Destiny: The Taken King Achievements Reveal New Quests

Destiny: The Taken King Achievements Reveal New Quests



With less than three weeks to go before Destiny: The Taken King drops, fans of Bungie’s extremely popular action-RPG have been clamoring for as many details about the new content as possible in order to properly prepare their Guardians for battle. So far, the studio has shared tons of information about what players can expect, such as Year 2’s old exotics upgrades, as well as the introduction of eight fresh Crucible maps, and it’s safe for fans to presume even more news is on the way.

Not long ago, Bungie’s Creative Director, Luke Smith, divulged that Destiny ‘s newest raid entitled King’s Fall is not only the largest one that the studio has created thus far, but it will also serve the story in a major way. Not to mention, the new raid supposedly has a juicy twistthat he can’t discuss just yet. Fans will likely have to wait a little while longer to find out what the surprise is, be it through Bungie’s final Twitch stream coverage before The Taken King launches, or when they actually play the expansion themselves. However, much like with today’s latest developments, speculation is never out of the question.

Recently, the Xbox achievement tracking website known as True Achievements has posted a list of achievements for the Xbox 360 version of Destiny: The Taken King , which cumulatively adds up to a 250 Gamerscore. Plus, more interestingly, the list uncovers a few new quests as shown in the screenshots below.

While several of the achievements should come as no real revelation – namely the Court of Oryxquest and the three linked to the game’s new Guardian sub-classes (Stormcaller, Sunbreaker, and Nightstalker) – it’s quite intriguing to wonder what the just revealed The Old Hunger quest, The Wolves of Mars quest, and the Echoes of Oryx quest will each have in store for players. Undoubtedly, the titles give some clues as to what kind of content fans can anticipate.

“Still Got Wolf Problems” is almost certainly a reference to the prior conflicts experienced in House of Wolves, so would-be Guardians will probably encounter some leftover Fallen enemies working for the now-dead Skolas. And “Second Wind” might be alluding to Oryx gathering up his strength for another assault after presumably being defeated. Nevertheless, this is only conjecture, so it’s anyone’s guess as to what the quests will bring.

As previously reported, Bungie still has one Year 2 stream scheduled beforebecomes available, so perhaps the studio will give fans a better idea of what the achievements consist of. Or maybe the developers will dominate social mediaonce more and provide Destiny devotees with some insight as to the quests’ content.

What kind of stuff you believe the newly revealed Destiny: The Taken King quests might contain? Do you think the adventures will be better than the offerings of previous expansions like House of Wolves or The Dark Below?

Destiny: The Taken King is set to release on September 15, 2015 for PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.

Source: True Achievements

Destiny: The Taken King’s New Multiplayer Modes are Lots of Fun

Destiny: The Taken King’s New Multiplayer Modes are Lots of Fun

As part of their E3 2015 presence, developer Bungie wanted to give Destiny fans a full suite of experiences.

fans a full suite of experiences. To start, they highlighted the story of the next major Destiny expansion, The Taken King, with a brief story mission called ‘The Coming War.’ In the mission, players meet Oryx, father to raid boss Crota, who it seems has a big vendetta against the Guardians.

But, of course, the confrontation with Oryx was just a small slice of the pie, and is focused purely on PvE. Not to be outdone, Bungie’s E3 2015 presence also included closer looks at two new PvP modes for Destiny: The Taken King , both of which look to shake things up a bit.

Now, by and large what Destiny currently offers for PvP is fairly straightforward, players eliminate opponents and earn points. Sometimes they do so while also controlling capture locations, while the new, round-based Elimination modemakes it so players can’t respawn only revive.

That’s all to say that Destiny ’s PvP, while fun, hasn’t done much to shake things up, but that should change with The Taken King expansion. As we saw and played during E3 2015, the new Rift and Mayhem modes are unlike anything Destiny players have seen thus far, and could reinvigorate the Crucible fan base.

For a more extensive look at the new Rift and Mayhem multiplayer modes feel free to check out the video above (courtesy of NukemDukem), but the high points are as follows. Rift is Destiny ’s equivalent of Capture the Flag, but instead of taking the “flag,” which in this case is a glowing orb called a rift, to their own base, players score by taking the rift to their opponent’s base.

The rift takes some time to charge and killing a rift-bearer drops the orb, but by and large it’s fairly standard. The one caveat is that if players preform flips or style moves before scoring, they will earn extra points but the risks of getting taken out before scoring are higher.

It seems strange that Destiny is only just now adding a Capture the Flag type multiplayer mode, but as Bungie has said beforethe experience is continuously growing. However, as a pure experience, Rift retains the personality of Destiny ’s other multiplayer modes, while also giving players an option that isn’t just about eliminating opponents.

On the flip side is Mayhem, a new Destiny multiplayer mode that more than lives up to its name. In Mayhem, recharge rates are drastically increased, to the point that players should earn their Super abilities every 30 seconds, even sooner if they are getting kills.

