Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 Will Have Mod Tools on PC

Activision and Treyarch reveal that mod tools are coming to the PC version of Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 at some point in 2016, with a closed alpha planned for March.

Despite not being held in very high regard by many in the gaming community, Activision seems like they’re starting to listen to what players want from their flagship Call of Duty franchise. This was apparent when Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 featured an extensive multiplayer betafor the first time since World at War launched in 2008, and it’s apparent yet again with the announcement of an often-requested feature coming to the PC version of the game.

Beginning in 2016, PC players will be able to create mods for. This feature will begin as a closed alpha in March, with players able to create their own multiplayer maps and game modes. Additionally, players will have the option to host the content they create on their own dedicated servers.

Once the closed alpha concludes, the feature will enter open beta, allowing players to share their creations with other PC Black Ops 3 players the world over. The timeline is subject to change, but for now, this is what Activision and Treyarch are planning.

While it wasn’t explicitly stated if it’s coming one way or another, it would be nice if mod tools were made available for the Shadows of Evil Zombies modeas well. While Treyarch has proved more than capable of creating engrossing experiences with Zombies in the past, just imagine what creations the community can dream up when given the opportunity.

Call of Duty Black Ops 3 Zombies screenshot

Call of Duty Black Ops 3 Zombies screenshot

Furthermore, with Fallout 4 PC mods coming to console, there’s a chance that the PC mods created for Black Ops 3 could come to consoles as well. This would give the game significantly more value for players on all platforms, and with PlayStation receiving official Black Ops 3 DLC first, access to mods could help tide over dedicated Call of Duty fans on Xbox.

By giving players access to mod tools in Black Ops 3 , Activision is blowing the doors wide open for a near-endless stream of content and support for the game. The modding community has proven to be extremely creative in the past, and it will be very exciting to see what sort of maps and unique game modes they are able to cook up for Black Ops 3 next year.

Has the addition of mod tools for the PC version of Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 convinced you to buy the game? Do you hope to see the mods come to consoles in the future as well? Get at us about PC mods for Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 in the comments below.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 will be available on November 6th for PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.

Source: Game Informer