Will ‘No Man’s Sky’ Release on PC?

No Man’s Sky was one of the most exciting games of this year’s E3.

No Man's Sky PC Release Header Image

No Man's Sky PC Release Header Image

was one of the most exciting games of this year’s E3. The title has picked up numerous Game Critics Awardsfor its performance at the expo, including Best Original Game and Best Independent Game, and even received a special commendation for innovation. The procedurally-generated space exploration game, by developer Hello Games, wowed gamers and critics alike with a trailer chock full of vibrant visualsand the promise of a vast universe to explore.

E3 was not the first timehas caught the eye, though. It was one of the standout reveals of Spike VGXin December, and the announcement that Hello Games had been experimenting with Oculus Riftmade us wonder just how immersive this innovative title could be. It also made it all the stranger when No Man’s Sky was revealed to be launching on the PS4 — after all, a game like this seemed very well suited to a PC release.

PC gamers who want to explore the Milky Way in No Man’s Sky may have the chance — but not just yet. Speaking with, Sean Murray, Managing Director of Hello Games, revealed that they want to do a PC version of their title, but that will have to wait until after the PS4 release. “Basically we’re doing a console debut on PS4. That’s all we’re saying right now,” said Murray. “But that leaves open a PC version, which we really want to do.”

No Man's Sky random planet

No Man's Sky random planet

There’s no solid confirmation either way, but that’s understandable. After all, Hello Games are a small team and given the difficulties they have had to overcome already, including an office floodof apparently “biblical” proportions, it makes sense for them to focus on creating as good an initial release as possible.

One of the reasons No Man’s Sky has so much potential as a PC release is the possibility that a mod community would provide. After all, the sky’s the limit for fan-created content in a game where the goal is to explore the galaxy. Alongside Murray, Hello’s Alex Wiltshire was on-hand to discuss the future of modding in the developer’s title. Wiltshire announced that the focus of Hello Games was on “features that support what for us the game is about — exploring a vast universe.” He said that focus “might inherently involve mods,” and that the team would “know more as we continue making the game.”

Wiltshire also revealed that, in spite of the technological focus around No Man’s Sky , the team has not lost sight of what the game is about. “Though it looks like No Man’s Sky is all about tech, for the team it’s actually the opposite,” Wiltshire stated. “It’s always been about the idea first, then creating the tech it requires.” Sounds like the right way of going about things. If No Man’s Sky keeps its focus on the immersive exploration of a colorful galaxy, who knows how great the end result could be.

No Man’s Sky has no set release date, but will launch initially on PS4.

Source: Rock, Paper, Shotgun