Destiny’ Beta Available For PS3 & PS4 Players First; New Trailer Released

‘Destiny’ Beta Available For PS3 & PS4 Players First; New Trailer Released
At their PS4 Launch Event , Sony came prepared with plenty of announcements to establish the PlayStation brand’s potential in the present and in the future.

, Sony came prepared with plenty of announcements to establish the PlayStation brand’s potential in the present and in the future. And, as we now know, that future includes an early trip to the world of Destiny for PS3 and PS4 players.

BungieCOO Pete Parsons took the stage at New York’s Standard hotel to reveal that PS3 and PS4 players will gain early access to the Destiny beta when it goes live next year. So, although a Destiny pre-ordergets you into the beta, it doesn’t mean you’ll be the first to explore Bungie’s new universe.

In addition to the beta exclusivity announcement, Bungie also unleashed a new trailer for Destiny to coincide with the launch of the PS4. Obviously, the gameplay featured within the trailer is for all to enjoy, but the congratulatory message at the end is specifically geared at new PS4owners.

The trailer itself features closer looks at combat in Destiny , as well as one of the larger boss-type enemies. It’s an admittedly brief glimpse, but one that adequately intrigues without delving too deep into the mythology of the game. This is, after all, a shooter, but one with a massive scope and an intriguing approach to cooperative and competitive multiplayer.

Destiny Beta PS3 PS4 Early Access

Destiny Beta PS3 PS4 Early Access

Although news of early beta access is exciting for PS3 and PS4 owners, Bungie did not reveal how long the exclusivity would last. Eventually, Xbox 360 and Xbox Onepre-order holders will get in on the action, but it’s unclear how much of a head start their PlayStation counterparts will receive. For that matter, we still don’t know when the Destiny betamight commence testing, aside from a Q1 2014 window.

Either way, it’s somewhat amusing that Bungie, a developer that was once part of Microsoft‘s ecosystem, would be offering exclusive content for Sony’s consoles. Clearly, a lot is up for grabs in the next-gen, and publishers/console makers are willing to pay top dollar for exclusives if it means getting a leg up on the competition.

Will you be pre-ordering your copy of Destiny for PS3 or PS4 in order to get in on the beta early? Will this announcement influence your decision to buy a PS4 versus an Xbox One?

Destiny is slated to release in the first half of 2014 for the PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.

Source: Bungie