Conan O’Brien Joins ‘LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham’

When Traveller’s Tales Games first revealed that Batman ’66 was joining the cast of LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham, we thought that was it – that was the big cameo for the game.

we thought that was it – that was the big cameo for the game. Since that time, however, TT Games has continued to reveal even wackier additions to the cast, some that fit within the DC Comics milieu and others that come completely out of left field.

During this weekend’s New York Comic Con, for example, TT Games revealed several new characters for LEGO Batman 3 including Darkest Knight Batman and Solar Suit Superman. On top of that the developers also announced another new voice actor for the game: TV’s Conan O’Brien.

In total, TT Games revealed more than a dozen new characters, but it’s main announcements for NYCC focused on Stephen Amell(who is voicing Green Arrow in the game), Kevin Smith (who is voicing himself), and the surprise inclusion of O’Brien. For more on each actor’s role in the game check out the behind the scenes trailer above.

While Conan O’Brien’s inclusion in LEGO Batman 3 might seem out of place, it actually makes sense given his role in the game and his relationship to video games in general. O’Brien’s Clueless Gamer segmentson his show highlight just how bad he is at games, and so it makes perfect sense to have him give tips where necessary. It’s a little bit of the blind leading the blind, but with O’Brien at the mic it’s sure to be entertaining.

On the other side of the spectrum are Stephen Amell and Kevin Smith, two actors with deep ties to the DC Comics universe. Amell will, of course, be providing the voice of Green Arrow, who is one of the major players in LEGO Batman 3 .

Kevin Smith on the other hand will be playing a character that is essentially himself, only with some combat abilities. As Smith reveals in the trailer this was a dream opportunity and we’re sure DC Comicsfans will get a chuckle out his involvement.

The panel also included a few other choice (read: obscure) additions to the game like Condiment King, DC writer Jim Lee, and Green Loontern. Yes, the Daffy Duck/Green Lantern mash-up is in the game.

When we saw LEGO Batman 3 back at Comic-Con it seemed readily apparent that TT Games is digging deep into the DC Comics universe to flesh out the game’s roster. However, while past games have used bonus charactersas one-off unlockables, LEGO Batman 3 is actually giving voices to some of their more unique additions. With less than a month until the game releases, we’d be inclined to say Conan O’Brien is one of the last big reveals, but you never know.

How do you feel about Conan O’Brien joining the LEGO Batman 3 roster? Too much, or should TT Games go for more crazy cameos?

LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham releases November 11, 2014 for PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.