Google and Bing agree: Trump will win on Super Tuesday (Update)

Google and Bing agree: Trump will win on Super Tuesday (Update)

Update/Correction: This post was updated at 5:01 a.m. Pacific 3/1/2016 to reflect current search data.

Bing Search Wave Super Tuesday 2016

Update/Correction: This post was updated at 5:01 a.m. Pacific 3/1/2016 to reflect current search data. The headline of an earlier version of this post was corrected to remove suggestion that Google and Bing showed similar predictions for Clinton.

Today is Super Tuesday, when 12 states hold their primary elections and caucuses in the U.S. presidential campaign. It is arguably the most important day for candidates in the battle for the Democratic and Republican nominations, a day when the most states and the most delegates are up for grabs. It’s also a day when the wisdom of the crowds, a hallmark of American democracy, is put to the test.

And while entering a search query is quite different from casting a vote, a look at search trends on Bing Search Waveand Google Trendsoffers a powerful indicator of people’s support for the candidates. Call it the curiosity of the crowds.

As of this writing (on the morning of Super Tuesday), both Bing and Google agree: Based on search volume, Trump will win all 11 Republican contests. However, they disagree on the Democratic contests, with Bing showing Sanders ahead 6 states to Clinton’s 5 states, and Google showing Sanders ahead in 9 of the 11 contested states. (The discrepancy between 11 contests across 12 states is due to Alaska holding its Democratic contest on March 26 and Alaska holding its Republican contest on March 29.)

How the Republican candidates rank on Bing Search Wave:

How the Democratic candidates rank on Bing Search Wave:

How the Republican candidates rank on Google Trends:

For the Democratic candidates, Google Trendsis ranking them on a state-by-state basis. For example, Texas:

For updated information on candidate search queries, visit Bing Search Waveand Google Trendsthroughout Super Tuesday.

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Why Nintendo NX Could Have One of the Strongest Launch Lineups in History

Why Nintendo NX Could Have One of the Strongest Launch Lineups in History

Find out why one writer thinks the timing is right – especially in light of recent rumors – for the Nintendo NX console to have one of the strongest launches ever.

Right now, interest in Nintendo’s current hardware offerings is waning. The 3DS, while still enjoying strong sales, is slowing down, and the Wii U has already been far outpaced by its competition. I point to the general lack of a strong library for the 3DS and Wii U, especially early in their lifespans, as one of the main reasons why the systems are not performing as well today. So the question is: Will Nintendo make the same mistake with the Nintendo NX? I don’t think so. In fact, I think that the Nintendo NX is in a position to have one of the strongest launch lineups and launch windows in the history of the company when it comes to exclusive games.

First off, if the strong PlayStation 4 sales are any indication, it seems as though the vast majority of hardcore gamers have decided to skip the Wii U entirely. The fact that the Wii U wasn’t adopted by all that many gamers puts Nintendo in a good position to pad the NX library with Wii U re-releases.

Recent rumors point to Nintendo planning on doing just that with the NX’s early lineup of games. Rumors from a source that has proven reliable in the past points to Zelda for Wii U releasing on NX, which would be a huge launch title for the system. Moreover, there are also rumors that Super Smash Bros. for Wii U will be coming to NXas well, and the Super Smash Bros. series has generally been considered a system-seller. I don’t need to tell you that having Zelda and Super Smash Bros. for the system on day one would be monumental for the system.

Super Smash Bros NX Rumor

Super Smash Bros NX Rumor

If we assume that Super Smash Bros. is indeed coming to the NX, then Nintendo will need to add additional content to it to convince gamers to pick it up again. The game should release with all the DLC characters included on-disc, including major third-party characters like Final Fantasy 7 ‘s Cloud Strife, along with a wealth of additional characters. These new characters, if comprised of more Nintendo icons that have yet to appear in the franchise in addition to more jaw-dropping third-party guest characters, could be enough to tempt people to buy the game again on a new platform. Furthermore, it would sweeten the pot for those that have yet to pick up the game for Wii U.

Of course, one could argue that if gamers really wanted to play these Wii U games, then they would buy a Wii U to play them. I agree with that point, but that’s why Nintendo shouldn’t rely entirely on Wii U re-releases to sell the NX. As I have stated previously, these Wii U re-releases should be used to pad the NX’s early lineup of games, so the system avoids having a general lack of games like the 3DS and Wii U experienced in their early days.

So let’s just assume for now that the rumors are true and Nintendo does plan on re-releasing the aforementioned Wii U games for the NX. They would make for a good start, but obviously Nintendo has to do much more to convince gamers to pick up a Nintendo NX system. Luckily for Nintendo fans, I think that the timing is right for Nintendo to bolster the NX’s launch lineup and window with even more first-party releases. Now, let me explain why.

As it stands, Nintendo has numerous projects in the pipeline that have yet to see the light of day on Wii U, meaning that the company could shift development of the projects to the NX, if they haven’t already. These include games from legendary developer Shigeru Miyamoto, who is currently working on a title currently known as Project Giant Robot , as well as games from Nintendo’s other developers and studios.

Metroid Prime NX

Metroid Prime NX

One such game could even be a brand new Metroid game from Retro Studios. The last game released by Retro was 2014’s Donkey Kong Country Returns: Tropical Freeze , so whatever the company has been working on has been in development for at least the past two years. Considering Retro’s past success with the Metroid franchise, it would make sense for Nintendo to allow the studio to develop a new Metroid Prime game for NX.

Releasing a proper Metroid Prime game for the NX would benefit Nintendo in more ways than one. Not only would it give the NX a powerful exclusive game, but it would also allow the company to regain the trust of disgruntled Metroid fans that have responded negatively to Metroid Prime: Federation Force on the 3DS.

Having said that, there have also been rumors that Retro Studios is working on a new IP. I think that the studio’s past work speaks for itself, and shows that Retro is more than capable of delivering high quality gaming experiences. Even if fans have to wait longer for a Metroid Prime game on the NX, the timing is still right for Retro to be able to deliver its new game within the launch window of the new console.

And finally, there is third-party support to consider. Nintendo doesn’t exactly have the best track record when it comes to third-party games, as companies have struggled to find strong sales on the Wii and Wii U platforms. This has resulted in the Wii U library missing out on a number of major games (alongside the fact that it’s just not as powerful as PS4 or Xbox One), and that is something that Nintendo will need to rectify if it wants the NX to be successful.

Beyond Good And Evil 2 Still In Development Beyond Good And Evil 2 Still In DevelopmentRumors say that Beyond Good & Evil 2 could come exclusively to the Nintendo NX in 2017

Unfortunatley, Nintendo has reportedly kept NX dev kitsout of the hands of some third-party developers. This may prove to be a mistake on Nintendo’s part, but even so, it is unlikely that the company is withholding the NX from the biggest-third parties. In fact, both Electronic Arts and Capcom have expressed interest in NX development, so there is still hope for the system to receive some of biggest third-party games.

If third-parties won’t bring their games to the NX, Nintendo could always pull a Bayonetta 2 and fund abandoned projects in exchange for exclusivity rights. Actually, it looks like Nintendo may already be doing that, as recent rumors from the same source that accurately predicted the reveal of Pokemon Sun and Moon point to the possibility of Nintendo funding Beyond Good & Evil 2 . Whether or not that’s true remains to be seen, but it would be a smart move by the company.

To recap, we have no way of knowing definitively what the Nintendo NX launch lineup will entail until Nintendo pulls back the curtain, but there is evidence that shows that it could have a very strong launch window. There is a possibility that the system will see the likes of Zelda , Super Smash Bros. , Beyond Good & Evil 2 , and a brand new game from Retro Studios – possibly even a new Metroid Prime title – all within its first year of existence. And these rumors are on top of projects that the public has no idea about, which could include anything from a new Mario game to innovative new IP.

We will probably have a better idea of what to expect from the system’s launch come E3 this year, and hopefully my prediction of an especially strong library games for the NX in its early days comes to fruition. One thing’s for certain: 2016 will be an interesting year to be a Nintendo fan.

Design fetish: Behold Eero, the most beautiful Wi-Fi router, ever

Design fetish: Behold Eero, the most beautiful Wi-Fi router, ever

Somewhere, Eero Saarinen is smiling.

eero lifestyle - bookshelf

Image Credit: eero

If he were alive today, the towering figureof mid-century architecture and furniture design would be thrilled by his namesake, the eero–a gleaming white, beautifully curved, 4.75-inch square with a 1.26-inch high-domed top — Wi-Fi router.

