Good Old Games PR Argues DRM May Cause Piracy

Good Old Games PR Argues DRM May Cause Piracy

Good Old Games’ PR and marketing manager, Lukasz Kukawski, argued DRM may actually cause piracy.

Good Old Games’ PR and marketing manager, Lukasz Kukawski, argued DRM may actually cause piracy. He also made it clear that DRM’s effectiveness as a piracy deterrent is none or close to none. While Kukawski admitted his view is not popular in the gaming industry, he stated that in his opinion, DRM drives people to pirate games rather than prevent them from doing it.

Good Old Games seems to support Kukawski’s view though, so it is not as if he is just making wild comments. The games available on Good Old Games are all DRM-free and— from Good Old Games parent company CD Projekt— will also be DRM-free. That certainly seems like an example of CD Projekt putting their money where Kukawski’s mouth is, so to speak.

Kukawski argued DRM can lead people to piracy because forcing gamers to pay full price for a game that then requires installing malware, or staying online all the time, and crashes every time the connection goes down, to play a game makes pirating a game seem like a good idea. He also stated how he knows some gamers that will purchase a copy of the game but then still download a cracked version so they can play it without all the DRM.

In regards to DRM’s effectiveness, Kukawski supported his position by stating that highly anticipated titles are often leaked before they’re released. Accordingly, they can be downloaded DRM-free before the game even comes out. Kukawski argues then that how could including DRM on the release version of the game prevent piracy in any way.

Just because Kukawski believes DRM is not the answer, does not mean he supports piracy. It is actually just the opposite. He views piracy as evil and that pirating a game, movie, or song is stealing something from people that put a lot of hard work into something made for your enjoyment. In addition to stealing, Kukawski argues that is just disrespectful.

Kukawski’s views on DRM and piracyare not exactly new but it is also hard to see just how the business of games would work if all games were DRM-free. It certainly seems like a lot more people illegally download songs, TV shows, and movies than gamesand that’s because it is a lot easier to do. The media is easier to find and most people can play the content with software they already have. Pirating games with DRM seems to require a little more work. But then again, if there are leaked versions of the game out there without DRM, maybe Kukawski has a point.

I personally am not sure if DRM is necessarily the problem and if it leads people to piracy. I think poor DRM systems might but just because no one has found a good way to protect digital files and media doesn’t mean it cannot be done. If there were a way for developers and publishers to guarantee that people who did not have a legitimate right to play their game could not play, but that those who did could easily and conveniently play it without any problems or glitches, wouldn’t that make sense?

What are your thoughts? Do you agree with Kukawski? Do you think The Witcher 2 will be pirated more than other games because it is coming out DRM-free or do you think it will sell better because of the decision? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Follow Game Rant on Twitter @ GameRant

Source: bitGAMER

10 Fun Ways to Stop Video Game Piracy

10 Fun Ways to Stop Video Game Piracy

Piracy is one of the scourges of the entertainment industry.

Piracy is one of the scourges of the entertainment industry. It has touched the music, film and television sectors and is only getting worse, especially in the video games industry. Video games have been up on the “I-Want” list for decades, and some have resorted to desperate measures to get their hands on the newest games, and apart from a massive subpoena, the end of video game piracy is seemingly only as possible as having a pet dinosaur. However, game developers are fighting back, but not always in the best way. So, we’ve listed 10 innovative ways to prevent video game piracy.

Rocksteady Studios releasedin August (360/PS3) and September (PC) of 2009, and the game was lauded as the best comic book adaptation released ever . Obviously, the game was a huge target for video game pirates, but Rocksteady was ready for them: in the Windows version of the game, a bug of sorts was implemented into the programming to subtly alter the pirates’ gameplay experience, by removing the ability to use the gliding feature, a necessary gameplay element as players can only progress by using said ability.

Rocksteady isn’t the first developer to utilize this sort of clever tactic. Electronic Arts used an interesting method with Westwood’s Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 where as time went on, a player with a pirated copy of the game would see their troops in battle progressively lose attack power and accuracy.

These are just some examples of innovate in-game piracy prevention that does not harm the legitimate player’s gaming experience like some of that pesky, invasive DRM. Presented to you now is Game Rant’s Ten Piracy Preventatives We’d Love to See Implemented . But please note, we’re not condoning you or anyone to pirate games just to test anything, nor are we condoning piracy of any kind. It’s illegal, you’re hurting a business and the employees of said business.

Now for the fun stuff!

Duke Nukem Forever Piracy

Duke Nukem Forever Piracy

10.) Duke Nukem Forever : Biting the Hand That… Triggers?

So here’s the deal: You’ve got that nice rifle in your hand. You’ve got it centered on that little guy’s head. You’re ready to fire, and POOF – your big, big gun is flipped in your hand, and your head is across the screen. Imagine not being able to use any weapon, without it turning on you. Sure, it’d be amusing at first, but the novelty would wear off, and that pirated game wouldn’t be as much fun when you’re actually wanting to progress further.

9.) The Sims (or any God-like game): Spare Change?

You’ve just downloaded. You’re ready for the God experience. You’ve installed the game and you boot it up. Running gorgeously on your machine, the game is everything you were expecting, and you’re ready to make your first family. As you finish up creating them, you go to build them a house in the neighborhood, and when you go to build something, you find your “Build” tab isn’t there. You look around, looking to see if EA moved it, or if it looks different. No, it’s gone. While some play The Sims for fun, others use is as a virtual getaway from real life. Now, anyone who has played The Sims knows that in order to have a toilet, you need a wall. Right there is a prime example of bothering a pirate: no toilets.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt’ Makes Fun of DRM Copy Protection

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt’ Makes Fun of DRM Copy Protection

‘The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt’ Makes Fun of DRM Copy Protection
Digital rights management copy protection, otherwise known as DRM, is often considered the bane of gamers everywhere.

Digital rights management copy protection, otherwise known as DRM, is often considered the bane of gamers everywhere. While its intention to prevent digital piratesfrom sharing unauthorized (and usually free) copies of games is a noble cause, it rarely lives up to its intentions.

Instead, DRM generally creates a headache for gamers who actually purchased the games, forcing them to prove their game is a valid copy by requiring an always-on internet connectionor through other irritating methods, and yet pirates are almost always able to crack the game anyway. While some game developers insist upon including DRM with their games, others are choosing not to and one has now even gone so far as to make fun of developers who use DRM.

CD Projekt Red, the developer behind The Witcher series, has previously made it clear that they’re not fans of DRM themselves. Their latest game, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt , drives this point home even further with a tongue-in-cheek easter egg that makes fun of DRM. The easter egg is a book in, entitled “Gottfried’s Omni-opening Grimoire”. The book’s description describes a system called “Defensive Regulatory Magicon”, or DRM, which describes a nearly impassable magical security system. However, the book itself claims to be the key to defeating the defensive regulatory magicon, offering multiple ways to deactivate or bypass it.

The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt DRM GOG Book

The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt DRM GOG Book

The book’s name is itself a pun, using the same acronym as CD Projket Red’s DRM-free game platform, GOG Galaxy. GOG Galaxy is the newest version of Good Old Games, a service which offered older computer games without DRM, and now offers modern games without DRM. While other companies have previously buckled to the anti-DRM sentiment, like Microsoft scrapping plans to use DRM on Xbox One, CD Projekt Red is clearly taking every opportunity to prove that they’re on the side of the gamers.

It’s understandable that game developers and publishers want to be paid for the years of work that go into a game release. Even so, DRM usually just frustrates gamers who actually paid for their games, and pirates inevitably find ways to bypass the DRM and release pirated copies. Any gamer that’s been through a DRM-induced headache probably already appreciated CD Projekt Red’scommitment to not using DRM in its games, and this amusing easter egg is probably making them even happier.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is out now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

Source: Kotaku

Braid Gets a PC Retail Box

Braid Gets a PC Retail Box

If you’re in the US, and a fan of quirky, unique games – try not to get too excited.

The Xbox Live Arcade bestselling gameis set to have a boxed PC release thanks to casual game publisher MumboJumbo , who currently cater to a wide number of retail outlets across the states.

Mark Cottam, CEO of MumboJumbo , was excited to include the popular time-bending game into their lineup:

“Braid is a really exceptional game that is highly polished and fits in well with our premium casual games lineup for 2010. We’re excited to bring Braid to the retail market, and we feel that MumboJumbo can really help round out the game’s reach.”

The game isn’t new to PC: It’s been available to purchase online for both Windows and Mac since April and May respectively, but this is the first time a boxed, fully packaged version of the game will grace store shelves in the US.

Braid is a 60 level game where you lead a character through a series of puzzles and challenges by literally warping time, whether to solve puzzles, simply backtrack, as well as undo events that led to your death! The game has a solid rap sheet already, garnering highly positive reviews – 90%+ from most major reviewers (and quite a few GameRanters are fans too). As a result, the title should fair well in the Casual PC Market.

However, there’s no word of any international boxed versions of the game. If the boxed US release fairs well, it can be expected that going international would be strongly considered.

What do you think of Braid ? Will you pick it up for PC or do you already own it on an Xbox 360 or PS3?

Source: Casual Gaming

Braid’ Developer Frustrated with Xbox Live Arcade

Braid’ Developer Frustrated with Xbox Live Arcade

‘Braid’ Developer Frustrated with Xbox Live Arcade
The Indie Game circuit is exploding exponentially right now – and doesn’t seem like it’s going to slow down any time soon.