Destiny Rift Multiplayer Mode

Destiny Rift Multiplayer Mode

As a result, there will be tons of players running around as Bladedancers, Gunslingers, and any of the new subclasses included with The Taken King. Speaking of those Subclasses, we had an opportunity to try out all three of them – the Sunbreaker, Stormcaller, and Nightstalker – during our E3 2015 hands-on preview. So check that out for more PvE-focused content.

At the very least, the Mayhem mode shows that Bungie is listening. Ever since Destiny launched, players have been asking for a multiplayer mode that is nearly endless Supers, and Mayhem is precisely that. Sure, it doesn’t make for a very tactical experience, but as a fun diversion it works well.

Both of the new Destiny: The Taken King PvP modes offer something a little different, and that in itself should be enough for Crucible fans. Rift is the most objective focused mode we’ve seen thus far, while Mayhem is pure chaos in the best possible way. Look for more details on these and additional Destiny multiplayer modes in the months leading up to The Taken King’s release in the fall.

Destiny: The Taken King releases September 15, 2015 for PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.

Destiny: Bungie Details Two New Multiplayer Modes in The Taken King

Destiny: Bungie Details Two New Multiplayer Modes in The Taken King

The hype train for Destiny ’s upcoming expansion, The Taken King, is roaring full steam ahead with a little under a month until release.

’s upcoming expansion, The Taken King, is roaring full steam ahead with a little under a month until release. Developer Bungie continues to whet gamer appetites by revealing exciting additions coming via The Taken King, along with some updates set for the coregame, such as a new voice actor for Ghost.

Recently, Bungie ramped up anticipation for many Guardians by revealing eight new mapsfor Destiny ’s PvP arena, Crucible. And of course, new maps wouldn’t be complete without fresh PvP game modes. At least that seems to be Bungie’s feeling, as they’ll be adding two new modes to Crucible, called Rift and Meyham.

In a video interview with GameInformer, The Taken King’s design lead, Lars Bakken, opens up about creating the new modes and provides Guardians a few details about the new Crucible modes.


Destiny Crucible Rift

Destiny Crucible Rift

In Rift, two teams of six Guardians battle each other for control of a spark in the center of the map. When a player nabs the spark, they need to quickly “dunk” it in the enemy’s rift, located in their base.

Rift takes on the complexion of a traditional capture the flag mode and adds a few twists that are sure to challenge players. For example, capture the flag modes in other games only reward players who are able to carry a flag all the way to the goal in an all or nothing fashion. Bungie would rather see players rewarded for their efforts, so they’ve incorporated a point system into Rift where players gain points for moving the spark toward the goal, even if they die before reaching the enemy rift.

Bungie is also adding a timer to the spark, which will explode if players hold it too long. Hopefully, this will keep players from grabbing the spark and hiding away from the enemy.


Destiny Crucible Mayhem

Destiny Crucible Mayhem

The other game mode is Mayhem, a 6v6 clash match on steroids. Player grenades, melee attacks, and supers all recharge more rapidly than normal. As one would expect, and the name explains, the added firepower combine to create a fast-paced, hectic game mode that’s sure to pump up Guardians’ adrenaline.

There’s little doubt Mayhem will become a favorite among Crucible’s elite, especially those gamers who have been requesting more explosive gameplay the Destiny ’s PvP arena.

During the interview, Bakken shared Bungie’s vision for “putting the new game modes out there” for Destiny gamers to try and see how they respond. It’s possible Bungie will start Rift and Mayhem as temporary game modes, similar to Elimination in Trials of Osiris, and make them permanent if gamers respond positively.

What do you think about the new Crucible game modes coming in The Taken King? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Destiny – The Taken King is set to release on September 15, 2015 for PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.

Source: GameInformer

Does Destiny: The Taken King Feature A Saturn Story Mission?

Does Destiny: The Taken King Feature A Saturn Story Mission?

Since Destiny ‘s release, Bungie’s popular online action-RPG has taken the gaming world by storm.

‘s release, Bungie’s popular online action-RPG has taken the gaming world by storm. Like most games, Destiny has its flaws, but with more than 20 million registered players around the globe dedicating countless hours of their existence exploring the game’s futuristic versions of our solar system’s planets, it’s obvious that the multiplayer shooter has a strong following. Furthermore, with a slew of content already at fans’ fingertips, the highly anticipated Destiny expansion pack DLC entitledis set to arrive in September to sate the needs of Guardians hungry for a fresh adventure.

When The Taken King ‘s reveal trailerwas shown during Sony’s E3 2015 press conference, fans were treated to a scant bit of specifics regarding the expansion pack. However, Bungie further elucidated upon the content after the convention with a rather lengthy video documentary that divulged details about the DLC’s villain, the ancient hive king Oryx, the new sub-classesbeing introduced, and the mission on Phobos.