As an industrial product, the eero looks perfect in every way, even if, at first glance, the device seems to be just another example of the current fad to make gadgets mimic the iPod’s signature look. Call it “Apple chic.” But that’s not the case here. Eero, a San Francisco-based startup has instead created a singular object that rises above those offered by Apple and its imitators.

As a design category, the Wi-Fi router has long been ripe for disruption. Consider the standard device: a rectangular block of black, silver, or blue plastic (sometimes even all three colors, yuck!), with a row of yellow or green blinking lights, winged with a pair of stubby antennas and tethered to a boxy, black power supply-cum-plug that invariably dangles from your outlet with as much grace as an elephant in figure skates.

Above: “Industrial designer Fred Bould pored over every detail so the product would coalesce with modern interiors.”

Image Credit: Dwell, Vol. 15 Issue 07.

In the hands of eero’s cofounders, Nate Hardison, Amos Schallich, and Nick Weaver, however, the humble router is transformed into an object of desire. “If you look at the top, we made this really nice glossy finish. It reflects light nicely,” said Weaver, the company’s CEO, “but on the sides we put this matte finish,  which absorbs the color of the surface it’s on, and adds some more warmth to the device. But we didn’t stop there, even our power supply — most companies ship, like, a big black brick. Ours actually follows the exact same proportions … same finishes, the glossy top, matte sides. We really focused on every little detail and designed everything from scratch.”

The cofounders’ pursuit of perfection is backed by the creative genius of advisor Jon “ the podfather” Rubenstein of Apple and Palm fame, and by Fred Bould, whose design credits include Nest, GoPro, and Roku.

In many ways, the eero conforms to the dictates of design heavyweight John Maeda. In hisMaeda addressed the paradox of how the things we want to be the most simple to use are those that are often the most complex and fulfill the most complicated need. (Maeda penned this slim volume in 2006 just as the Apple iPod was taking off.) His first law is “Reduce,” which he summarizes: “The simplest way to achieve simplicity is through thoughtful reduction.” It’s a rule lost on the manufacturers of the blinking, rabbit-ear-wearing Wi-Fi router common to most homes.

For all its simplicity, the eero also screams practicality. According to Weaver, the router’s domed top serves two purposes: It’s coated with a beautiful sheen to reflect light, and its curved top keeps it from being used as a drink coaster.”

Above: Designed by Eero Saarinen, the TWA Flight Center opened in 1962 at New York’s John F. Kennedy International Airport.

Image Credit: Mimoa

Saarinen, of course, is famous for emboldening design with breathtaking, soaring curves, whether in the architecture of the TWA Flight Center at New York’s John F. Kennedy Airport or the St. Louis Arch, or in the creation of eponymous furniture like the Womb Chairand his gravity-defying,oval marble dining tables. But Weaver also has a personal connection to the famous designer.

Eero’s CEO explained that Saarinen helped design the elementary school he attended, Crow Island Elementary School, located outside Chicago.  “I always wanted to name our company after him,” Weaver said. The building is on the U.S. National Register of Historic Places and obviously made a lasting impression on the young boy. And if you happen to purchase one of these impeccable devices, you’ll be glad it did.

For more coverage of the eero router, read the VentureBeat Review: “ Eero drastically improved my home Wi-Fi in about 10 minutes.“

Additional reporting by Harrison Weber.

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The Division Pre-Order Deals: Complete Roundup

The Division Pre-Order Deals: Complete Roundup

Tom Clancy’s The Division goes live next week Tuesday on the PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

goes live next week Tuesday on the PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. No matter your platform of choice, pre-order deals and bonuses are available, so if you haven’t snagged a copy yet and are on the fence, we’ve rounded up all the noteworthy legitimate The Division dealsfor you to window shop.

With release schedulenow in full view, depending on your retailer of choice, you can begin as soon as the server goes live at midnight March 8th Australian Eastern Daylight Time. Preload started yesterday for the Xbox One and starts later Thursday night for the PC. PlayStation 4 owners won’t be able to pre-load until this Saturday, March 6th.

If you’re buying the game on the PC, the best bet is probably one of the third party digital retailers listed below, all of which have preload offers available as of writing. The best deal for PC’s digital Gold Edition (which comes in the form of a Uplay key) is at GMG, where you can knock a full $20 off the ticket priceby using coupon PRELOAD20 during checkout.

If you’re planning to play The Division on an Xbox One, one of the best pre-order deals is probably at the Microsoft Store, where you’ll receive free release day delivery if you order by March 4th, 10AM Pacific. Plus, you’ll also receive a free $10 Xbox gift card digital code, good towards any future Xbox Live purchases.

The Division PC Deals

Gold Edition (include Season Pass)

Green Man Gaming: $80.00
Use Coupon: PRELOAD20 Funstock Digital: $82.54
Price after currency conversion selection

Standard Edition Green Man Gaming: $48.00
Use Coupon: PRELOAD20 GamesPlanet: £29.99
$42.70 after conversion FunStock Digital:  $46.81
Price after currency conversion selection

Update 3/6/2016: All retailers above have pre-load available for Tom Clancy’s The Division . If you pre-order now you’ll receive the Uplay key right away to get started on downloading the game client. Pricing has gone slightly up at select stores with the discount percentage around 18% to 20% now that the game is about to be released.

If you’re a PC gamer, expect to find the best outright discounts. Three reputable retailers are in the running with worthy price breaks: Games Planet, Funstock Digital, and Green Man Gaming. All the retailers listed above are non-coincidentally located in the UK and carry a 18% to 20% discount to £29.99, but we’ve confirmed you can buy these The Division PC/Uplay keys and expect them to work worldwide. If you’re in the US, you’re getting an even better deal due to a favorable currency conversion to about $42. If you prefer to not deal with currency issues, you can just grab from GMG for $48 with the straight-up coupon.

For the Gold Edition, select deals are available at GMG and Funstock. Both offer upthe more Deluxe/beefier edition for a higher ticket price, but after discount its far from paying the full $100 at typical brick and mortar shops.



The Division Console Deals

Microsoft Store: $59.99
Bonus of $10 Xbox gift card plus free release day delivery Best Buy: $47.99
Price requires GCU Amazon is $47.99
Price requires Amazon Prime Xbox One 1TB The Division Bundle: $399.99
Bonus $100 eGfit Card Dell Home Gold Edition: $99.99
Bonus $25 eGift Card (also available for PS4)

If you’re willing to trade an outright instant discount for a bonus, the PS4 and Xbox One consoles have deals galore. Right now Dell Home is offering a $25 eGift card bonus when you pre-order The Division Gold Edition there. If you don’t have a console to play The Division with, Dell Home is also offering up the 1TB Xbox One Tom Clancy’s The Division console bundle for $399.99 with a bonus $100 eGift card. (Update: gift card deal is now expired at Dell Home, making this not much of a deal).

Want a discount and not a bonus offer? Best Buy and Amazon are where you need to look, but you’ll need to be a paid member of either Best Buy’s Gamers Club Unlockedprogram or Amazon’s Prime. Both retailers offer the same 20% off when you pre-order with the special membership discounts.

Finally the last noteworthy deal is the previously mentioned deal from the Microsoft Store.  Microsoft is giving away a bonus $10 Xbox gift card when you buy a physical copy of the game there, which Microsoft emails to you about 10 days after they ship your copy of The Division. If you pre-order by Friday, March 4th at 10AM PST, you’ll get the game delivered to your door on its release day – so long as you don’t live in the middle of nowhere.

If none of these pre-order deals for Tom Clancy’s The Division entice you and you’re not keen on playing Day 1 (or the first few weeks of release), you can circle back within a month or two, when we expect pricing on the PC version to remain relatively the same. On the console front, however, unless the game is doing abysmally in sales (we’d say unlikely), you probably won’t see a big discount till around the three month mark.

Killer Instinct Season 3 Preview: Microsoft’s Version of Smash Bros?

Killer Instinct Season 3 Preview: Microsoft’s Version of Smash Bros?

After spending hands-on time with Killer Instinct Season 3, one editor talks about how the addition of Halo and Battletoad mascots signals a big change of approach for the game.

