaming Console; Available Now for $99

After months of speculation, Amazon has finally unveiled their long-rumored set-top box/game console.

has finally unveiled their long-rumored set-top box/game console. Dubbed the Amazon Fire TV, the ultra slick, all black device will reportedly fit a wide variety of needs, but it is being positioned as a set-top box/streaming competitor first and foremost.

The Fire TV is available for purchase starting today and it retails for $99. The device boasts a quad core processor and 2 GB RAM — far more computing power than the average set top box ( Apple TV, Roku, etc) — which should help set itself apart from the pack. What’s more, the device offers a unique voice search feature through its remote with which users can easily switch between apps and services.

Speaking of those services, the Fire TV will hit all the important notes; that is, it will offer Amazon Instant Video, Netflix, Hulu Plus, and MLB.TV, as well as a few unique apps like Twitch. Again, Fire TV isn’t supposed to offer something wholly different, but its faster processor and more RAM should help make all of these apps a little snappier.

Here are the official specs for the Fire TV: CPU: 1.7 GHz quad-core Qualcomm Krait 300 RAM: 2 GB Internal Storage: 8 GB GPU: Qualcomm Adreno 320 Bual-band wireless radio Resolution: 720p, 1080p 802.11a/b/g/n Wi-Fi

But, of course, the big point of interest for us is Fire TV’s gaming services. We’ve heard for quite some time that Amazon was looking to break into gaming, but now that the device is out in the open it appears that they have a very particular goal in mind.

See, while the Fire TV will support games, Amazon sees it as a device for casual gamers (i.e. mobile users) who do not currently have an option to game on their TV. That becomes more readily apparent when you consider that the Fire TV is Androidbased and doesn’t actually ship with a game controller.

The Fire TV game controller is the same design that leakedearlier this year – with the media control options across the bottom and familiar offset joysticks – and still calls to mind the OnLive controller in terms of form factor. However, this game controller will require an additional $39.99 purchase. It does come with 1,000 Amazon Coins — the company’s virtual currency — and an exclusive first person shooter/tower defense game called Sev Zero , but those who want the device for gaming will actually end up paying about $140.

While it might seem like Amazon is starting small, with only a handful of games currently available for the Fire TV ( Minecraft: Pocket Edition , Asphalt 8: Airbone, Monsters University), it seems like they are actually setting the stage for what could be an exciting future. In fact, Amazon has been quietly solidifying their games division with the recent acquisition of Killer Instinct developer Double Helix, and now Kim Swift ( Portal ) and Clint Hocking ( Far Cry 2 ) have joined their team. Needless to say, the future for Fire TV’s games division could be very bright.

What do you think of the Fire TV? Were you hoping for something a little more gaming focused? Will you buy one?

Source: Amazon

Twitch CEO Talks Amazon Sale; Says Very Little Will Change

Twitch CEO Talks Amazon Sale; Says Very Little Will Change

Although prior rumors had suggested that Google/YoutTube might purchase popular streaming service Twitch for $1 billion, no such deal actually took place.

popular streaming service Twitch for $1 billion, no such deal actually took place. Instead it was online retailer Amazon who stood up to the plate and acquired Twitchfor a final sum of $970 million.

Shortly after news of the acquisition broke, many gamers began to speculate as to how Twitch might change post-sale. But rather than let those gamers’ imaginations run wild for too long, AmazonVice President of Games Mike Frazzini and Twitch CEO Emmett Shear came forward to answer just a few questions.

First and foremost, Twitch and Amazon want gamers to know that there will be no drastic changes in the short term. In fact, the acquisition will actually “help Twitch do what [they’re] doing today, only faster.”

Shear also wanted to stress that he will continue as head of the streaming service. Some had thought that the sale might lead to an outright takeover by Amazon, but as Shear explains in a town hall discussion Monday afternoon, that is not the case.

Rather, Shear believes that the deal will give Twitchunfettered access to Amazon’s relationships and infrastructure while still operating independently. More specifically, this will allow Twitch to “improve quality of service.”

Amazon Acquires Twitch For 970 Million

Amazon Acquires Twitch For 970 Million

How exactly that might come about, however, isn’t entirely clear just yet. There was talk of potentially adding an Amazon affiliates tie-in to Twitch and even offering special features to Prime members, but nothing is set in stone. For now, Twitch users should expect business as usual from their streaming service.

