Does Destiny: The Taken King Feature A Saturn Story Mission?

Since Destiny ‘s release, Bungie’s popular online action-RPG has taken the gaming world by storm.

‘s release, Bungie’s popular online action-RPG has taken the gaming world by storm. Like most games, Destiny has its flaws, but with more than 20 million registered players around the globe dedicating countless hours of their existence exploring the game’s futuristic versions of our solar system’s planets, it’s obvious that the multiplayer shooter has a strong following. Furthermore, with a slew of content already at fans’ fingertips, the highly anticipated Destiny expansion pack DLC entitledis set to arrive in September to sate the needs of Guardians hungry for a fresh adventure.

When The Taken King ‘s reveal trailerwas shown during Sony’s E3 2015 press conference, fans were treated to a scant bit of specifics regarding the expansion pack. However, Bungie further elucidated upon the content after the convention with a rather lengthy video documentary that divulged details about the DLC’s villain, the ancient hive king Oryx, the new sub-classesbeing introduced, and the mission on Phobos.

Nevertheless, such a bevy of information has only given Destiny fans license to speculate on what else could be included in The Taken King. In fact, no matter how much official information Bungie releases, the game’s Reddit community will often take the news and spiral out with its own conjecture and theories with varying degrees of success. Bearing that in mind, user and Destiny forum subscriber “thelegendblue” has recently posted a screenshot of text to the site that is purportedly the DLC’s private test build level for a story mission on Saturn.

Destiny Taken King Saturn Story

Destiny Taken King Saturn Story

According to “thelegendblue”, the picture has been acquired due to an alleged friendship with Bungie developers, but after disclosing info of what the company’s working on, it’s hard to say whether or not the relationship between both parties will continue. Notwithstanding, at least the PSN player tag has been blocked out in the photo so as to save a certain Bungie employee some grief when higher-ups no doubt catch wind of the leak.

Regardless, the inclusion of a quest on Saturn seems a bit far-fetched, even for a game that typically plays it fast and loose with its science fiction elements. For instance, the ringed planet in question is made entirely of gas, so it would be pretty preposterous for a Guardian to actually set foot on it. However, this doesn’t exclude the chance that the undeveloped mission could be set on one of Saturn’s many moons, or where the Dreadnaught ship is docked.

At any rate, with no actual confirmation on either Activision’s or Bungie’s part, the news lacks official credibility. Although, some leaks revealing gameplay detailsabout The Taken King have led to being proven as true, so almost anything is possible at this point.

Destiny ‘s The Taken King expansion pack will be released on September 15, 2015.

Source: Reddit