Respawn Reintroduces Titanfall’s CTF Mode After Removing It

As Respawn Entertainment found out the hard way, removing multiplayer modes from multiplayer-only games is rarely a good idea.

As Respawn Entertainment found out the hard way, removing multiplayer modes from multiplayer-only games is rarely a good idea. After facing backlash from gamers for restricting the PC version of Titanfall ‘s Capture-the-Flag and Pilot Hunter modes to private matches and variety playlists only, Respawn is walking back their mistake and reintroducing one of them, CTF, to the game.

These two multiplayer modes were initially removed from the game’s matchmaking service, which is how the vast majority of Titanfall players find matches, because less than 1% of players were actually playing them. “With that few players attempting to connect, our matchmaking would just sit there, spinning forever, waiting to find a game to play,” reads aon the game’s official site, “Our first step was removing playlists that were effectively broken. The second step is to continue refinement of our matchmaking.”

As a result, players who wanted to play CTF or Pilot Hunter could only do so via private matches or variety playlists, which randomly switches between the game’s other modes. The community responded with overwhelming anger, largely with regards to the removal of CTF, and as a result, Respawn will be bringing it back to the game. No word on whether Pilot Hunter will be making the cut as well, but the consensus among Titanfall fans suggests that that mode probably won’t be missed as much.