Well, business as usual except for the recent copyright crackdownon unlicensed audio and limitations on archived videos, which Shear says was not influenced by the upcoming sale. It turns out that Amazon had no idea that Twitch was about to change their policies. And apparently the negative reception the change drew did not scare them away either.

“In the case of the audio recognition change, no. Amazon was surprised by that. We might have made some mistakes on release, but it was something that had to be done for the good of the community and the long term health of the platform. Amazon didn’t even know of that.”

While Twitch has drawn a fair amount of criticism as of late, it sounds like the Amazon acquisition could help boosts the service’s appeal in the long run. There’s obviously no telling whether Amazon will change Twitch for the better or the worse, but Shear believes his company will improve under the online retailer’s watch. We’ll see whether that holds true in six months time.

Do you think Amazon buying Twitch will be a good thing in the long run? How do you see Amazon changing Twitch?

Source: Game Informer

Follow Anthony on Twitter @ANTaormina

Double Fine Says Traditional Game Reviews Are ‘Obsolete’

Double Fine Says Traditional Game Reviews Are ‘Obsolete’

Back in the pre-Internet age, there were only two ways to know if a game was worth buying: play the game yourself (either via rental or at a friend’s house), or read the reviews in gaming magazines.

Back in the pre-Internet age, there were only two ways to know if a game was worth buying: play the game yourself (either via rental or at a friend’s house), or read the reviews in gaming magazines. As a resut, many players spent hours poring over the pages of GamePro and, squinting at grainy screenshots and memorizing (often incorrect) details about the most-anticipated games.

Now, consumers have a myriad of ways to learn about upcoming games. New trailerscome out almost every day. Twitchand YouTubestreams showcase games in action. Console gamers can download demos of new and upcoming titles. There are so many more ways to learn about what to buy (and what to avoid), it raises a question: are traditional press reviews obsolete?

Justin Bailey, COO of Double Fine, certainly thinks so. As reported by, Bailey told a group at the Montreal International Games Summit that press reviews and review-aggregator sites like Metacritic “[don’t] really matter, as far as the sales of the game”:

“I think who’s looking at the gaming press are for the most part other developers. And so it seems important to other developers. I’m just not certain how many gamers are going to the press. It seems they’re being siphoned off into Let’s Play and other avenues.”

Bailey didn’t dismiss the importance of the media entirely, and noted that news outlets — particularly mainstream publications like USA Today and Forbes — were a huge help in raising awareness about Double Fine’s record-setting Kickstarter campaign. However, Bailey argued that promotions like Steam free weekends or Let’s Play videosare far better than reviews at actually driving sales.

For the past few years, many publishers have tied developers’ bonusesto their games’ Metacritic scores. If what Bailey’s saying is true, then not only do these “incentives” not help sales, but many hard working men and women are losing money for essentially no reason. In some ways, it’s easy to see where Bailey’s coming from. The traditional review format is a relic from a time when details were harder to come by. Interested consumers have access to more information than ever before, and press reviews are only one part of a much bigger picture.

But a well-written reviewis more than just a score; it’s a chance to engage with a product, and foster the type of discussion that moves a medium forward. Film critics like Roger Ebert and Pauline Kael aren’t revered because they offered reliable recommendations, but because they made the audience think about the movies they were watching.

Calling press reviews “obsolete” seems short-sighted. There’s no doubt that the gaming landscape is changing; maybe it’s simply time for game reviews (and the expectations placed upon them) to evolve as well.


Here’s How To Use Twitch on Xbox One

Here’s How To Use Twitch on Xbox One

There was a time when capturing your favorite games on camera required some real dedication.

There was a time when capturing your favorite games on camera required some real dedication. You’d pony up for an expensive capture card — plug it all in, and then set to filling your entire hard drive with hours upon hours of delicious content. Not so with the latest generation of home consoles — as both the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 launched with video sharing capabilitiesright out of the box.

As any ‘Let’s Play’ aficionado will tell you, these features are only as good as their eventual destination, be that YouTube, Dailymotion or even Youku. Sadly, none of the above are all that capable when it comes to live streaming, an omission that leaves the likes of Twitch .com in a commanding position. Having already debuted on PS4, the video airing service is now available on Xbox One, as part of a system-wide update launched earlier today.