Steam and iOS devices grant indie developers the chance to showcase their wares via digital distribution, not to mention publishers like Sony investing in indie development, it’s becoming increasingly easy for smalltime developers to get their games noticed alongside the AAA titles from bigger studios – or is it?

One of those big names, Microsoft, has come a long way in giving “the little guy” a share of the spotlight, with programs like the Summer of Arcadebringing in records-shattering sales for the Xbox Live. While everything on the consumer side seems rainbows and unicorns, it seems that behind the scenes it’s a little bit more complicated.

had a chance to talk to indie developer, Jonathon Blow, creator ofas well as the upcoming title, The Witness . To hear him tell it, trying to get a finished product incorporated into the XBLA ranks is harder than the game development process itself. Blow was honest in his assessment of Microsoft, admitting that while his upcoming title The Witness took a $2 million budget (paltry compared to AAA-title games), he doesn’t need to rely on Microsoft:

“There’s no need to [sign a platform-exclusive contract]. If the goal is to make that $2 million, not only is that kind of a safe target, but because the game’s 3D and whatnot, I’m pretty sure we could make that back just off Steam and the iPad safely.”

Though where his future titles may end up is another matter, as Microsoft’s exclusivity is known for being especially strict. Blow admits that Microsoft exclusivity is “getting softer,” with shorter timeframes between when a game launches on XBLA and can appear on other platforms such as the PC (or even the PS3).

Even if it’s getting better, the issue apparently lands on Microsoft’s end – where meeting the appropriate certifications per title and breaking thorough the layers of contractual red tape creates the real challenge:

“I can live a comfortable life, and just put my game on Steam without that much of a hassle, or I can have the XBLA business people dick me around and give me asshole contracts that I need to spend three months negotiating back to somewhere reasonable, that they knew, and then have all these arguments with them and go through this horrible cert process. It’s like, at some point, the question ‘Why should I do that?’ arises.”

Braid Sets the Indie standard

Braid Sets the Indie standard

Ultimately, it comes down to the audience: where Steam and iOS may have the larger and easier market, developing for the XBL has a wider venue of consumers and gamers willing to purchase and play. That’s the true goal for any indie developer: max playability.

Blow is still unsure – even with the rise of indie games and the changes Microsoft has implemented — of what the future may hold with the company. To grow means that one has to change, but it seems harder for companies like Microsoft:

“I don’t know how much longer that that can go without something changing. I don’t know. Maybe quite a long time, knowing the abilities of these companies.”

Given the state of the indie scene and the extreme growth and creativity that has come out the industry, do you feel like Blow is justified for a little unification? If a publisher is unruly in their demands, should a developer search for alternatives (like Steam) or rather demand change?

Sound off and let us know what you’re thinking.

Source: Gamasutra

Follow Will on his Facebook and Twitter@ Ayreesfoxx.

Xbox One Claims Criticized by Jonathan Blow and Mark Rein

Xbox One Claims Criticized by Jonathan Blow and Mark Rein

Last week’s reveal of the Xbox One led to some very mixed reactions from gamers and critics alike, and seemed to generate a lot more questions than it answered.

led to some very mixed reactions from gamers and critics alike, and seemed to generate a lot more questions than it answered. Some of the concerns that we raisedin the immediate wake of the reveal included the focus on an American mainstream audience, too much focus on television and entertainment in general, and a lack of exposition about the potential of the console for gaming.

One of the more prominent critics of the Xbox One this week has been Jonathan Blow, designer of the award-winning independently-produced game Braid , which is currently available on the Xbox Live Arcade, PlayStation Network, and Steam. Blow invested $200,000 in the game’s development, and it has been praised as one of the most influential indie games of the 21st century, so you’d think that the game developer would be taking issue with Microsoft’s decision to drop the Xbox Live Indie Gameschannel and their decision to not allow independent developers to self-publish on the new console. In fact, Blow was mainly riled up about server issues.

Citing a claim by Microsoft that the Xbox One launch would be supported by 300,000 servers, Blow called this number a “lie” and in a series of tweetsexpressed his lack of faith on the reliability of cloud processing:

“Someone please ask if these fabled 300,000 servers are real hardware, or just the total size of Windows Azure (which then implies XBL would only ever get a portion of that)… I can spin up 10000 virtual servers per host. They would just all suck. Saying 300k when they are virtual is a lie… I do not like when large corporations contemptuously lie to the public.”

“The 360 was a good gaming machine. But it’s clear that the people responsible for it being good are no longer in charge. Most of them are long gone from the company. So just because the new console is from Microsoft, it doesn’t necessarily mean it will be anything like the old one. You might even think of them as from different companies.”

It’s notable that Blow’s upcoming game, The Witness , will be a time-limited exclusiveon the PlayStation 4 and will eventually be released on Windows and iOS, but has not yet been announced for the Xbox One. Based on these latest comments, it sounds like Blow isn’t in a hurry to make The Witness available on Microsoft’s new entertainment system, especially since he would need to strike a third-party publishing deal before doing so.

A still from Jonathan Blow's forthcoming adventure game 'The Witness'

A still from Jonathan Blow's forthcoming adventure game 'The Witness'

Blow does make a point about the lack of attention being paid to the 300,000 server number, which hasn’t been questioned much amidst all the other confusion surrounding the Xbox One, such as whether or not the Kinect will spy on youand the issue of whether customers will need to pay an additional fee in order to play used games. Of course, 300k virtual servers are not the same as 300k dedicated servers, and with a questioning spotlight now put upon that number there will hopefully be some clarification at E3 as to exactly what kind of power the Xbox One has behind it.

Though his lengthy Twitter rant has attracted quite a lot of attention, Blow isn’t the only prominent figure in gaming who has spoken critically about the launch of next-generation video game consoles. Epic Games’ vice president Mark Rein also took to Twitterin response to EA’s claims that the PS4 and Xbox one will be ahead of high-end PCs, dismissing the claim and saying, “ No they’re not. I call bulls**t on this one .” Rein’s words are slightly less contentious than Blow’s, since he was only one of the more prominent voices that outright mocked EA’s claim.

Since so far it’s been difficult to really get a grip on Microsoft’s policies and intentions for the Xbox One, and accusations of deliberate obfuscation and PR spin (including boasts of fish AIand high-resolution dogsas the pinnacles of next-generation gaming) have been among the most prominent criticisms of the new console.

Do you agree with Blow and Rein’s assessment of the claims being made, or do you feel there’s an unfair amount of negativity being directed at the Xbox One?

The Xbox One will launch in fall 2013.

Sources: Jonathan Blow[via Gaming Bolt] & Mark Rein[via VG24/7]

GR Pick [Video]: The Future of Motion Control Gaming

GR Pick [Video]: The Future of Motion Control Gaming

Games are becoming more and more realistic and immersive as technology pushes forward.

Games are becoming more and more realistic and immersive as technology pushes forward. Through the introduction of the 3DTV technology and motion controllers, playing first person shooters has been edging closer and closer to literally throwing the player into a battlefield.

As a look into what could possibly be the future of gaming, YouTube star Freddie W equips a rumble pack vest, PlayStation 3backpack, a PlayStation Move Sharpshooterand a holographic headband to head into battle against the Resistance series’Chimera. The video is an interesting take on what console makers seem to have taken a step towards in the past year, since introducing the latest motion controls. What if first person shooters were turned into visually realistic games of video paintball? It’s all the fun of running around with a machine gun without the trouble of limited and messy paint, just a very long extension cord.

Since the Wii U and its tablet controllerwas announced, developers have been talking about the next generation of PlayStation and Xbox consoles and their expected release dates. EA wonders what a next generation console would even doto improve the gaming experience. The Xbox 360 has been blamed for the lag in recent graphic improvements as the hardware in the six year-old console starts to show its age against both the PlayStation 3 and newer PC systems. Or maybe, the next step isn’t better graphics. Perhaps for the next generation of consoles, Microsoft and Sony will try to take Apple and the Wii U on in the tablet and TV gaming marketor… something more like Freddie’s new contraption in the video below:


The Wii, the PlayStation Moveand the Kinecthave all encouraged players to get off the couch and get physically involved and immersed in gaming experiences. Hardcore or old school gamers will argue that video games were meant to be played sitting on the couch and relaxing, but many people have embraced motion controllers, encouraging the developers of big name releases to add the 3D and Playstation Move functionalityto their games, including Insomniac with Resistance 3 .

If hologram technology were advanced to the point of a Star Trek holodeck, this is exactly the kind of game you would expect developers to produce. But what about sports games? Imagine going to your nearby baseball field and reliving the world series by physically playing in it. As always, Freddie W does a great job of sparking the imaginations of his viewers with an interesting and creative concept, with masterful visual effects that make it come to life.

What do you think future consoles have in store for us? Do you dream of holographic gun battles or sporting events or do you want to keep playing games from the comfort of your couch?

GR Pick: 9-Minute ‘Left 4 Dead’ Fan Film

GR Pick: 9-Minute ‘Left 4 Dead’ Fan Film

Join Louis, Francis, and Zoey, survivors of the classic post-apocalyptic shooter Left 4 Dead , as they are realized in a live-action 9-minute fan film.

, as they are realized in a live-action 9-minute fan film. This more than well-made fan film does everything right, but one twist at the end may leave fans of the L4D series with a bad taste in the mouth.