Ever since Microsoft confirmed that Rash the Battletoad would be joining Killer Instinct , fans have been wondering just what else the team at Iron Galaxy Studios has planned for the game. Evidently, it had quite a bit more, as the studio then confirmed that Halo ‘s Arbiter would be joining the fray as a Season 3 participant. Now longtime followers of the series are looking down the barrel of a rather radical change of pace for Killer Instinct , and it appears that more familiar mascots could very well be joining the fray.

I came to this belief following some hands-on time with all four of the launch characters during a press briefing in San Francisco. The lineup currently consists of franchise veterans Tusk and Kim Wu, with the likes of guest fighters Arbiter and Rash also getting in on the action. Each fighter handles uniquely, but it’s the guest characters themselves that are going to get the most attention for obvious reasons. And, speaking to one of the developers on-hand at the event, he seemed to imply that more are on the way.

This line of thought is reminiscent of the mentality of, which is Nintendo’s prized fighting game that features quite a depth of characters from its own IP. The only difference between what Nintendo has accomplished and Microsoft is attempting, however, is thatis more of a traditional (albeit very different) extension of the genre. Despite this, the known guest characters have been painstakingly brought over to the game, and they simultaneously honor their roots and appeal to fight aficionados.

The Arbiter in particular has some incredibly cool ways of paying homage to the first-person shooter series in which he originates. Those wondering how the Elite leader handles will find themselves in for a real treat, as his moveset has been mapped to the Xbox One controller to be immediately familiar forplayers. Being given a rundown, I was informed that hitting ‘RT’ – which is traditionally the trigger in Halo – will have the alien fire his carbine rifle, while smacking ‘LB’ will lob a plasma grenade at the enemy.

Meanwhile, the humanoid toad Rash has moves ripped right out of the NES and arcade versions of his game, Battletoads . The ability to have his limbs turn into a mace and even generate a massive, spiked boot for some of his more powerful kicks are a sight to behold. Of course, if that weren’t already enough, the character can transform into a wrecking ball in an attempt to lay waste to the competition. It’s a rather true-to-form rendition of the Battletoad, and that’s the most appealing part of seeing these fighters in action.

These beloved characters remain true to their source material, and as a result they’re immediately captivating to fans of each respective series. Watching Arbiter square off against individuals that would have otherwise never crossed his path incites a bit of excitement within myself that is almost on par with what’s present in every new Super Smash Bros. character reveal. Microsoft and Iron Galaxy are really on to something with the inclusion of these mascots in Killer Instinct , and Season 3 is exactly what will kickstart interest in the fighting game for Xbox fans that have yet to take notice of the combo-filled property.

Which characters would you like to see join Killer Instinct in Season 3? Do you think the game is better or cheapened as a result of these characters joining the fray? Get at us in the comments.

Killer Instinct Season 3 arrives for Xbox One and Windows PC on March 29, 2016.

Emotion vs. function: How Amazon made its game-changing Super Bowl ad

Emotion vs. function: How Amazon made its game-changing Super Bowl ad

Just moments after Carolina Panthers’ Cam Newton was sacked in the second half of Super Bowl 50, a short video clip of famed quarterback Dan Marino rushed and blitzed across social media: “You’re blowin’ it bro,” Marino said in the repeating loop, as if chiding Newton.


Image Credit: VentureBeat

The few-second video was snipped from Amazon’s #BaldwinBowladvertisement, which was broadcast to more than 100 million people to start the second half of the game. Since airing on February 7, 2016, the ad has also been viewed more than 18 million times on YouTube. The hilarious commercial features actor Alec Baldwin, rapper Missy Elliot, actor Jason Schwartzman, and, of course, Marino.  The ad’s success shows how far Amazon has come since its days as an e-tailer competing with the likes of Walmart. And it further signals the company’s commitment to building emotional connections with its more than 240 million active customersin order to better compete with Apple and Google.

Speaking today at VentureBeat’s Marketing.FWDevent in New York, Amazon’s Andy Donkin, head of worldwide brand and mass marketing, traced his company’s evolution from selling booksto becoming the behemoth it is today: seller of nearly everything, provider of cloud services, streamer of music, films, and tv, and creator of original programming. Plus, with the introduction of Amazon Echoand Alexa, it’s now getting into home automation and intelligent assistant games.

Like any Super Bowl commercial, BaldwinBowl involved months of preparation and planning, but because it’s from Amazon, the execution before, during, and after Game Day was carefully scripted. “We really had to think of it from a campaign standpoint and not from an ad [standpoint],” Donkin said.

Amazon began connecting with audiences by releasing a 30-second teaseron January 27, which showed Baldwin and Marino planning a Super Bowl party. Aside from producing the teaser, Donkin and his team wrestled to come up with the right hashtag. The two finalists: #AskAlexa and #BaldwinBowl. The former represented the Amazon of a few years ago, and the latter is more in line with how the company and its marketing have evolved. “A functional hashtag immediately creates skepticism [from consumers],” said Donkin.

Then, during the Super Bowl game, Donkin tapped a war room of about 20 carefully assembled people to interact in real time with customers across social media channels like Twitter, Snapchat, YouTube, and Vine. In addition to Marino’s “You’re blowin’ it, bro,” the team also used a Missy Elliot clip about releasing Pep Rall y to comment on half-time performer Beyoncé’s surprise release ofa day earlier.

Following the game, Amazon released additional #BaldwinBowl videos, including an amusing bloopers reeland a 30-second spotdepicting Baldwin and Schwartzman the morning after the big party. Baldwin is in bed, hungover, Schwartzman is at a police station. “These ads, pre-Super Bowl and post, was a narrative you could follow,” said Donkin. “Very playful, very fun, and trying to drive this idea that Amazon is more than just Echo — it’s an ecosystem.”

Above: Andy Donkin, Head of Worldwide Brand and Mass Marketing at Amazon

While marketers often talk of customer acquisition, engagement, and retention, Donkin prefers to focus on activities at the top of funnel, where Amazon can “generate demand signals at scale.” He’s seeking those signals that provide evidence of an emotional connection to his brand. Donkin frames the challenges this way: “How do we move from this idea, from being a functional brand to an emotional brand? How do you begin to tell the story of a category that sounds very complicated?”

Donkin also described two other recent projects that represent a shift away from focusing on selection, convenience, and value and are designed to drive long-term customer loyalty. The first, from Amazon U.K., is a 30-second spot featuring a young woman and her little pony. It tugs at your heart and will make even the hardest of people smile. It’s already racked up more than 1.2 million views on YouTube.

The second, produced in partnership with BuzzFeed, is calledand features a young couple binge-watching a series through “10 stages of streaming.” The video is more than two minutes long, but, according to Donkin, has racked up more than 3 million views (1 million on YouTube) with a 70 percent completion rate.

Amazon is famous for keeping mum about its success metrics, and Donkin was unable to share exactly what demand signals he and his team measure to plan future campaigns. But with 44 percentof all web shoppers going directly to Amazon for product searches, his emphasis on emotional connection and loyalty is paying off. And with Amazon, there will always be more brand challenges on the horizon: Dash, an auto-replenishment service, restaurant food delivery in select cities, and one day, drone delivery.

“There is a place for both functional and emotional advertising within your portfolio,” said Donkin, summarizing his team’s approach. “As a group, we look across Amazon businesses and say ‘Which are the products that connect best with the targets that we have?’ TV advertising doesn’t have to be the only answer. Online advertising can be very powerful.”

An important validation of Amazon’s emotion-based approach came during the Super Bowl, when other companies latched themselves onto the #BaldwinBowl’s snack stadium. “During the Super Bowl itself we actually had other brands that were communicating through us,” Donkin said. “Budweiser wanted to be the official beer of the snack stadium.”

Emotion vs. function: How Amazon made its game-changing Super Bowl ad

Emotion vs. function: How Amazon made its game-changing Super Bowl ad

Just moments after Carolina Panthers’ Cam Newton was sacked in the second half of Super Bowl 50, a short video clip of famed quarterback Dan Marino rushed and blitzed across social media: “You’re blowin’ it bro,” Marino said in the repeating loop, as if chiding Newton.