Introducing users to the newly integrated service, Microsoft’s Major Nelson took to YouTube this Sunday, broadcasting a brief how-to guide to Twitch. The video, available above, reminds gamers to sign up for a free Twitch account, before re-jigging their privacy settings to allow for gameplay broadcasts. Nelson then goes to detail some of the options available to eager streamers, including manual bit rate tweaks, various viewing modes, and a social suite that alerts players to friend’s live feeds.

Twitch on Xbox One

Twitch on Xbox One

Given the range of issues typically associated with software launches– particularly those relying upon massed server strength— it’ll be interesting to see just how well the Twitch service handles early demand. As Nelson notes in the above video, the Xbox team worked hard to bring Twitch integration to the console in time for Titanfall , a major IP that’s sure to attract thousands, if not millions of active livestreamers.

With so much expectation surrounding the title there’s never been a better time to release a service like this, though the opposite also holds true — if gamers run into widespread problems, both Twitch and Microsoft could receive a black eye. For more on Twitch, including its recent successes with the Pokemon brand, check out our Twitch news page.

How will Twitch integration change the way you play? Does the current system require any minor tweaks or adjustments? How do these social features stack up against those of Microsoft’s major rivals? Let us know in the comments below, and be sure to check in with all of the latest Xbox One news, right here on Game Rant.

Twitch integration will arrive as part of the latest Xbox One update, available for download today.

Follow Sam on Twitter @ GamingGoo.

Source: Major Nelson

Twitch Aims To Get Transparent With Ads & Sponsorships

Twitch Aims To Get Transparent With Ads & Sponsorships

Bought by Amazon earlier this year for almost $1 billion, it would be an understatement to say that video streaming site Twitch is a big deal.

is a big deal. Primarily used for gamers and game industry figures to showcase or talk about the games that they’re playing, Twitch is so popular that in March of this year it accounted for1.35% of all North American bandwidth usage.

But the road to that billion dollar buyout wasn’t without its stumbles. Just a few months ago Twitch instated a new audio policyin which archived streams featuring unauthorized music would be muted for half an hour, while the ‘Save Forever’ archiving option was cut down to just ‘Save for Two Weeks’.

Although this disgruntled users, Twitch made the move to deter lawsuits and cut server costs (according to them, most archived content is never viewed again) and remove two thorns from their side in the process. But now, with the announcement that they’ll be more transparent with ad campaigns, both Twitch and its users may have found a policy change to agree on.

Twitch Sponsored Channel

Twitch Sponsored Channel

Twitch has altered its policy to explain that “Twitch driven campaigns” will now be labelled more clearly. The platform is already used for advertising in which companies can have “Influencers” (popular streaming figures) talk about or play their games and under the previous policy it was up to the individual to disclose that but this just makes this clearer.

Twitch wants “complete transparency and unwavering authenticity with all content and promotions that have a sponsor relationship” and they’re going to achieve this by labeling promotional content appropriately. Both sponsored channels and sponsored content featured in the Twitch newsletter will be labelled which will surely go a long way to avoiding any confusion about who is working with advertisers or not.

Furthermore, Twitch says that “when part of a sponsored campaign, the relevant Twitter update will be clearly identified with appropriate “Brought to you by” language, or amended with ^SP, to denote a “sponsored tweet” and this is already being rolled out on their Twitter (as demonstrated here).

Twitch Sponsored Newsletter

Twitch Sponsored Newsletter

Where the problems may come in however, is that as explained, this is only relevant for “Twitch driven campaigns”. This means that deals that have been cut without Twitch and have instead been put together directly by the advertiser and the streamer won’t fall under this new policy, nor will they have access to those swish, easy to identify banners.

Unfortunately this means that the onus will remain on the individual streamer to disclose promotional content – something which doesn’t always happen. Allowing streamers with non-Twitch driven campaigns to use those sponsored content banners would certainly be a good next step for the service, especially if they want to avoid advertiser/influencer nastiness as demonstrated by the Steam Curators feature.

However Twitch did note that streamers are legally required to disclose this information under FTC rulingso for now this will have to do.

Source: Twitch