It’s not everyday that a fan film comes along with this kind of production value. The fact that they shot this over a weekend is incredible, but above all the practical effects and attention to detail with costumes, sets, sound design, and dialogue are astounding — the special effects are pretty great as well. This fan film brings all aspects of the Left 4 Dead series to life with hunters, tanks, smokers, boomers, and even a witch.

We’ve seen well-done, serious fan made films that stick to the main plot without going overboard with twists or silly left field surprises, including videos forandbut this one feels like it meets fans in the middle. Check out the Left 4 Dead fan film below with a small spoiler discussion afterwards:



Like an M. Night Shyamalan film, the twist implanted near the end will either heighten the enjoyment or kill it. The mood was set perfectly from the beginning right up to the point where Louis was about to bite the big one, but adding all of those iconic video game characters completely threw this film of its tracks.

Yes, it was pretty cool to see this mashup of Left 4 Dead alongside the likes ofand Mortal Kombat , but was it worth killing the tone? Everything started off as a dark zombie survival film, but then when more games were introduced it turned into a giant Michael Bay action mashup explosion fest. There’s a time and a place for fun fan films that embrace silly ( Luigi’s Mansion and Donkey Kong ), but the direction this film was going should have stayed on course rather than throw in something random.

[End Spoilers]

Ranters, despite the end being fun, was the twist necessary or did it ruin the video?

Follow me on Twitter @ TyRawrrnosaurus

GR Pick: Gritty Mario Short Film ‘Kart Driver’ is NSFW

GR Pick: Gritty Mario Short Film ‘Kart Driver’ is NSFW

When any variation of everyone’s favorite mushroom enhanced plumber gets a live-action treatment, his life can be turned into a very gritty story — unless of course you count Bob Hoskins’ 1993 film, Super Mario Bros .

Drew Daywalt's Kart Driver from the G4 Film Festival

Drew Daywalt's Kart Driver from the G4 Film Festival

Kart Driver , showcased in G4 Films Epictober Film Fest, brings you Mario like you’ve never seen before.

Director and co-writer, Drew Daywalt, had help from G4’s own Stephen Johnson to push the envelope of video game adaptation short films to create one terrific tale. Kart Driver pays homage to Mario’s first love interest, Pauline fromThere are many great easter eggs throughout this short film that any seasoned gamer would be able to recognize.

Daywalt is the founding member of Fewdio Horror, but has since gone on to work with FEARnetand direct a series of horror short films that can be seen on Daywalt’s YouTube Channel. He has also directed a few episodes of MTV’s Death Valley horror-comedy television series. His horror influence and sadistic style are very prevalent throughout Kart Driver and the synopsis of the film only touches on the surface:

“Fury and obsession leads a heroic plumber to seek out and bring home his damsel in distress, even if it means facing off with a creature from the very bowels of hell.”

Can Mario save the day or will all of his hard work be in vain? Check out Drew Daywalt’s short film, Kart Driver below:

G4TV’s Epictober Film Festival is being overseen by none other than Director Joe Lynch ( Knights of Badassdom, Chillerama, Wrong Turn 2 ). There are two more films in the festival, including dark adaptations of Angry Birds and Duck Hunt. To watch the other two films head over to.

Check out the movie poster for the short film below (click to enlarge the image):

Do you like this new gritty Mario? How does it compare to what Game Rant presented earlier this month,, a faux movie trailer also based on the video game Donkey Kong ? If you check out the other two films in the fest, let us know what you think.

Source: G4TV

Follow me on the Twitter @ TyRawrrnosaurus

GR Picks: Wall-E in ‘BF3,’ Master Chief vs. Leonidas, ‘Uncharted’ Fan Film, & ‘Bastion’ Meets ‘Skyrim’

GR Picks: Wall-E in ‘BF3,’ Master Chief vs. Leonidas, ‘Uncharted’ Fan Film, & ‘Bastion’ Meets ‘Skyrim’

We’re rounding up the most interesting finds around the Internet this week with a bunch of funny videos that will tickle the mind.

We’re rounding up the most interesting finds around the Internet this week with a bunch of funny videos that will tickle the mind. The arsenal of videos we have this round involve Halo , Skyrim , Uncharted , and Battlefield 3 . Each video is very different – yet entertaining in their own right.

The narrator of Bastion has jumped ship and decided to pull for team Skyrim . We also find Battlefield 3′s EOD bot taking on the role of WALL-E in a trailer mashup. One dedicated fan created a short in honor ofand Master Chief schools King Leonidas in an rap battle of epic proportions!

First, let’s start it off with Skyrim. A fan of Bastion has made a character in the world of Skyrim to resemble the life of the kid . The video is put together nicely, lining up the story with the ambiance and setting of Skyrim . It is more of a gruesome tale seeing it in this way – rather than the colorful world of Bastion. While this video doesn’t quiet reach the hilarity of the GR Pick depicting what Skyrim would look like in 2012, it’s still worth a look.


The EOD bot is almost as cute as WALL-E and, at times, makes Battlefield 3 a bit more lighthearted (and the war torn destruction more pleasant). Whomever was controlling this EOD bot picked the right movements and captured WALL-E near-perfectly. A story like this integrated into Battlefield 3 could have certainly given the game a lot more emotional depth! The part of EVE was also a good casting choice.


Fan films can be hit or miss, but this Uncharted short film is a little in-between. It has the right tone for Uncharted but, as with a lot of fan projects, the acting and dialogue are a bit awkward. This is definitely an amateur attempt without the polished over glam of something like Dan Trachtenberg’s 9-minute Portal film. The result it is an enjoyable attempt that will certainly be entertaining for series fans.


Last but not least is the Epic Rap Battles of History between King Leonidas from 300 and Master Chief from theseries. We’ve seen great Epic Rap Battles of History before between Dr. Doom and Albert Wesker. This time, the two Spartans match up in a battle of wits and rhymes where only one can be the true champion. Who will win?


Which one did you like the best? In your opinion, who won the rap battle? Send us any videos you find fascinating, funny, or just straight up weird and maybe they will make the cut next time!

Follow me on Twitter @ TyRawrrnosaurus

Sources: Epic Rap Battles, BF3 Blog, BrettSk8’s YouTube Channel, and Destructoid

Will ‘No Man’s Sky’ Release on PC?

Will ‘No Man’s Sky’ Release on PC?

No Man’s Sky was one of the most exciting games of this year’s E3.

No Man's Sky PC Release Header Image

No Man's Sky PC Release Header Image

was one of the most exciting games of this year’s E3. The title has picked up numerous Game Critics Awardsfor its performance at the expo, including Best Original Game and Best Independent Game, and even received a special commendation for innovation. The procedurally-generated space exploration game, by developer Hello Games, wowed gamers and critics alike with a trailer chock full of vibrant visualsand the promise of a vast universe to explore.

E3 was not the first timehas caught the eye, though. It was one of the standout reveals of Spike VGXin December, and the announcement that Hello Games had been experimenting with Oculus Riftmade us wonder just how immersive this innovative title could be. It also made it all the stranger when No Man’s Sky was revealed to be launching on the PS4 — after all, a game like this seemed very well suited to a PC release.

PC gamers who want to explore the Milky Way in No Man’s Sky may have the chance — but not just yet. Speaking with, Sean Murray, Managing Director of Hello Games, revealed that they want to do a PC version of their title, but that will have to wait until after the PS4 release. “Basically we’re doing a console debut on PS4. That’s all we’re saying right now,” said Murray. “But that leaves open a PC version, which we really want to do.”

No Man's Sky random planet

No Man's Sky random planet

There’s no solid confirmation either way, but that’s understandable. After all, Hello Games are a small team and given the difficulties they have had to overcome already, including an office floodof apparently “biblical” proportions, it makes sense for them to focus on creating as good an initial release as possible.

One of the reasons No Man’s Sky has so much potential as a PC release is the possibility that a mod community would provide. After all, the sky’s the limit for fan-created content in a game where the goal is to explore the galaxy. Alongside Murray, Hello’s Alex Wiltshire was on-hand to discuss the future of modding in the developer’s title. Wiltshire announced that the focus of Hello Games was on “features that support what for us the game is about — exploring a vast universe.” He said that focus “might inherently involve mods,” and that the team would “know more as we continue making the game.”

Wiltshire also revealed that, in spite of the technological focus around No Man’s Sky , the team has not lost sight of what the game is about. “Though it looks like No Man’s Sky is all about tech, for the team it’s actually the opposite,” Wiltshire stated. “It’s always been about the idea first, then creating the tech it requires.” Sounds like the right way of going about things. If No Man’s Sky keeps its focus on the immersive exploration of a colorful galaxy, who knows how great the end result could be.

No Man’s Sky has no set release date, but will launch initially on PS4.

Source: Rock, Paper, Shotgun

Destiny’ Beta Available For PS3 & PS4 Players First; New Trailer Released

Destiny’ Beta Available For PS3 & PS4 Players First; New Trailer Released

‘Destiny’ Beta Available For PS3 & PS4 Players First; New Trailer Released
At their PS4 Launch Event , Sony came prepared with plenty of announcements to establish the PlayStation brand’s potential in the present and in the future.

, Sony came prepared with plenty of announcements to establish the PlayStation brand’s potential in the present and in the future. And, as we now know, that future includes an early trip to the world of Destiny for PS3 and PS4 players.