Image Credit: VentureBeat

The few-second video was snipped from Amazon’s #BaldwinBowladvertisement, which was broadcast to more than 100 million people to start the second half of the game. Since airing on February 7, 2016, the ad has also been viewed more than 18 million times on YouTube. The hilarious commercial features actor Alec Baldwin, rapper Missy Elliot, actor Jason Schwartzman, and, of course, Marino.  The ad’s success shows how far Amazon has come since its days as an e-tailer competing with the likes of Walmart. And it further signals the company’s commitment to building emotional connections with its more than 240 million active customersin order to better compete with Apple and Google.

Speaking today at VentureBeat’s Marketing.FWDevent in New York, Amazon’s Andy Donkin, head of worldwide brand and mass marketing, traced his company’s evolution from selling booksto becoming the behemoth it is today: seller of nearly everything, provider of cloud services, streamer of music, films, and tv, and creator of original programming. Plus, with the introduction of Amazon Echoand Alexa, it’s now getting into home automation and intelligent assistant games.

Like any Super Bowl commercial, BaldwinBowl involved months of preparation and planning, but because it’s from Amazon, the execution before, during, and after Game Day was carefully scripted. “We really had to think of it from a campaign standpoint and not from an ad [standpoint],” Donkin said.

Amazon began connecting with audiences by releasing a 30-second teaseron January 27, which showed Baldwin and Marino planning a Super Bowl party. Aside from producing the teaser, Donkin and his team wrestled to come up with the right hashtag. The two finalists: #AskAlexa and #BaldwinBowl. The former represented the Amazon of a few years ago, and the latter is more in line with how the company and its marketing have evolved. “A functional hashtag immediately creates skepticism [from consumers],” said Donkin.

Then, during the Super Bowl game, Donkin tapped a war room of about 20 carefully assembled people to interact in real time with customers across social media channels like Twitter, Snapchat, YouTube, and Vine. In addition to Marino’s “You’re blowin’ it, bro,” the team also used a Missy Elliot clip about releasing Pep Rall y to comment on half-time performer Beyoncé’s surprise release ofa day earlier.

Following the game, Amazon released additional #BaldwinBowl videos, including an amusing bloopers reeland a 30-second spotdepicting Baldwin and Schwartzman the morning after the big party. Baldwin is in bed, hungover, Schwartzman is at a police station. “These ads, pre-Super Bowl and post, was a narrative you could follow,” said Donkin. “Very playful, very fun, and trying to drive this idea that Amazon is more than just Echo — it’s an ecosystem.”

Above: Andy Donkin, Head of Worldwide Brand and Mass Marketing at Amazon

While marketers often talk of customer acquisition, engagement, and retention, Donkin prefers to focus on activities at the top of funnel, where Amazon can “generate demand signals at scale.” He’s seeking those signals that provide evidence of an emotional connection to his brand. Donkin frames the challenges this way: “How do we move from this idea, from being a functional brand to an emotional brand? How do you begin to tell the story of a category that sounds very complicated?”

Donkin also described two other recent projects that represent a shift away from focusing on selection, convenience, and value and are designed to drive long-term customer loyalty. The first, from Amazon U.K., is a 30-second spot featuring a young woman and her little pony. It tugs at your heart and will make even the hardest of people smile. It’s already racked up more than 1.2 million views on YouTube.

The second, produced in partnership with BuzzFeed, is calledand features a young couple binge-watching a series through “10 stages of streaming.” The video is more than two minutes long, but, according to Donkin, has racked up more than 3 million views (1 million on YouTube) with a 70 percent completion rate.

Amazon is famous for keeping mum about its success metrics, and Donkin was unable to share exactly what demand signals he and his team measure to plan future campaigns. But with 44 percentof all web shoppers going directly to Amazon for product searches, his emphasis on emotional connection and loyalty is paying off. And with Amazon, there will always be more brand challenges on the horizon: Dash, an auto-replenishment service, restaurant food delivery in select cities, and one day, drone delivery.

“There is a place for both functional and emotional advertising within your portfolio,” said Donkin, summarizing his team’s approach. “As a group, we look across Amazon businesses and say ‘Which are the products that connect best with the targets that we have?’ TV advertising doesn’t have to be the only answer. Online advertising can be very powerful.”

An important validation of Amazon’s emotion-based approach came during the Super Bowl, when other companies latched themselves onto the #BaldwinBowl’s snack stadium. “During the Super Bowl itself we actually had other brands that were communicating through us,” Donkin said. “Budweiser wanted to be the official beer of the snack stadium.”

Fallout 4 Season Pass: Last Chance on Lower $24 Price

Fallout 4 Season Pass: Last Chance on Lower $24 Price

Update 3/31: Fallout 4 Season Pass deal is now back for a limited time.

Calling all Fallout 4 fans to take note, particularly those interested in the game’s Season Pass and upcoming DLC/expansions: Starting March 1st next week, Bethesda is jacking up the price on the Fallout 4 Season Pass from $29.99 to $49.99. In these last few days of February, you can still get the $29.99 price at most retailers, but for even bigger savings, there’s a cheaper Fallout 4 Season Pass dealout there for bargain hunters.

PC Deal Green Man Gaming: $24.00(20% off, Steam Key)
Use Code: DEALZON20 DLGamer: $29.99(Steam Key)
May expire at any moment

Digital retailer GMG has a 20% off coupon code you can apply to the Season Pass, slashing the price to $24. That’s one of the best prices online from an authorized Bethesda retailer. Just a note: GMG’s 20% off coupon isn’t exclusive to the Fallout 4 Season Pass and can be used for most games sold on the site. The code is set to expire after the weekend on February 29th at 8AM Pacific. While GMG often extends its coupons, the point is somewhat moot given the base price rises to $49.99 when the clock strikes Monday morning.

Console Deal

Amazon: $29.99(PS4 Download Code) Amazon: $29.99(Xbox One Download Code)

Unlike the PC deal above, the console “deals” listed above aren’t really discounted per se. Nevertheless, they are worthwhile to grab before the price hike come next Monday. The easiest retailer to grab from is Amazon, as they provide for the digital code of the game. (Of course, you can always buy straight from PSN or Xbox Live.)



Fallout 4 Season Pass Price Increase

Suffice it to say, Bethesda is justifying the price increase due to the additional content (both announced and planned) that they’ve disclosed. If you’re skeptical on the additional content, you can ignore the price increase come March 1st and try for a slot in the upcoming closed Betas Bethesda will be offering on each of the DLC packs. Word from Bethesda is that participants will receive a free copy of the DLC they end up testing.

The first Fallout 4 Season Pass content arrives next month – the “Automatron” DLC pack. More details on that along with the two other announced DLC packs contained in the Season Pass can be found here.

Games With An Established Formula Aren’t Evil

Games With An Established Formula Aren’t Evil

In a year that will see some high profile releases from beloved franchises, one Game Rant writer addresses the growing fatigue surrounding classic series in gaming.

One of the oldest joke concepts regarding the gaming population is that we will, if a developer ever releases the closest thing possible to an objectively perfect game, argue that it is “too perfect”. It’s no secret that the community as a whole can have some pretty divided opinions, and that those opinions can shift in an instant for seemingly no reason at all. I’m certainly guilty of this – I was one of the millions losing my mind over the announcement of the Final Fantasy 7 HD Remake , yet the Uncharted: Nathan Drake Collection that released earlier this year barely even registered on my radar. That isn’t a perfect comparison, as Final Fantasy 7 originally released before I could pronounce its title and Uncharted still feels like it only came out a few years ago. Yet it still shows how some games practically beg to be remade while others don’t seem to need it, and it’s difficult to quantify exactly why.

For those unfamiliar with recent sentiment regarding the number of remakes and inevitable sequels to popular gaming series, it can be summed up best as somewhat apathetic. There are detractors on both extremes of the spectrum: some argue that remakes of great titles are better than the average new video game release, while others suggest that nostalgia and game remakes are stifling industry innovation. Somewhere in the middle, however, buried under an avalanche of appeals to our childhoods, lays the casual gaming fan wondering why developers keep returning to the tried and true favorites.

First, let’s get this out of the way – HD remakes are a part of gaming now, as much as the increasing focus on mobile platforms and the annual massively awkward silence during a E3 presentation that was expected to generate more hype than it actually did. Some companies, like EA, have stated they have no interest in HD remakes, but if the current insatiability for classic releases fails to sway the publishing giant, it will only need to look at the sales figures for Final Fantasy 7 HD Remake to decide its worth a shot. We don’t have to like it, but it’s happening.