BungieCOO Pete Parsons took the stage at New York’s Standard hotel to reveal that PS3 and PS4 players will gain early access to the Destiny beta when it goes live next year. So, although a Destiny pre-ordergets you into the beta, it doesn’t mean you’ll be the first to explore Bungie’s new universe.

In addition to the beta exclusivity announcement, Bungie also unleashed a new trailer for Destiny to coincide with the launch of the PS4. Obviously, the gameplay featured within the trailer is for all to enjoy, but the congratulatory message at the end is specifically geared at new PS4owners.

The trailer itself features closer looks at combat in Destiny , as well as one of the larger boss-type enemies. It’s an admittedly brief glimpse, but one that adequately intrigues without delving too deep into the mythology of the game. This is, after all, a shooter, but one with a massive scope and an intriguing approach to cooperative and competitive multiplayer.

Destiny Beta PS3 PS4 Early Access

Destiny Beta PS3 PS4 Early Access

Although news of early beta access is exciting for PS3 and PS4 owners, Bungie did not reveal how long the exclusivity would last. Eventually, Xbox 360 and Xbox Onepre-order holders will get in on the action, but it’s unclear how much of a head start their PlayStation counterparts will receive. For that matter, we still don’t know when the Destiny betamight commence testing, aside from a Q1 2014 window.

Either way, it’s somewhat amusing that Bungie, a developer that was once part of Microsoft‘s ecosystem, would be offering exclusive content for Sony’s consoles. Clearly, a lot is up for grabs in the next-gen, and publishers/console makers are willing to pay top dollar for exclusives if it means getting a leg up on the competition.

Will you be pre-ordering your copy of Destiny for PS3 or PS4 in order to get in on the beta early? Will this announcement influence your decision to buy a PS4 versus an Xbox One?

Destiny is slated to release in the first half of 2014 for the PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.

Source: Bungie

Gone Home’ Dev Suggests Xbox One Terms May Drive Indies to PS4

Gone Home’ Dev Suggests Xbox One Terms May Drive Indies to PS4

‘Gone Home’ Dev Suggests Xbox One Terms May Drive Indies to PS4
While the triple-A battle between the PS4 and Xbox One has already begun, the indie battle has yet to fully take shape.

has already begun, the indie battle has yet to fully take shape. Yes, Sony has got off to a great start with a few independent releases like Resogun and Contrast , but Microsoft has yet to officially rollout their program.

But whenever they do, Microsoft might be at a significant disadvantage, especially if they make the PS4 a more attractive option. And that’s exactly what Microsoft could be doing, at least according to The Fullbright Company’s Steve Gaynor.

As Gaynor explains, developing games for a multiplatform, simultaneous release can be a huge undertaking for a small (read: indie) developer. As problems inevitably arise, it’s easier to approach them with one specific platform in mind, rather than having to juggle several. He doesn’t outright say it, but Gaynor suggests that a staggered release is more beneficial to indie developers, as it gives them the ability to release quality products on every platform.

However, if that indie developer wants to release on the Xbox Onethrough the ID@Xbox Program they have to agree to a parity clause. This clause states that the Xbox One version of a game must release at the same time as any other platforms, not afterwards. The other platforms can come later, mind you, but Xbox One must be part of the first group.

Microsoft Xbox One Resupply

Microsoft Xbox One Resupply

It is this clause that has drawn some criticism from indie developers who, like Gaynor says, will have a hard time developing for multiple platforms simultaneously. In some cases, that means the developer chooses to release for Microsoft first, but in other that means they cut the Xbox One out of the picture.

“If you’re talking to Sony and Microsoft, and Microsoft is like, ‘well you can’t be on Xbox if you’re on PlayStation first’, but it’s easier to be on PS4 because they have better terms, then you’ll be like, ‘okay lets just be on PlayStation.'”

Gaynor sees this scenario as being significantly detrimental to Microsoft‘s image, as it paints the Ps4 in a more attractive light. The last thing Microsoft wants to do is give an edge to the competition, but their parity clause might be doing just that.

Although there is still time for Microsoft to change their mind regarding the parity clause (hey, it wouldn’t be the first time they had a change of heart), nothing suggests they will at this point. The ID@Xbox programis, according to Microsoft executives, gaining favor among developers around the globe, so clearly the parity clause isn’t too much of an issue.

Which platform are you more interested in playing indie games on? Do you think Microsoft’s parity clause will hurt their indie appeal?

Source: Now Gamer

Report: YouTube Looking To Acquire Twitch For $1 Billion

Report: YouTube Looking To Acquire Twitch For $1 Billion

When it comes to viewing videos about games there’s one place that the majority of us flock to: YouTube.

When it comes to viewing videos about games there’s one place that the majority of us flock to: YouTube. We head there for trailers, Let’s Plays and to see glitches, highlights and bugs caught on videobecause when it comes to videos, that the go-to place. But the status quo is changing rapidly with YouTube often being second in command when we want to see real, raw and unedited footage live of our favorite games in action with Twitchproviding unprecedented access to titles that haven’t even been released yet, alongside pro eSports coverage.

It’s Twitch that we head to for official streams of games from the developers behind them (even announcements like the new Unreal Tournament ) and we’re even prone to make new gaming experiences out of the service (see: Twitch Plays Pokémon ). Even with livestreaming efforts bolstered by Google Hangouts and a crack team of video experts, YouTube is losing ground to Twitch in the live gaming space and it’s struggling to keep up. That’s why then, YouTube is reportedly looking to buy Twitch for a cash sum of $1 billion.

The reports of a deal come after several sources informed Variety that YouTube is looking to make the biggest move in their 9-year history with Google (Google purchased YouTube for $1.65 billion in 2006) by looking to acquire Twitch for the $1 billion. Notably, that figure would be an all-cash deal effectively meaning an entire buyout with no room for Twitch’s founders – Michael Seibel, Justin Kan, Kyle Vogt and Emmett Shea — at the table by way of YouTube shares.

The fact that it would be unlikely that all four creators would be involved post-Twitch and YouTube merger could be a disappointment to some gamers who’ve long embraced the livestream platform, especially when Twitch’s user base is in the high millions after PS4 and Xbox One integrationsaw the service’s popularity skyrocket. Furthermore, many may raise concerns that Twitch could lose some of its gaming focus by being bought out by the Internet’s biggest video provider as opposed to a company with more gaming experience like Microsoft, who are also rumored to have made a bid for the video streaming service.

There’s also the question of what would happen to that aforementioned PS4 and Xbox One Twitch integration as although YouTube support is not yet available on PS4 (even accessing YouTube from the PS4’s browser is a dud), there is the strong chance that YouTube could replace Twitch’s streaming capabilities, forcing Google Plus-only comments in a similar way to YouTube’s existing service. And that was a painful and/or confusing transition for some.

However, there still isn’t any certainty that the YouTube and Twitch deal will go through as additional sources to The Wall Street Journal say that the buyout talks are “at an early stage” and that a “deal isn’t imminent” as despite considering deals from YouTube, Microsoft and several venture capitalists, Twitch declined to comment when asked about the story, suggesting that nothing is finalized yet. YouTube is also reportedly preparing for opposition from the US legal system as the Justice Department could challenge the deal based on anti-competitiveness in the online video market.

Twitch’s founders are even said to be considering raising additional funding rather than going the buyout route, but as “people with close knowledge of the talks” also say that the founders think that YouTube is “the best fit.” Expect an official word on this one sooner rather than later with E3 around the corner – it may have an in impact on the Sony and Microsoft press conferences when it comes to talking about their system services and sharing features.

If YouTube does acquire Twitch, we’re curious how if it’ll still be called Twitch and how monetization will work in between Google’s Partner/AdSense program and Twitch’s own monetization options. If it does happen, it’s be nice to see the premium service knocked down and the forceful pre-load ads dropped. There’s also the issues over YouTube channels sharing names with Twitch channels.

Either way, for gamers interested in livestreaming through their PS4 or Xbox One, it is a big fail on the part of YouTube and the console makers not having the ability to edit and upload (without limits)  or livestream content to YouTube. This is there way in if they can acquire Twitch. Sorry, Ustream!

Sources: Polygon, The Wall Street Journal, Variety

Broforce’: Microsoft’s Xbox One Parity Clause Fails Again

Broforce’: Microsoft’s Xbox One Parity Clause Fails Again

‘Broforce’: Microsoft’s Xbox One Parity Clause Fails Again
The Xbox One has had a major resurgence of late beginning with last summer’s drop of the Kinect.

Microsoft’sentry into the new console generation has benefited from a tremendous boost in sales recently, topping the seasonal sales figuresand hitting the top spot for console sales for both November and December. The immensely popular $350 sale price is also set to return, meaning those figures are likely to keep rising and rising. The console has recently gained critical success as well as commercial – The Xbox One even picked up an Emmy award.

It’s makes a major change from the criticism that faced the console both before and upon its release. Unfortunately for Microsoft, it appears as though there are a few more issues that need to be ironed out before certain developers are happy. The publisher has continuously faced criticism from the indie community, and not just because they haven’t been paid on time. Problems with the Xbox One’s launch parity requirement have refused to go away.

Indie bigwigs such as Phil Fish, Jonathan Blowand The Fullbright Company’s Steve Gaynorhave all raised their concerns over Microsoft’s strict parity clause, which means the Xbox One refuses to accept games that launch on Xbox One after its PS4 rival. Now, another indie developer has revealed that Microsoft’s requirement has turned them away from the Xbox One. Free Lives Games, the creators of side-scrolling shooter Broforce , have stated that the parity clause led to Broforce being a Sony exclusive.