However, that isn’t where the fatigue around classic gaming franchises seems to be stemming from anymore. Instead, the growing sentiment seems to be that games need to do something fundamentally different in each iteration outside of making the obvious improvements that come with customer feedback. That’s not always the case – Game Rant’s own review of Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest praised the game for feeling like an extension of its predecessor – but it has become more noticeable in recent years. I hear it whenever people discuss the newest Call of Duty title that’s been announced, the inevitable comment that goes something like “it’s already been done a thousand times, why can’t they just make something new?”

My question, in response, is this: why would “they” want to?

call of duty black ops 3 gameplay

call of duty black ops 3 gameplay

It’s not that I am particularly fond of the Call of Duty franchise, because I personally play each title approximately twice before the next one is released, whenever I find myself at a friend’s place with too much time to kill before heading out for the night. I don’t really enjoy the gameplay, and I’m not a competitive player when it comes to shooters anyways, mostly because when other gamers were honing their trigger-fingers playing Quake and Halo I was plodding through tall grass for hours on end to train my Pokemon team. The fact I don’t like the series doesn’t change the fact I never blame Activision for making another Call of Duty , though. It’s simply too profitable to ignore.

We need to stop getting upset that successful game franchises are releasing titles that return to so many series-defining mechanics, however. The reason these games got popular was because they discovered, or stumbled, onto something that worked – and it worked well, given how long Call of Duty , Pokemon , and Final Fantasy have been around. It is completely unreasonable to expect a game like Pokemon to abandon the tale of one child’s journey across a nation, with only their wits and trusted companions to help them achieve their goal to be the best. It is also unreasonable to expect every game, regardless of how popular said game’s predecessors were, to be ground-breaking or innovative.

Think of it like this: I love pizza. I have a favorite pizza shop that I go to frequently, and always enjoy. Whenever they release a new topping, or a new sauce, I don’t complain that the bread, cheese, and other ingredients are still the same. If all of those changed, the final product would be unrecognizable to me, a completely different experience that I could’ve found pretty much anywhere except my favorite shop. Games, like pizza, are great. But games, like pizza, can only change so much before they become something new entirely.

It comes down to something Game Rant has covered before. Some games are simply going to be fun, emotional experiencesthat aren’t going to leave a gamer fundamentally changed at the end of them. It’s okay for games to give players a character who is likeable but shallow, gameplay that is fun and engaging, and a plot that is entertaining and have that be the end of the experience. Likewise, it’s okay for games like Pokemon , Call of Duty , and Final Fantasy to stick to what’s made them popular at this point and simply appeal to their large fanbases while hoping some other gamers are interested in the newest installment.

pokemon sun moon logo

pokemon sun moon logo

I considered ending on something hyperbolic, like stating that it isn’t a crime to repackage the same gaming experience that won fans over in a given IP with new surface aesthetics and the odd minor innovations, but video game fans already know that. This isn’t an appeal to the people who occupy those extremes I discussed earlier – this is a conversation with a community that is starting to argue against a good thing. I agree, we should expect new gameplay and experience with each coming year in the game industry, but with an understanding that sometimes, revisiting an old friend like Pokemon with a new look is just as exciting.

Ubisoft’s For Honor To Have A Solo Campaign

Ubisoft’s For Honor To Have A Solo Campaign

Games like Titanfall , Battlefront , and Rainbow Six Siege have marked a new trend in gaming and it has been very polarizing among gamers.

Ubisoft’s For Honor To Have A Solo Campaign

have marked a new trend in gaming and it has been very polarizing among gamers. Multiplayer only games have caused a commotion in the gaming world, especially Ubisoft who recently felt the heat from the gaming community when Rainbow Six Siege was released without a solo campaign despite its inclusion in previous entries. It appears that they have learned their lesson, because in Ubisoft’s most recent For Honor Producer Highlights video Producer Stephane Cardin made the announcement.

For Honor is Ubisoft’s brutal new four vs. four multiplayer game where players take control of one of three classes (knight, viking or samurai) and fight along side an AI controlled team to take control of strategic points.

Opinion: Games Like The Division Don’t Interest Me Anymore

Opinion: Games Like The Division Don’t Interest Me Anymore

Although The Division is poised to become one of the breakout new IPs of 2016, one writer looks to the future of his time playing the game with a sense of dread.

I could tell while playing The Division ‘s closed beta a few weeks ago that I was going to love the game. While I had initially feared The Division might be too much like Destiny , those fears were put to rest when I got some hands-on time with a game that turned out to be a very different animal. While Destiny has no problem with players charging headlong into battle as long as they are prepared and skilled enough, The Division will mow even the most seasoned veteran down to tiny little Agent pieces should they ignore the ample amounts of cover provided for each mission. Even the way the guns feel is fundamentally different.

While I’ve written before on why buying into the hype of upcoming games can be dangerous and even disheartening, I am definitely a believer in The Division . I know I’m going to enjoy my time with the multiple Agents I hope to play as, getting a feel for each different skillset. I know that I’m going to obsess over making sure my Agent is wearing the right style of dreary grey jacket and fashionable utility bag, because I couldn’t forgive myself if any of the rival factions in New York thought I didn’t know how to accessorize. Sure, most of these things all seem like an inherently good thing, but I am dreading each and every one of them.

Some context: I went through similar phases while playing Destiny and, more recently, Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain . I am a completionist at heart, and both of these games offer a lot to people with the kind of compulsion that drives someone to farm materials for days just to get a shiny new gun. While I was still immersed in the story of either title, these traditional reward systems and loot-basedtrappings were hardly noticeable. A funny thing happened on my way to the endgame of Destiny and Metal Gear Solid 5 , though. I got invested. I genuinely cared about the characters I was playing and how they appeared in-game.

destiny guardian ship super

destiny guardian ship super

And then I got to the end of the story-based content, and it all fell apart, like a glorious video game taco that had a hole in the tortilla wrap. The endgame was that little bit of extra ground beef, that cheesy hubris – it caused the whole thing to buckle under its own weight and collapse into a mess that was distinctly un-fun . It was an endgame cycle of repetition that had no real narrative entanglementany longer – kill this guy because he’s a bad person who carries small pieces of a better weapon, then do it again some more times until you can assemble said weapon until there is something better.

I get exactly why this formula is still in place today, and I’m not criticizing developers for including it in their games. It’s not so much that I feel the practice of loot-cycle reward systems, which will be included in The Division as well, is flawed or out-of-date. It’s more the growing sense that, at the tender (and still young!) age of 25, I’m no longer the primary target demographic of most of the titles I’m playing.

After all, the gamer I was at age 18 is drastically different from the one I am at 25, and not just because past-me is significantly better at shooters than I could ever hope to be again. Younger people have something that developers prize highly, and it’s something I have been finding less of as I grow a bit older and undertake more real-world responsibilities: the luxury of free time, and lots of it. Bungie and Ubisoft certainly know this, and there’s a reason that Destiny ‘s endgame content requires the kind of dedication that people cooking their own dinners and desperately trying to find time for social obligations can’t possibly hope to muster up. It’s not meant for us.

Instead, the endgame of Destiny and what will likely characterize the endgame of The Division is something we can admire from afar, or perhaps take part in on rare occasion. Yet it is still like attending a dinner party and enjoying a 5-star meal where everyone else is speaking a language you don’t understand. Enjoyable, perhaps even sublime – but there’s something you’re missing that everyone else isn’t. It gets even worse when you discover that, while you’re still able to use the utensils just fine, everyone else has become much better at maneuvering them in your time away from the frequent parties. You’re doing the same thing everyone else is, but you’re doing it much worse.

So, where does that leave me with The Division ? I understand that one solution, if I truly want to keep up with the endgame content and cyclical repetition, is to simply set aside more time to play the game. I have also exaggerated the kind of obligations that prevent us from enjoying the games we love. The problem with online, mostly multiplayer games like The Division , however, is that more time spent with them is often achieved by sacrificing playthroughs of other games. For those skeptical of this dynamic, look at how Destiny ‘s Year 2 problemssent some of its most prominent players away to check out other titles. A lot of people taking a break from Bungie’s game ended up diving into The Witcher 3 , a game that had arrived nearly six months prior to the issues with Destiny and was on the short-list for Game of the Year on nearly every awards ballot.

ubisoft the division stealth cover shooter gameplay

ubisoft the division stealth cover shooter gameplay

The point is, I’m tired of rewards systems in endgame content that are nearly impossible to achieve without dedicating myself solely to one game at the expense of others. I’m also sick of the perception surrounding these kinds of games that states that making content more accessible with less commitment is somehow making the game easier for everyone. The ability to focus entirely upon a game like The Division should absolutely exist, and is part of the appeal of an online MMO/shooter hybrid – it just shouldn’t come at my expense.

Do I think The Division should eliminate hardcore endgame appeal altogether? Certainly not. But surely there must be a way to create a compelling endgame that both rewards spending a lot of time with the content without punishing players for having commitments outside one game. As it stands now, I’m still going to play as much of The Division as I am able, and I’m going to become just as invested in my Agent as I was with my Guardian a year ago. I’m going to reach the highest level I can and engage with endgame content just the same.

My hope, however, is that when the time inevitably comes that I must step away from the game for a week, or two weeks, or even a month, that it is still playable upon my return. I just don’t have the time to play catch up on a month’s worth of content anymore, and because of that, my love of The Division is equal parts fun and terrifying.

HoloLens Versus Virtual Reality: Which One Will Come Out on Top?

HoloLens Versus Virtual Reality: Which One Will Come Out on Top?

With the race for Virtual Reality supremacy heating up, we explore whether Microsoft’s HoloLens can beat the competition to become the headset of choice.

In recent weeks, a huge amount of news has surfaced regarding the fledgling technologies of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality. Although Valve and HTC will be stealing most of the headlines, after announcing the Vive headset’s price point of $799alongside a release date of early April, Microsoft has also been providing updates on the progress of the HoloLens. The news isn’t quite as finite as Valve’s, however, with the headset being given the time to developinto a product that customers will want.

That’s not to say that price point details were entirely absent, although this information wasn’t exactly the doing of Microsoft. Instead, a leaked announcement was captured by Reddit, suggesting that developer kit pre-orders would start immediately at a price of $3,000. The price mirrors previous reports, as well as suggestions that Microsoft is sticking to a long haul development plan.

Although HoloLens is certainly of interest to the gaming community, the headset is something of a conundrum in comparison to the straight VR devices that are launching throughout the year. Microsoft’s HoloLens doesn’t work in quite the same way as the pure VR headsets, and as such there have been some concerns about where its place will be in the market. In spite of extremely promising tech demos, such as the E3 2015 Minecraft demonstrationthat captivated audiences with 3D virtual world interaction, it’s hard to grasp exactly what impact HoloLens will have on gaming.

HoloLens Minecraft Demo

HoloLens Minecraft Demo

With so much up in the air about AR devices and their relation to video games, it may come down to exactly how much Microsoft is able to separate itself from the glut of VR devices set to hit store shelves soon. Although gamers have still yet to fully grasp what VR will bring to the party, an awful lot is known about the variety of headsets that are coming soon, with plenty of highly anticipated VR gameson the cards. Oculus Rift in particular has been in the public eye for years, from its initial promise through to the multibillion-dollar Facebook buyout, and now at its state as a viable product.

Oculus is not alone either, with different groups championing other well-known parties entering the VR sphere. Sony has its own horse in the race, dubbed the PlayStation VR, whilst the aforementioned Vive headset has gained plaudits from PC gamers, particularly given Valve’s choice to give developer kits to studiosto try and ensure the headset receives strong support upon release. Microsoft will therefore need to find a place for the HoloLens in what has already become a crowded market.

Hololens Display

Hololens Display

If the HoloLens proves to be too similar to the headsets that will have already been out for some time, it may be difficult for Microsoft to find a niche. Even though the prospect of VR gaming is extremely exciting, with some hoping that this new run of headsets will bring about the dream of truly immersive gaming experiences, there’s only so many devices that can be commercially successful, no matter how enthusiastic the community is for their arrival. Who knows: by the time HoloLens reaches the hands of gamers, there may already be a strong, established front runner in the race for VR dominancy.

In that case, perhaps Microsoft’s best chance of success with the HoloLens is to make the device stand out from the crowd. Already the company has made positive suggestions that the HoloLens won’t simply be another entry into the VR market, but with so little to go on thus far, gamers will need more finite details than promises such as that. The question then is exactly how Microsoft will make HoloLens into a unique experience for users.

One that the gaming community will be hoping for is a low price point that entices buyers. Although some companies have made no secret of the prospective high price points of VR headsets, with HTC explaining that the Vive was never going to be cheap, the high prices of the devices released so far have disappointed some gamers, with many now feeling that Virtual Reality is too expensive. With the Vive sitting at $799, and the Oculus coming it at $599, it’s a huge price to pay for some, particularly with limited libraries and no promises of long-life quality and support.



PlayStation VR is the only major device yet to have a confirmed release price, although estimates suggest that the headset could fall in the $400-$600 price range. With that it mind, if Microsoft could somehow manage to undercut the competition, that could prove extremely enticing for new users, and potentially even those that had already bought another headset. After all, if someone’s willing to spend hundreds of dollars on the Vive, what’s a few more for a new device?

Whether that’s a viable goal, however, remains to be seen. The dev kit for the HoloLens is going to sell for $3,000, which will stop plenty of early adopters from getting hold of the device. That’s no real indication of the final cost, of course, but given that the DK1 dev kits for the Oculus Rift sold at $300, there’s no sense that HoloLens will be a cheap option going forwards.

If that does prove to be the case, then it will instead be the content of the HoloLens that makes it a separate, and profitable, entity from the VR competition. Microsoft has already suggested that HoloLens will provide an entirely different set of usesfrom other headsets on the market, which might be why the company entered into partnership with Oculus over Rift support. HoloLens could prove a worthwhile investment if the different uses of the device make it a handy option to have around.

HoloLens Globe

HoloLens Globe

Within the realm of gaming, too, the HoloLens can stand out from the pack. Plenty of developers have tried to tap in to the Augmented Reality market, with mixed success. It’s a hard concept to grasp, but some exciting projects have included Night Terrors , a mobile title that turns the player’s real-world location into a haunted house, with ghosts only visible through the user’s mobile screen. HoloLens has already shown its potential through the previously mentioned Minecraft demo, and remaining true to its AR roots could prove invaluable.

This could also help the HoloLens combat one of the main criticisms of VR at this moment in time: a perceived lack of social gaming. Nintendo of America head Reggie Fils-Aime famously offered up criticismover the crop of upcoming VR headsets, saying that a lack of a social aspect would hinder the potential of such devices. It seems to have been a major reason as to why Nintendo has yet to enter this new wave of Virtual Reality gaming, in spite of the company’s pioneering work with motion control in the last console generation.

If Microsoft can somehow tie HoloLens and social together, then the headset could truly become something special for gaming. Be it through a new breed of game genre or simply augmenting the social aspects of other games through added interactivity such as Augmented Reality facecams, the sky’s the limit for the device. It’s something that HoloLens could certainly have over the VR competition, and something that Microsoft will no doubt be investigating, particularly if successful multiplayer games such as Minecraft are expected to play a major role in the device’s gaming repertoire.

Of course, with so little known about exactly how HoloLens will shape up when the time comes for a retail release, it’s hard to know exactly what to expect. The device could prove to turn up at launch as a completely different beast to what gamers are expecting, or it could simply offer up a streamlined gaming process similar to what had already been seen by other headsets. Only time will tell as to whether HoloLens can beat the competition, but there’s every chance that Microsoft has something special in mind for the device.

It’s Time to Stop Mourning Silent Hills

It’s Time to Stop Mourning Silent Hills

Although gamers are disappointed that Hideo Kojima’s Silent Hills project is no more, longing for the cancelled game shouldn’t overshadow the excitement for Kojima’s next title.

Hideo Kojima’s departure from Konamifelt akin to a band-aid being pulled off slowly. The disintegration of the relationship between the acclaimed video game designer and his former publisher was gradually unveiled in front of a concerned gaming community, with the actions of Konami drawing ire from fans of Kojima’s previous works. Gamers could barely look as Konami pulled P.T. from the PlayStation store, as well as eradicating Kojima’s work on the hugely successful Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain .

The end result was Kojima leaving Konami, but not before some parting blows such as Kojima being refused access to the 2015 Game Awards. Nonetheless, the auteur has bounced back incredibly well, securing a future for his studio with the support of Sony. Kojima is already starting work on the first project of his Sony collaboration, with the aim of releasing a title at some point in the future.