Speaking with Gaming Bolt , Free Lives Games revealed that their homage to ’80s action movies is set to launch on PS4 due to both Microsoft’s strict parity policy and a tantalizing offer from Sony. “Sony reached out to us with a deal we couldn’t reasonable refuse,” said Free Lives Games’ creative direct Evan Greenwood. Greenwood also ruled out a Xbox One release. “As far as I know Microsoft has a clause in their contract where they won’t accept an indie game if it launches on Xbox after PlayStation,” explained Greenwood.

That doesn’t sound good for those looking forward to seeing Broforce and it’s Contra -esque gameplay on the Xbox One. However, all hope is not lost. There have been some other games that have managed to negotiate around Microsoft’s parity clause, and Xbox chief Phil Spencer has said that workarounds can be found for developers working on limited timelines whilst defending the launch requirements.

It remains to be seen whether Broforce can be one of the chosen few to appear on the Xbox One after a PS4 and PS Vita release. In the meantime, be sure to check out our first impressions of the shooter, or try your hands at the free-to-play Expendables 3 tie-in The Expendabros before it disappears off Steam.

Broforce is currently in early access for PC and Mac, and is set for a full release for PC, Mac, PS4 and PS Vita in early 2015.

Source: GamingBolt

The eSports Report: LCS Clash of the Titans, Record ‘Dota 2’ Match and More

The eSports Report: LCS Clash of the Titans, Record ‘Dota 2’ Match and More

Greetings, eSports fans.

Greetings, eSports fans. It was a big week inandbut isn’t it always? This week: the LCS heated up when the top two ranked teams went head to head in League; Cloud9 and relative newcomer ScaryFaceZ shattered a major record in Dota 2 ; and some of the top Hearthstone players in the world threw down at the first ever O.T.K. Invitational. More on all of that, plus what’s coming in the months ahead, in this week’s eSports Report.

Team SoloMid Takes Down CLG to Claim Top Spot in LCS

Long time followers of the League of Legends pro scene know there’s no love lost between Team SoloMid and Counter Logic Gaming. The two elite squads had a record of 21 and 21 against each other going into Sunday’s match up, but this weekend’s victor would get more than just an edge in the head to head record. First place in the LCS was also on the line as the regular season hits the home stretch.

Staying true to the storied rivalry between the two teams, Sunday’s match up was one of the closest of the season. The teams traded kills and towers for almost a half hour without either side getting the upper hand. CLG had an opportunity to gain an edge during a Dragon team fight, but SoloMid’s Soren “Bjergsen” Berg showed off his ridiculous skills, managing to avoid four CLG skill shots in a row to escape with his life and the virtual tie still intact.

The battle turned 30 minutes in when Team SoloMid managed to find a gap in CLG’s defenses to pull off a run at Baron. CLG’s Peter “Doublelift” Peng had left the battlefield to go and cash in his large amount of gold, and once he left, SoloMid ran at Baron immediately.

The push gave them the momentum they needed to grab another tower and a dragon with no resistance from CLG. Counter Logic Gaming made one last gasp by taking a mid lane inner turret, but the ensuing TSM response overwhelmed them and SoloMid was in control from that point forward.

More than 400,000 people watched the match live and TSM is now 12-4 on the season and in the driver’s seat for the #1 seed in the playoffs. Cloud9 may have something to say about that, though, as they could also be 12-4 when they face off against TSM next weekend. Never a dull moment in the LCS.

Cloud9 and ScaryFaceZ Battle in the Longest Game in Dota 2 history

Dota 2 has long been known as the more demanding game between it and League of Legends . Its games tend to last longer than League , because gaining an early lead isn’t as big of a deal. Whereas many League games tend to snowball towards the finish line once one side has the upper hand, Dota 2 games can ping pong back and forth much more frequently because every battle largely comes down to who executes their plan better, and not always who is currently in control of the map objectives.

Never was this difference more on display than this past Friday in a match up between perennial contender Cloud9 and the relatively unknown ScaryFacez. The match lasted 200 minutes and 35 seconds, the longest in competitive Dota 2 history. The top three heroes alone accumulated 175 kills and a net worth of nearly 200K.

Altogether, five different heroes set new farming and net worth records, many of which were more than twice the previous mark. Just about every player had enough gold to purchase any item they wanted, and as the game progressed, players were dumping powerful items to the ground in order to adapt to the changing gameplay.

ScaryFaceZ finally came out on top, a somewhat embarrassing result for the much more well-known Cloud9.

ThijsNL Wins First Hearthstone OTK Invitational

Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft just recently celebrated its first full year out of beta, and the game continues to grow at a rapid pace, with a new expansion releasing soon. New tournaments are also popping up all the time, and even first time tourneys are pulling in some big name players and sponsors as everyone continues to hone their skills in advance of the 2015 Hearthstone World Championship.

This past week, the O.T.K. Invitational Skirmish made its debut with the help of organizer Azubu and its sponsor Razer.

The 8 players invited were essentially a murderer’s row of some of Hearthstone ‘s best. The roster included current reigning world champion Firebat, as well as several of the most popular Hearthstone players on Twitch, including StrifeCro, Kolento and Amaz.

But it was ThijsNL, known in real life as Thijs Molendijk of Nihilum Gaming, who took home the $1,500 top prize, by beating Amaz 4-3 in an epic best of seven. The format was “Last Hero Standing”, the same used at the 2014 Blizzcon World Championship. Players could take multiple decks into the tournament, but once they lose a game with a deck, that deck is retired for the rest of the series.

Both players went down to their last decks, with ThijsNL’s Mage topping Amaz’s Druid for the title.

Red Bull Battlegrounds Gives Dota 2 Its Wings

Red Bull has been making a name for itself in the eSports space thanks to its StarCraft completions, but now the energy drink maker is looking to expand its presence in the eSports arena by bringing its unique “battle” format to Dota 2 over the next couple of months.

The event will have 20 pro teams from around the world battling online to determine who will play in the finale May 10 in San Francisco, Califorina. What makes the “battle” format different is that in each series, participants will start with three “lives” and an opportunity to select their opponent. Each time a team loses, one life is removed from their pool. Teams who lose all three lives are eliminated. Five teams that emerge from the group stage will advance to the playoffs at the Red Bull eSports Studio May 5 in Santa Monica. The final two teams from there will advance to the series finale at the Warfield Theater in San Francisco.

The tournament begins March 29 and the base line prize purse is $75,000, but that could increase via crowdfunding, similar to what Valve does with The International.

New eSports Documentary Coming to a Cinema Near You?

intel extreme masters

intel extreme masters

eSports group ESL has partnered with a documentary filmmaker to have its popular Intel Extreme Masters series featured in a new eSports documentary called “All Work All Play”. The film will give a behind the scenes look at the planning and production of the Intel Extreme Masters, the longest running global pro gaming tour.

The film will premiere July 23 at ESL’s Burbank studio and fans will be able to watch the documentary live in cinemas across the country as part of ESL’s “eSports in Cinema” promotion.

This certainly won’t be the first eSports documentary to come out in recent years, with Valve’s own Dota 2 documentary “Free to Play” coming to mind. It’s fair to say that most of these documentaries so far have served as free advertising for the games or tournament featured, and it sounds like this latest venture will be more of the same. But the ability to watch the movie live with other people in cinemas is a unique twist. The exact theaters that will be showing the film have not yet been announced, but tickets will go on sale at eSportsinCinema.compresumably in the near future.

Following the airing of the film, ESL will also broadcast an after-show featuring gameplay and eSports personalities.

Sources: The Daily Dot, The Score eSports Team Liquid, Red Bull, eSportsinCinema

Steam Broadcasting is Valve’s Answer to Twitch

Steam Broadcasting is Valve’s Answer to Twitch

Gamers didn’t need the recent acquisition of Twitch by Amazon to tell them that gameplay streaming was on the rise, but it sure didn’t hurt.

Let’s Play videoshave grown so much in just the past year that many can make their living simply by letting others watch them play games.

Thus far, Twitchhas had a solid hold on the gameplay streaming market, with others like YouTubetrying to keep pace. But that will soon change as a new challenger arrives in the form of digital distributor Steam .

Steam Broadcasting is the next venture for Valve‘s digital distribution goliath and it could be one of the service’s most marketing-focused feature yet. In essence, it’s Twitch streaming without the middleman.

How Stream Broadcasting works is fairly simple. A Steam user activates a stream, sets some privacy parameters, and then is off and running. In turn, Steam users can tune into any gamers’ stream, provided the stream is open. Right now, there are four privacy options: allow friends to watch, request to watch, invite to watch, or allow anyone to watch.

Steam Broadcasting also features a chat stream for gamers to interact with their viewers. With the feature, these broadcasters can do anything from show off a lesser-known game to provide helpful tips for getting through a difficult section – all directly from the Steamclient.

Ubisoft Games Return to Steam

Ubisoft Games Return to Steam

While Twitch should be concerned about such a powerful player entering the streaming market, they have thus far welcomed the competition from Valve. As Twitch VP of Marketing Matthew DiPietro explains, Stream Broadcasting helps validate the work Twitch has been doing for years.

“We are huge fans of Steam and work with Valve regularly on various events and product integrations. While Steam’s broadcasting solution and the Twitch platform are very different things with vastly different feature sets, it’s really validating to see a company like Valve embrace streaming in this way. Live video is the future of social connectivity for gamers and this is another proof point. We wish them the best of luck.”

However, although Twitch is playing nice for now, this could prove to be a hugely competitive move for Valve. Not only does Stream Broadcasting make PC gameplay streamingeven easier it helps increase visibility for the hundreds of thousands of games in their library. Imagine watching someone stream a game you’re interested in and then being able to purchase it right then and there.

The only key difference between Steam Broadcasting and Twitch (outside of the console streaming) right now is subscriptions. Twitch users can create a fan base and a revenue stream through their subscriptions whereas Steam Broadcasting has no such feature in place. That doesn’t mean it won’t in the future, though.

Right now Steam Broadcasting is only available to Steam Beta Client users, but it will seemingly roll out to all users in the future.

What do you think of Steam Broadcasting? Will Valve be able to replace Twitch?

Source: Valve

Follow Anthony on Twitter @ANTaormina

Let’s Play Star PewDiePie Releasing Parody Self-Help Book, ‘This Book Loves You’

Let’s Play Star PewDiePie Releasing Parody Self-Help Book, ‘This Book Loves You’

Love him or hate him, there’s no denying that Felix Kjellberg, better known as YouTube’s Pewdiepie, has created an internet empire for himself.

Love him or hate him, there’s no denying that Felix Kjellberg, better known as YouTube’s Pewdiepie, has created an internet empire for himself. With over 37 million subscribers at the time of this writing, Pewdiepie’s exaggerated Let’s Plays took YouTube by force, and the influx of new subscribers doesn’t show any signs of slowing down.

It might come as a surprise to some, then, to learn that Pewdiepie posted a video promoting a new project that has very little to do with his usual video subjects. Pewdiepie is extending his style of humor to something a little more traditional: a book.

Pewdiepiehas joined forces with Razorbill, a division of the massive book publisher Penguin Random House, to create his very first book. Entitled This Book Loves You , the 256-page book will be available as a softcover and e-book, and is intended to be a parody of the self-help genre. Rather than replicating Pewdiepie’s typical friendliness and thankfulness towards his subscribers, it appears that the book will jokingly focus on making readers “embrace their astounding mediocrity” with a philosophy of “you can never fail if you never try”. Pewdiepie’s announcement video furthers the parody, as he takes on the role of multiple fictional philosophers of his own creation who offer nothing but praise for the book.

Pewdiepie Writes This Book Loves You Tiara Feather Boa

Pewdiepie Writes This Book Loves You Tiara Feather Boa

The power of the Pewdiepie-obsessed “bro army” is obvious here, as even though the book won’t be available until late October, his fans have already propelled it to the #1 best seller of ‘being a teen’ books listed on Amazon. It’s also not the first time he’s used his fame to branch out from his YouTube videos, as Pewdiepie has appeared twice on South Parkand recently announced his first mobile game,.

While it’s not surprising to see Pewdiepie using his influenceto further expand his media empire, launching a book does come as somewhat of a surprise. While it’s clearly selling copies at an extreme rate thus far, one wonders if those who enjoy Pewdiepie’s YouTubejump scare, joke, and scream-filled videos will actually read a parodic self-help book that has little (if anything) to do with gaming.

This Book Loves You is available for pre-order now, and will be released on October 20, 2015.

Source: Pewdiepie, Amazon

DailyMotion Introduces Twitch Competitor

DailyMotion Introduces Twitch Competitor

If the past year or so has taught us anything it’s that the gameplay streaming and Let’s Play communities are only going to get bigger in the future.

are only going to get bigger in the future. Yes, it may be hard for new Let’s Players to reach the heights of You Tubers like PewDiePie– who makes upwards of $4 millionof just his YouTube videos – but there’s still plenty of room for growth in the space.

Similarly, there is also room for new companies to try to steal a share of the Let’s Play and gameplay streaming pie. Popular video service DailyMotion, for example, has tried to do just that with the introduction of DailyMotion Games.

While still in beta, DailyMotion Games is the video service’s answer to Twitchstreaming. Like Twitch, DMG offers gamers an outlet for their gameplay livestreams and a hub for them to interact with fans. It’s a fairly basic interface right now, offering some simple features and a chat window for viewer interaction.

So far, it seems like DailyMotion Games is occupying a similar space to Twitch or any other streaming service. By that we mean the top games on their list include League of Legends , DOTA 2 , and Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft – all of which are staples of the gameplay streaming community. Perhaps during this beta phase Daily Motion was able to sway a couple top streamers to their channel to generate a little buzz.

A big piece that does seem to be missing from the DailMotion Games puzzle is monetization, which is a huge reason why many choose Twitch. Those who upgrade to a premium Twitch account can choose a subscription model for exclusive access to streams as well as some unique customization items like themed emoticons and whatnot. It’s just one way that viewers can show their love to Twitch streamers and they in turn can make a living off of that.

There’s no doubt that DailyMotion Games will get there if they want to stay competitive, but for now it seems like a good start. However, with Twitch already having cornered a large part of the marketit will be interesting to see how much DMG can steal away.

Are you interested in using DailyMotion Games as a streaming service? What do you like/dislike about their interface?

Source: DailyMotion

Conan O’Brien Plays New ‘Super Smash Bros.’ & is Very Confused

Conan O’Brien Plays New ‘Super Smash Bros.’ & is Very Confused

The ‘Clueless Game’ segment on Conan started as a simple way to get laughs by having Conan O’Brien – who knows very little about video games, is terrible at playing them, and doesn’t even like them – tackle some of the most famous titles around.

started as a simple way to get laughs by having Conan O’Brien – who knows very little about video games, is terrible at playing them, and doesn’t even like them – tackle some of the most famous titles around. Since its inception, ‘Clueless Gamer’ has become so popular that game publishers have given O’Brien early access to games like Resident Evil 6 and Watch Dogs as a means of promoting them.

Nintendo’s new version of Super Smash Bros. for the Wii U and 3DS won’t hit shelves until the end of this year, but during E3 2014 O’Brien and his ‘Clueless Gamer’ co-host Aaron Bleyaert were given a chance to preview the game, shortly after it was announced that iconic yellow chomper Pac-Manwill be joining the cast of fighters.

Presumably there will come a day when O’Brien has done so many ‘Clueless Gamer’ sessions that he is no longer a clueless gamer, but that day is not today. The talk show host responds to the (admittedly quite insane) world of Super Smash Bros. with extreme bewilderment, at one point elevating the art of button-mashing by rubbing the Wii U Gamecube controlleragainst his chest.

Super Smash Bros Link and Sheik

Super Smash Bros Link and Sheik

Pac-Man isn’t the only classic game that’s infiltrating Super Smash Bros. At one point the new Pong Assist Trophy appears on screen and, upon being triggered, causes a game of Pong to start up, with balls that can hit and injure the players while they fight. Another new Assist Trophy that puts in an appearance is the Chain Chomp from the Mario series.

Provided you can withstand O’Brien’s merciless ribbing of both classic game characters and gamers themselves, the segment is a fun look at some of the new gameplay that Super Smash Bros. has to offer, including new fighters like Greninja and new stages like Skyloft from the Legend of Zelda series.

Now that you’ve watched this demo of Super Smash Bros. , answer honestly: how many of you could name America’s second president without a Google search?

Super Smash Bros. on the 3DS will arrive on October 3, 2014, and the Wii U version will hit store shelves in Winter 2014.

Source: Team Coco

Conan O’Brien Reviews ‘Tomb Raider’

Conan O’Brien Reviews ‘Tomb Raider’

The impending reboot of Tomb Raider – the formative adventure of a young and inexperienced Lara Croft – is just days away.

– the formative adventure of a young and inexperienced Lara Croft – is just days away. While we could go on and on about the game’s skill progression and upgrades, and the developers’ high hopes for gamers bonding with Lara like never before, why not let someone who couldn’t care less about video games take over?

That’s right, everyone’s favorite ‘Clueless Gamer’ is back, as Conan O’Brien spent a segment on his show playing through the opening acts of Crystal Dynamics‘ title. The late night host’s time with Hitman: Absolution brought a fresh perspective– let’s see if it works for Tomb Raider .

Much was made of Lara Croft’s rather…vocal outbursts when the game was first shown, so considering how much time O’Brien spends debating Lara’s physical attributes and virility, it’s a good thing the developers toned down her grunts and groans.

While O’Brien obviously goes for the laughs in pointing out how painstakingly Croft’s every curve and asset has been crafted, there’s no reason to deny the obvious. If Croft’s appearance didn’t matter, then Crystal Dynamics probably wouldn’t have enlisted the talent of stunning starlet Camilla Luddingtonin bringing the character to life.

Tomb Raider Gameplay Mission Walkthrough

Tomb Raider Gameplay Mission Walkthrough

That being said, Lara’s looks are just where her deadliness begins. While the gameplay demonstrated in the above video focus largely on the traversal elements and cinematic presentation, that seems to (hopefully) be just one aspect of the main campaign. That’s not even considering the multiplayer component, which is being heavily emphasized, going by the achievement and trophy lists.

There may still be some put off by the ‘rape’ scene controversy, but Square Enix and Crystal Dynamics seem pleased enough to already be planning a sequelto this new take on a classic property.

Whether the experience is a somewhat shallow cinematic one, or a rich continuation of the Tomb Raider legacy, at least now we know it’s good for a few laughs. If you’ve still got reservations, be sure to check out the latest gameplay footage.