In spite of this, however, some are still mourning the loss of Kojima’s abandoned projects, in particular the highly-anticipated Silent Hills . The title was expected to deliver one of the most exciting team-ups of all time, with Kojima joining forces with horror director extraordinaire Guillermo del Toro, and The Walking Dead’s Norman Reedus also aboard. The title was unceremoniously cancelledalongside Kojima’s departure from Konami, however, and the project is officially dead from the publisher’s side.

Silent Hills Reveal

Silent Hills Reveal

Kojima, too, is not exactly looking backwards for inspiration on his new game. The developer has confirmed that Silent Hills is certainly not going to happen, stating that he wants to “move forward” with further projects, and has shied away from making something similar to either P.T. or the infant Silent Hills project. Although Kojima is “interested in exploring” themes of horror with future games, it’s unlikely to be similar to what he was planning with the cancelled survival horror project.

It’s understandable why fans have been feeling the loss of Silent Hills , given that it perhaps gave the Silent Hill franchise the best possible chance of a return to form after several sub-par titles. However, although Silent Hills is no more, there is the prospect of an even more exciting game coming in the future. After all, Kojima hasn’t exactly been subdued over his research for the upcoming Sony project.



Instead, the developer has been going on a well-publicized fact-finding mission, travelling the world to talk with a number of high-profile figures, both from gaming and from other industries. Kojima spent some time in discussions with Respawn Entertainment, the creators of Titanfall , whilst he also travelled to see Star Wars: The Force Awakens director J.J. Abrams. Whatever Kojima has planned, it seems to be big.

Meanwhile, his relationship with co-creator Guillermo del Toro seems as strong as ever. The duo gave a talkat this year’s DICE Summit, and the pair are still keen to work on a project together at some point in the future, whether as an immediate plan or something in the pipeline. Kojima also went to see Norman Reedusas part of his whirlwind tour, suggesting that Reedus may play some role in a future game from the developer.

In short, many of the important ties that Kojima built up for Silent Hills remain in place, with the only loss being the relationship with Konami itself. Should Kojima want to put that dream team together once more on a different game, it seems like there’s no bad blood to contend with. There’s plenty to be hopeful about regarding the future of Kojima Productions, and there’s even the possibility that the developer’s next game may be even better than what was expected of Silent Hills .

10 Cancelled Games We Wish Were Finished - Norman Reedus Silent Hills

10 Cancelled Games We Wish Were Finished - Norman Reedus Silent Hills

This isn’t just pie in the sky positive thinking, either. Kojima has moved away from his former publisher after the relationship between the two soured, and at the end of the day it seems as though Konami’s business strategies may have been holding Kojima back from making the kind of games he truly wanted to build. What’s more, Konami’s recent strategies suggest that that Kojima’s style of direction is far from aligned with the publisher’s future, with Konami continuing to weaken the reputation of longstanding franchises like Silent Hill with pachinko spin-offs, and rumors surfacing that console gaming itself is going to be put on the back-burner.

Instead of the friction of having to fight for creative control, Kojima has found himself working with Sony, who have a much stronger reputation for allowing developers to make the games they truly want to. Sony is far from perfect, of course, and Kojima is highly unlikely to be allowed free reign over the upcoming project, but the PlayStation creator has set a precedent with other recent releases that suggests Kojima may feel at home. One such example is Bloodborne , a title that seemed to fly in the face of many modern gaming conventions, but that Sony allowed pride of place in the PS4’s 2015 line-up, in spite of the publisher’s reservationsover how successful it could be.

Kojima VR Horror Game

Kojima VR Horror Game

Sony may well be exactly the kind of publisher that Kojima needs right now: one that is willing to give him the time and breathing room to create something truly astonishing. Away from the confines of Konami, there’s the potential for the developer’s next game to blow his previous titles out of the water. Given that Kojima has been the mastermind behind some of the greatest titles in the history of gaming, the prospect of this next game is nearly mouthwatering.

The video game community does have a habit of keeping one eye on the past, with a longing for former franchises that has manifested itself in a large number of rebootsof late. As such, it’s completely understandable that the loss of Silent Hills is being felt. It will be a shame that the project will never come to light, and with the worrying prospect of a Kojima-free Metal Gear franchise, fans of both series could be in for a lean future.

However, the chance for something new and exciting taking shape is one that gamers will no doubt grasp with both hands. Kojima has very few lame ducks in his history, and he will no doubt want to make a triumphant return to the industry after the fallout of his departure from Konami. All that needs to be done now is wait until it’s ready.

Watch: Trump wants you to boycott Apple

Watch: Trump wants you to boycott Apple

Speaking at a rally in South Carolina, the Republican presidential candidate declared, “I think what you ought to do is boycott Apple until such time as they give that security number.

Donald Trump

Above: Donald Trump

Image Credit: Gage Skidmore/Flickr

Donald Trump today called for a boycott of Apple following the company’s refusalto help the FBI unlock datafrom the San Bernardino shooter’s iPhone.

Speaking at a rally in South Carolina, the Republican presidential candidate declared, “I think what you ought to do is boycott Apple until such time as they give that security number. How do you like that? I just thought of that,” he declared. “Boycott Apple!”

Trump took the opportunity to attack Apple’s CEO, who has vowed that his company will defy a court orderto breach the iPhone used by Syed Rizwan Farook, one of the San Bernardino killers. “Tim Cook is looking to do a big number, probably to show how liberal he is,” Trump said.

Trump repeated his call to action, “Boycott Apple until such time as they give that information.” Then he repeated it again online, tweeting the following — via an iPhone, of course.


— Colin Jones (@colinjones) February 19, 2016

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Blu-ray Contest: Dead Space: Aftermath & Tekken

Blu-ray Contest: Dead Space: Aftermath & Tekken

To celebrate the release of Tekken on Blu-ray and DVD home video next week, Anchor Bay has partnered with us to give away a few Blu-rays for the live-action fighter, Tekken, and the animated Dead Space: Aftermath which released alongside Dead Space 2 earlier in the year.

There are four Blu-rays in total so read on for details on each film and how you can win!

Dead Space: Aftermath Synopsis

The year is 2509. The first-responder ship USG O’Bannon has arrived at Aegis VII, attempting to hold the planet together in the wake of the catastrophe that destroyed the Ishimura. But only four members of the O’Bannon crew have survived, and the catastrophe remains unchecked. What went wrong? What secrets do they hide? And what new threats have been revealed…in the Aftermath!

DEAD SPACE AFTERMATH is a fast paced, horrifying thrill ride told through the perspective of the 4 survivors by several renowned international directors, each vision unique and bold in its own way. Voiced by an excellent cast led by Christopher Judge (“Stargate: SG-1”), Peter Woodward (“Babylon 5″, Charmed”), Ricardo Chavira and Gwendoline Yeo.

Tekken Synopsis:

The year is 2039. World wars have destroyed everything and territories are run by corporations, the mightiest — and cruelest — of which is Tekken. Jin Kazama (Jon Foo) witnesses the death of his mother Jun (Tomita) by Tekken in the slums known as Anvil. Vowing vengeance, and armed only with his street smarts and raw fighting skills, he enters a dangerous and potentially deadly combat tournament, where he must defeat the world’s most elite fighters to become the “King of the Iron Fist.”

The videogame of the future comes to full live-action life when Anchor Bay Films and Manga Entertainment release Tekken on July 19th. Directed by Dwight H. Little, Tekken stars Jon Foo, Kelly Overton, Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa, Ian Anthony Dale, Darrin DeWitt Henson, former world champion kick boxer Gary Daniels, MMA fighters Cung Le, and Roger Huerta, Luke Goss, and Tamlyn Tomita.

The Prizes

Contest is sponsored by Anchor Bay and the following prizes are available: 2 Tekken Blu-rays 2 Dead Space: Aftermath Blu-rays


Winners must be located in the U.S. (No P.O. boxes).  To win, simply leave a comment explaining whether video game adaptations work better in animated or live-action form.

We’ll pick the winners based on the answers so keep them interesting and/or funny and we’ll announce them next week.

Follow me on Twitter @ rob_keyes.