Tomb Raider releases March 5, 2013, for Xbox 360, PS3 and PC.

Follow me on Twitter @ andrew_dyce.

Conan O’Brien Joins ‘LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham’

Conan O’Brien Joins ‘LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham’

When Traveller’s Tales Games first revealed that Batman ’66 was joining the cast of LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham, we thought that was it – that was the big cameo for the game.

we thought that was it – that was the big cameo for the game. Since that time, however, TT Games has continued to reveal even wackier additions to the cast, some that fit within the DC Comics milieu and others that come completely out of left field.

During this weekend’s New York Comic Con, for example, TT Games revealed several new characters for LEGO Batman 3 including Darkest Knight Batman and Solar Suit Superman. On top of that the developers also announced another new voice actor for the game: TV’s Conan O’Brien.

In total, TT Games revealed more than a dozen new characters, but it’s main announcements for NYCC focused on Stephen Amell(who is voicing Green Arrow in the game), Kevin Smith (who is voicing himself), and the surprise inclusion of O’Brien. For more on each actor’s role in the game check out the behind the scenes trailer above.

While Conan O’Brien’s inclusion in LEGO Batman 3 might seem out of place, it actually makes sense given his role in the game and his relationship to video games in general. O’Brien’s Clueless Gamer segmentson his show highlight just how bad he is at games, and so it makes perfect sense to have him give tips where necessary. It’s a little bit of the blind leading the blind, but with O’Brien at the mic it’s sure to be entertaining.

On the other side of the spectrum are Stephen Amell and Kevin Smith, two actors with deep ties to the DC Comics universe. Amell will, of course, be providing the voice of Green Arrow, who is one of the major players in LEGO Batman 3 .

Kevin Smith on the other hand will be playing a character that is essentially himself, only with some combat abilities. As Smith reveals in the trailer this was a dream opportunity and we’re sure DC Comicsfans will get a chuckle out his involvement.

The panel also included a few other choice (read: obscure) additions to the game like Condiment King, DC writer Jim Lee, and Green Loontern. Yes, the Daffy Duck/Green Lantern mash-up is in the game.

When we saw LEGO Batman 3 back at Comic-Con it seemed readily apparent that TT Games is digging deep into the DC Comics universe to flesh out the game’s roster. However, while past games have used bonus charactersas one-off unlockables, LEGO Batman 3 is actually giving voices to some of their more unique additions. With less than a month until the game releases, we’d be inclined to say Conan O’Brien is one of the last big reveals, but you never know.

How do you feel about Conan O’Brien joining the LEGO Batman 3 roster? Too much, or should TT Games go for more crazy cameos?

LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham releases November 11, 2014 for PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.

This is Why Google Didn’t Acquire Twitch

This is Why Google Didn’t Acquire Twitch

While most expected that a major online conglomerate would likely acquire online streaming service Twitch in the next few months, most did not expect that conglomerate would be Amazon.

in the next few months, most did not expect that conglomerate would be Amazon. In fact, prior rumors had strongly suggested that Google/YouTube was the site’s strongest suitor; even going so far as to say the deal was practically done.

So what happened? Why did this rumored Googledeal fall through? Did the rumors have it all wrong?

As it turns out, Google was working on a deal with Twitch over the past month or so, but eventually the two parties could not come to an agreement. Specifically, Google was concerned about potential antitrust litigation that might arise from the acquisition, and as a result decided it best not to pursue Twitcheven further. Google pulled out, and Amazon swooped in and b ought the company for $970 million.

That isn’t to say Google didn’t try to strike a deal amidst antitrust concerns; they just couldn’t come up with a suitable “breakup deal” if the government found the union unlawful. Who would get what if the acquisition fell apart shortly after its announcement?

Obviously, those antitrust concerns stemmed from the fact that Google also happens to own YouTube, Twitch’s major competitor in the online streaming space. With both of those services wrapped up in a single company, Google would ostensibly have the gameplay streaming and Let’s Play market all cornered up. They might have also formed a pretty significant trust.

Amazon Acquires Twitch For 970 Million

Amazon Acquires Twitch For 970 Million

About a year ago, gamers might have seen a partnership between YouTube and Twitch as a good thing, but the recent copyright crackdownsby both services has drawn considerable concerns. Both sites have now taken strong stances against licensed music, even going so far as to block out whole sections of videos or even deleting them altogether.

In fact, most gamers seem to prefer Amazon as Twitch’s new home, given that the online retailer has a lot of ground to gain in the gaming space. It behooves Amazon not to tinker with Twitch in any way that might hurt its appeal to gamers.

Twitch CEO Emmett Shear has already assured users that not much will change in the short term, and even teased some potential tie-ins for the long term, but Amazon has yet to reveal their plans. In other words, we’ll have to wait and see whether Amazon is a better or worse suitor than Google.

Do you think that Google buying Twitch would have resulted in an antitrust suit? Is Amazon a better choice for Twitch ownership?

Source: Forbes

Gears Creator Cliff Bleszinki Reveals Multiplayer FPS Lawbreakers

Gears Creator Cliff Bleszinki Reveals Multiplayer FPS Lawbreakers

When multiplayer shooter Unreal first released in 1998, it quickly drew attention thanks to its fast and furious gameplay, reliance on twitch reflexes, and the expertly crafted arenas, much of which was designed by Cliff Bleszinski.

first released in 1998, it quickly drew attention thanks to its fast and furious gameplay, reliance on twitch reflexes, and the expertly crafted arenas, much of which was designed by Cliff Bleszinski. Bleszinski, or CliffyB as he came to be known in the Unreal community, proved to have an eye for first person shooters, and his designing input proved invaluable for the Unreal franchise. Eventually, CliffyB was promoted to head designer on his own game within Unreal developer Epic Games – the massively popular– and the rest is history.

After working at Epic for several decades, Bleszinski eventually decided that it was time to strike out on his own, parting ways with the developer in 2012. Bleszinski would eventually form Boss Key Productions, and promised that he would use the newfound studio to deliver original, fun games that would forgo the disc-based release method. Since its inception, Boss Key offered glimpses of a title called “ Project Bluestreak” that the team was working on, but Bleszinski and crew mostly remained mum. Now, Bleszinski has pulled back the curtain to reveal what exactly Boss Key has been working on this whole time.

Called Lawbreakers , Bleszinski touts his new game as a return to his roots, putting emphasis on fast, furious, trigger-happy gameplay. As the developer put it, Lawbreakers emphasizes “skill, not streaks.”

Set in a far-flung future, Lawbreakers will pit teams of five against each other in a classic cops and criminals set up, except the cops and criminals happen to be in highly advanced suits that allow them to bound around as if in zero gravity. It is this gravity mechanic that Lawbreakers hinges itself on, as Bleszinski says that the pillars of the game will be “gangs, guns, and gravity.”

Lawbreakers Live Action

Lawbreakers Live Action

But while Lawbreakers may be steeped in Bleszinski’s past, its release model is all about looking towards the future. Working with publisher Nexon, Boss Key decided to embrace the current business trends by releasing the game totally free with optional content transactions. Bleszinski admits that the decision was made to ensure that Lawbreakers could reach an even wider audience, stating:

“Making the move to free-to-play games is all about maximizing the potential audience for your title while embracing where the industry is headed.”

Bleszinski has proven that his ability to craft shooters is no fluke (in fact, the original Gears of War is getting an upgraded re-release, which is a testament to that game’s staying power), but it remains to be seen if the change to free-to-play will work for Lawbreakers .

Lawbreakers releases in 2016 for PC.

Twitch Update Removes Archiving; Mutes Unauthorized Audio

Twitch Update Removes Archiving; Mutes Unauthorized Audio

Having planted its flag firmly on PS4 and Xbox One territory and being a dominant force in the world of eSports, Twitch is a Very Big Deal.

territory and being a dominant force in the world of eSports, Twitch is a Very Big Deal. Allowing players to stream the games that they are playing,  Twitch and its 45 million monthly users have managed to change the face of the industry with live streams of games in progress now being a standard for developers. It’s a way to showcase new content and behind-the-scenes development while interacting with the community.

Those plucky stream enthusiasts watch so much of the broadcasted stuff that Twitch streams accounted for approximately 1.35% of all North American bandwidth usage in March 2014. This is a huge chunk out of its competitors’ pie when you consider that YouTube is also vying for the same attention from gamers.

That’s perhaps why YouTube’s parent company, Google, is said to be looking to buy Twitchfor a fee of $1 billion. But as rumors of the purchase raise many questions for Twitch’s users, the streaming service has now fractured its player base with its most polarizing decisions yet regarding updates to the Twitch platform.

The first of Twitch’s announcements is that in an effort to stop unauthorized copyright breaks, they’ll be buddying up with Audible Magic to stomp out even the slightest hint of rule breaking. Audible Magic is partnered with the recorded music industry and so any ”unauthorized third party audio” whether that be that ‘bumpin’ new Drake track’ you have on in the background as you playor the game’s soundtrack itself, you could find yourself at risk.

And what does ‘at risk’ mean? Well, according to Twitch’s new policy, whenever Audible Magic detects unauthorized tunes, it will mute the video for 30 minutes. Thankfully Audible Magic will only scan and mute archived videos and so livestreams are safe (for the time being) while they’re viewed live. Clearly, this is to fit in line with Google’s strict (and sometimes out of control) copyright policing and adds credence to the idea that Google may be acquiring Twitch.

On top of the fact that we’ll no longer be able to include whatever music we want in Twitch videos, users are also concerned by that Audible Magic may not be very reliable. While it is effective, technology like this also has a habit of incorrectly blocking out game soundtracks. When YouTube tested out a similar feature it muted everything from Let’s Plays to official uploads of game trailers because it thought it had sniffed out something dodgy.

As expected, no one’s pleased by that but at least it only effects archived videos, right? But wait, archived videos aren’t going to be around like they used to either, Twitch now says. Although the button for archiving used to say “save forever”, Twitch is now spinning on its heels while announcing that videos can now only be archived for 14 days after the original broadcast. Twitch’s issue is that “80% of [their] storage capacity is filled with past broadcasts that are never watched” and that they’ve got entire petabytes of storage being taken up by archived videos that most people have forgotten about anyway.

Twitch also says the decision to erase video game history “is not a move to economize on space,” but as users have to either be a Partner or a Turbo subscriber (going Turbo costs $9 a month) for the luxury of 60-day archives, that’s hard to believe.

There is somewhat of a workaround to Twitch’s archive restrictions though, since users can export the video to YouTube or put together a highlight reel which can last up to two hours and will stay on Twitch’s servers forever. There’s skepticism about highlights lasting “forever” given that “save forever” didn’t last long either.

Alas, as for the muting of videos, even if you export the archived video after its been muted, the exported version will be muted too but as some disgruntled users are suggesting, a solution to every problem thrown up by this potential Twitch/YouTube deal is to just use HitBoxinstead…

Source: Twitch,

Phil Fish: YouTube Ad Money on Gameplay Vids Should Be Shared With Developers

Phil Fish: YouTube Ad Money on Gameplay Vids Should Be Shared With Developers

Since the lengthy development of indie hit Fez – a game we love – became a thing of news headlines, its creator Phil Fish has been a voice that people in the industry (or following it closely) pay attention to on social media.

has been a voice that people in the industry (or following it closely) pay attention to on social media. He was even one of the spotlighted developers of Indie Game: The Movie , a wonderful documentary if you’ve yet to see it.

His controversial words at conventions and on Twitter have gotten so much attention (read: too much) that he’s become one of the more famous gave devs and because of it, expectations of certain media representatives resulted in a Twitter brawl last year, causing Fish to erupt into a fury of social media rage to the point of him cancelling Fez 2 – just a month after announcing it.

At the time, Fish explained that he wanted to get out of games because being a developer with his reputation is too “abusive.” Now, just about a year after those events, Fish has found himself the subject of headlines once again, this time for expressing opinions on another hot button topic in video games: YouTube Monetization. He feels that YouTubers using gameplay footage to make ad revenue as part of a  YouTube partnership or YouTube network agreement should entitle the game developers behind those products to a “huge portion” of said revenue. The timing of his thoughts are no doubt in response to the recent revelation his week that #1 YouTube channel and personality PewDiePie (Felix Kjellberg) had raked in $4 million last year from YouTube gameplay videos.

This is ‘Fez’

“YouTubers should have to pay out a huge portion of their revenue to the developers from which they steal all their content.” “[Ad] revenue should be shared with developers. This should be built into YouTube. Anything else is basically piracy.” “If you generate money from putting my content on your channel, you owe me money. Simple as that.” “If you buy a movie, are you then allowed to stream the entirety of it publicly for people to watch for free? No, because that’s illegal.” “Systems are in place to prevent that. But buy Fez, put ALL of it on YouTube, turn on ads, make money from it and that’s TOTALLY FINE.” “And the developer should in NO WAY be compensated for their work being freely distributed to the world. Right. Makes sense.”

And a few minutes later, after some heated feedback to the tweets, Fish said “nevermind.” After more heated feedback, he actually fully shutdown his Twitter account. Phil Fish is no longer on Twitter.

We don’t need to spend a lot of time explaining how interactive content differs from films or cinematics. Viewers aren’t watching PewDiePie for graphics or video game assets, they’re watching to see and hear PewDiePie experience and react to something. Watching a game does not equate to playing a game, the same way watching Wil Wheaton and friends play board games in his series TableTop does not require them to share ad revenue with board game makers. That would be absurd. But if it were a digital interactive board game (i.e. a video game) they were playing, would that then deserve ad revenue sharing?

What Fish neglects to touch on or seemingly even consider is that what PewDiePie and countless other YouTubers are doing is freely promoting video games by sharing gameplay footage to millions of viewers online. When PewDiePie has fun playing a game and it’s entertaining to watch, countless others want to experience the same thing. In fact, it’s partly thanks to PewDiePie that Flappy Bird became such a sensation.

Phil Fish in Indie Game: The Movie

And it’s absolutely because of YouTube’s inherent word-of-mouth viral ability to spread that Minecraft became one of the biggest games of all-time. Minecraft made a ton of money because of YouTube, but not because of YouTube ad revenue – because of the boom in game sales resulting in it. On the flip side, it’s because of Nintendo’s antiquated video monetization policies that major YouTube channels don’t even play Nintendo games. That means, these games are not promoted and seen as cool by the biggest personalities. Essentially, they’re preventing the most famous gamers in the world from playing their games.

Anton Westbergh, chief executive of Sweden’s Coffee Stain Studios – developer of Goat Simulator tells The Wall Street Journal how important YouTube celebrities are to marketing a game.

“Having guys like PewDiePie playing our game has been tremendous marketing. And for us, there have been no costs involved.”

And there you have it. This is why an increasing amount of publishers and developers have added video policy sections allowing YouTube monetization to their official websites and why the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One are both built to support video sharing and streaming.

For more on Phil Fish, Innuendo Studios put together an interesting analysis and recap (video at top of post) of how Phil Fish became famous and then infamous, and more importantly, how it reflects upon video game culture. It’s an interesting watch.

Do you watch YouTube “Let’s Plays” and if so, what channels do you like best?

Follow Rob on Twitter @ rob_keyes. He also makes his own  YouTube vids here.

Source: GameSpot

Twitch Is Introducing A Music Library To Ease Copyright Issues

Twitch Is Introducing A Music Library To Ease Copyright Issues

Partly responsible for a massive change in the industry (including the emergence of eSports and a change in the way people learn about games ), game streaming service Twitch commands a large audience of over 45 million regular viewers.

commands a large audience of over 45 million regular viewers. It also commanded a large price tag late last year when online retailer Amazon bought it for $970 million. The deal concerned some users though as it came following another big change at Twitch– the decision to clear out their archives, only allow users to save videos for two weeks and to mute archived videos featuring unauthorized audio.

While active streamers ceded to the fact that most people did not go back and watch archived video that had been archived for more than a few weeks, others remained disgruntled that Twitch would mute their archived streams for something as small as playing the radio in the background. It was still an issue despite Twitch CEO Emmett Shear stating that “audio-recognition currently impacts approximately 2% of video views on Twitch” and after Twitch explained that it had been done to protect their users (and themselves) from copyright infringement laws – and to prepare for an imminent acquisition.

It will be good news for Twitch users then that today there archived streams are slightly less at risk of being muted in half hour chunks. Twitch has announced the Twitch Music Library which provides over 500 songs for Twitch streamers to use with no mute (or copyright violation) risk whatsoever.

Monstercat logo

Monstercat logo

Twitch describes it as “a library of songs pre-cleared for Twitch broadcasters to use live and with VODs” with those songs being provided by “established and burgeoning” labels including Mad Decent, Dim Mak, Spinnin’ Records, OWSLA, Monstercat and Fool’s Gold. A selection of artists on the list includes RIFF RAFF, Trivecta and Sound Remedy who are responsible for tracks like Tip Toe Wing In My Jawwdinz, Believe and Ozymandias, respectively.

Obviously, a clear problem with the current songs on offer is that they aren’t by particularly well known names. Twitch says that they “knew it was equally important to ensure broadcasters had music options” and broadcasters may very well find new music to enjoy but in order for the Twitch Music Library to really be effective it will have to be continuously be updated with more, better known labels, artists and songs.

Twitch has also announced Music Category Beta which they say is an “experiment with music content creators.” Essentially, Twitch is looking to let fans get closer to the musicians that they love not just by watching them stream games (Deadmau5 is a popular game streamer, for example) but they’ll now be able to see them make and perform music too. This will include more streams of concerts, festivals and even radio stations too with record label Monstercat having launched their own 24 hour radio stream called Monstercat FM.

Pewdiepie Returns to South Park Finale Episode

Pewdiepie Returns to South Park Finale Episode

While it may seem unusual for Twitch to be doing so much to branch out into the music sector, it seems less bizarre when you realise what they’re up against. Recently, Twitch rival YouTube revealed that gamers flock to their site to watch original videos about games, withbeing the site’s second most searched topic of 2014. Video creators like PewDiePieare also a prime example of YouTube’s draw for gamers. So, as YouTube has long been the go to place to watch music videos and has also branched out into live performances and music award shows (such as the YTMAs), Twitch’s new musical direction will help them compete and expand.

Twitch hopes that this strategy goes down as well as their other recent changes, including the no nudity policy, the ad transparency policyand Twitch Gaming Movie Night. However, there’s also the risk that it could fracture their core gaming fanbase and send them to other game streaming sites such as hitbox.

Source: Twitch