The Game Rant Guide: February 2013 Edition

The Game Rant Guide: February 2013 Edition

February 2013 Release List

(Note: Based Off North American Release Dates; All Information Is Subject To Change) Week of February 4th 2013

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – Dragonborn (PC; February 5th, 2013, PS3, ?) (3DS; February 4th, 2013) Dead Space 3 (PS3, Xbox 360, PC; February 5th, 2013) Fist of the North Star: Ken’s Rage 2 (PS3, Xbox 360; February 5th, 2013) (PS3, Vita; February 5th, 2013) Fist of the North Star: Ken’s Rage 2 (Wii U; February 7th, 2013) We Sing 80s (Wii; February 8th, 2013) Brain Age: Concentration Training (3DS; February 10th, 2013)

Week of February 11th 2013

(PS3, Xbox 360, PC; February 12th, 2013) Omerta: City of Gangsters (Xbox 360; February 12th, 2013) (3DS; February 12th, 2013) (3DS; February 12th, 2013)

Week of February 18th 2013 Crysis 3 (PS3, Xbox 360, PC; February 19th, 2013) Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (PS3, Xbox 360; February 19th, 2013) Serious Sam Double D XXL (Xbox 360; February 20th, 2013) Naughty Bear: Double Trouble! (Xbox 360; February 22nd, 2013)

Week of February 25th, 2013 (PSN; February 26th, 2013) Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan (3DS; February 26th, 2013) (PSVita; February 26th, 2013) (Wii U; February 26th, 2013) Expeditions: Conquistador (PC; February 28th, 2013) Might & Magic Heroes VI: Shades of Darkness (PC; February 28th, 2013)

With so much going on, it looks like February is shaping up to be a killer month for video game enthusiasts! What are you looking forward to most? Let us know and leave a comment!

The Game Rant Guide: March 2013 Edition

The Game Rant Guide: March 2013 Edition

As we reach the final leg of Q1 2013, fans of big-name franchises can expect to see more of what they love this month.

As we reach the final leg of Q1 2013, fans of big-name franchises can expect to see more of what they love this month. Starting off this Spring is The Amazing Spider-Man , swinging into action for the Wii Uon March 5th. Also set to release on the 5th is Maxis‘ sixth installation of, which will be made available for WindowsPCs immediately, with MacOSX support to follow.

Lara Croft returns in the part-reboot, part-prequel, also set to release on March 5th for PS3, Xbox 360, and Windows PC. God of War: Ascension and the long-awaitedhack and slash their way onto shelves March 12th, for PS3 and Windows/Mac OSX, respectively. Gears of War: Judgment is also set to explode on the scene March 19th for Xbox 360, and finishing off the first quarter of 2013 are the hotly-anticipatedon March 26th and Lost Planet 3 on March 31st — each set to release on PS3, Xbox 360 and Windows PC.

March 2013 Release List

(Note: Based Off North American Release Dates; All Information Is Subject To Change)

Week of March 4th, 2013

The Amazing Spider-Man (Wii U; March 5th) Atelier Ayesha: The Alchemist of Dusk (PS3; March 5th) Castlevania: Lords of Shadow — Mirror of Fate (3DS; March 5th) Major League Baseball 2K13 (PS3, Xbox 360; March 5th) MLB 2K13: The Show (PS3, Vita; March 5th) Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 (PS3, Xbox 360; March 5th) (Windows, Mac; March 5th) (Windows; March 5th – Mac; TBA) (PS3, Xbox 360, Windows; March 5th)

Week of March 11th, 2013 (PSN; March 12th) God of War: Ascension (PS3; March 12th) Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory (PS3; March 12th) (PS3, Xbox 360, Windows; March 12th) StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm (Windows, Mac; March 12th) Darkstalkers Resurrection (XBLA; March 13th) (Windows; March 14th)

Week of March 18th, 2013 Lego City Undercover (Wii U; March 18th) The Croods: Prehistoric Party! (Wii U, 3DS, Wii, Nintendo DS; March 19th) (Xbox 360; March 19th) Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (Wii U, 3DS; March 19th) (Wii U; March 19th) The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct (PS3, Xbox 360; March 19th) (Windows; March 21st) Dead or Alive 5 Plus (Vita; March 22nd) Resident Evil 6 (Windows; March 22nd) (3DS; March 24th) Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity (3DS; March 24th)

Week of March 25th, 2013 Army of Two: The Devil’s Cartel (PS3, Xbox 360; March 26th) (PS3, Xbox 360, Windows; March 26th) Final Fantasy XI: Seekers of Adoulin (Xbox 360, Windows; March 26th) Pandora’s Tower (Wii; March 26th) Slender: The Arrival (Windows; March 26th) Tiger Woods PGA Tour 14 (PS3, Xbox 360; March 26th) The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct (Wii U: March 26th) HarmoKnight (3DS; March 28th)

To Be Determined

Dyad (Windows) Jane Jensen’s Moebius (Windows) (Windows, Mac, Linux, PSN, XBLA, iOS, Android) (PS3, Xbox 360, Windows)

With so much to look forward to this month, gamers are going to have a hard time keeping up with everything coming their way! Ranters, what are you most excited to throw down your hard-earned cash for? While the final four titles listed above do not yet have a set release date, they are expected to be released sometime this month. Rest assured that when we find out, you’ll be the first to know!

Unicorn apocalypse: Has the value of mobile Internet companies peaked?

Unicorn apocalypse: Has the value of mobile Internet companies peaked?

With a flurry of exits by mobile Internet companies in Q4 2015, and a slowdown in venture capital investing behind us, now may be the time to look in the rearview mirror.

unicorn stabbing

Image Credit: Zoomar

With a flurry of exits by mobile Internet companies in Q4 2015, and a slowdown in venture capital investing behind us, now may be the time to look in the rearview mirror. Did we just pass the top of the market? Going forward, will it be all downhill for the values of these companies?

According to Digi-Capital, a tech M&A adviser, 102 mobile Internet unicorns grew to $1 trillion after adding $130 billion value in Q4 2015. The year saw $100 billion of mobile Internet exits, as consolidation kicked into overdrive while IPOs cooled. In January, this cooling turned to freezing as zero tech companies went public.

Above: $100B mobile exits as investments/valuations peak in 2015

Image Credit: Digi-Capital

Further, while investors poured $69 billion into mobile Internet companies last year, investment dropped over 20 percent in Q4 2015 after nine straight quarters of growth. And the market capitalization of 92 publicly-traded mobile Internet companies was flat for the year, according to Digi-Capital.

While the Q4 2015 data suggests a peak market, we may need another quarter to know for certain. Last month VentureBeat reported on 229 unicornsacross many sectors, with $175 billion in funding, which had attained a combined $1.3 trillion value. What happens to unicorns of every stripe continues to be a hot topic of conversation in Silicon Valley.

Tim Merel, founder and CEO of Digi-Capital said, “ Marc Andreessenand Bill Gurley’s ongoing debate about flying and dead unicorns remained unsettled at the end of last year,” referring to the partners of venture capital firms, Andreesen Horowitz and Benchmark, respectively. One hundred-and-two mobile Internet unicorns added $130 billion value in the fourth quarter to reach $1 trillion for the first time, while four mobile internet unicorns fell below the $1 billion mark.

“So they’re both right,” Merel says. ‘For now.”

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E3 2014: Multi-Platform Titanfall Sequel Planned

E3 2014: Multi-Platform Titanfall Sequel Planned

A sequel to Titanfall , the popular first person shooter released in March 2014, has been officially announced by publisher Electronic Arts and developer Respawn Entertainment.

, the popular first person shooter released in March 2014, has been officially announced by publisher Electronic Arts and developer Respawn Entertainment. The game is rumored to be coming to the Playstation 4 as well as the Xbox One, unlike its Xbox-exclusive predecessor, although these suspicions have not been officially confirmed by either Electronic Arts or Respawn Entertainment.

The first Titanfall game received a number of accoladesat its debut during E3 2013 but later launched to far more mixed although still generally positive reviews. Most critics praised the agility of the player characters in multiplayer and varied gameplay modes but condemned the game’s poor single-player campaign. Due to the fact that Respawn’s developers had formerly worked on immensely successful FPS franchise Call of Duty and the praise for early demos of Titanfall , expectations for the game were arguably unrealistically high. Failing to live up to these expectations caused the game’s sales figures to fall flat of what was expected according to figures released by market research company NPD group, although it still managed to climb to a position as the top-selling game of March 2014. Publisher Electronic Arts has yet to releaseofficial figures themselves, only further driving speculation that the game may have been responsible for the company’s recent decline in revenue.