Nevertheless, such a bevy of information has only given Destiny fans license to speculate on what else could be included in The Taken King. In fact, no matter how much official information Bungie releases, the game’s Reddit community will often take the news and spiral out with its own conjecture and theories with varying degrees of success. Bearing that in mind, user and Destiny forum subscriber “thelegendblue” has recently posted a screenshot of text to the site that is purportedly the DLC’s private test build level for a story mission on Saturn.

Destiny Taken King Saturn Story

Destiny Taken King Saturn Story

According to “thelegendblue”, the picture has been acquired due to an alleged friendship with Bungie developers, but after disclosing info of what the company’s working on, it’s hard to say whether or not the relationship between both parties will continue. Notwithstanding, at least the PSN player tag has been blocked out in the photo so as to save a certain Bungie employee some grief when higher-ups no doubt catch wind of the leak.

Regardless, the inclusion of a quest on Saturn seems a bit far-fetched, even for a game that typically plays it fast and loose with its science fiction elements. For instance, the ringed planet in question is made entirely of gas, so it would be pretty preposterous for a Guardian to actually set foot on it. However, this doesn’t exclude the chance that the undeveloped mission could be set on one of Saturn’s many moons, or where the Dreadnaught ship is docked.

At any rate, with no actual confirmation on either Activision’s or Bungie’s part, the news lacks official credibility. Although, some leaks revealing gameplay detailsabout The Taken King have led to being proven as true, so almost anything is possible at this point.

Destiny ‘s The Taken King expansion pack will be released on September 15, 2015.

Source: Reddit

Destiny: The Taken King Upgrades Old Exotic Weapons for Year 2

Destiny: The Taken King Upgrades Old Exotic Weapons for Year 2

Destiny: The Taken King is a DLC primed to breathe new life into Bungie’s extremely successful action-RPG franchise.

Destiny Upgrades Old Exotic Weapons for Year 2 Destiny Upgrades Old Exotic Weapons for Year 2

is a DLC primed to breathe new life into Bungie’s extremely successful action-RPG franchise. Recently, the studio announced two new multiplayer modes– called Rift and Mayhem, respectively – for the Crucible that will be included in the add-ons, and fans couldn’t be happier. Plus, with the forthcoming content promised to be double the size of The Dark Below, would-be Guardians ought to have plenty to be excited about.

Bungie’s Year 2 streamfor The Taken King started today, and as previously reported, the broadcast was presented by the game’s developers (executive producer Mark Noseworthy, senior design lead Tyson Green, and community manager David “DeeJ” Dague) and they went over various improvements for the first-person shooter’s upcoming expansion. More specifically, the hosts went into detail about‘s forthcoming upgrades for old exotic weapons.

Discussing the game’s exotic weapon blueprints system, it’s been confirmed the firearms from Year One still exist, but Bungie has created updated versions of them with fresher designs. For instance, the Suros Regime Auto Rifle they showed off in the demonstration has a black and red coloring instead of its white paint job. Not to mention, some of the exotic guns will have new perks right from the start, in addition to several new talents available for select improved weapons. Players will spend legendary marks for them, but not all Year One exotics will have the option to upgrade.

Destiny The Taken King Suros Regime Black

Destiny The Taken King Suros Regime Black

Furthermore, exotic guns’ attack values have been altered. While their potency appears to be the same, the actual numbers have been shifted so as to make weapons’ and armor’s effectiveness more properly aligned with one another. Although this change might not be welcome to some, at least exotics aren’t getting the treatment of upgrades for old legendary gear. But should people still be somewhat put off by the modifications, such alterations should come as no surprise, for these refinements are commonplace for ever-evolving MMOs.

All in all, considering the brevity of Bungie’s first livestream , the webcast’s coverage for The Taken King seemed to be pretty successful. In addition to the explanation of the Destiny ‘s exotics upgrades, the studio also revealed that players will be getting double the vault size for storage, much to the audience’s delight. Bearing that in mind, it seems as if the game developers have been paying attention to what’s on the fans’ wishlist for most wanted features. Hopefully, the team’s upcoming transmissions regarding the expansion will knock some more socks off.

What surprises do you think Bungie has in store for Destiny fans during their scheduled broadcast next Wednesday? Do you think the studio could shock everyone with a completely new weapon class?

Destiny: The Taken King is set to launch on September 15, 2015, for PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.

Destiny Will Preview New Crucible Modes & Maps for Free Next Week

Destiny Will Preview New Crucible Modes & Maps for Free Next Week

Destiny: The Taken King is so ubiquitous in gaming news and discussion that it’s a wonder people haven’t started thinking no other games were releasing this month.

is so ubiquitous in gaming news and discussion that it’s a wonder people haven’t started thinking no other games were releasing this month. The way Bungie has dominated social mediain the build up to the DLC’s release is remarkable, and Guardians who have pre-ordered the game are anxiously awaiting its release in a couple of weeks. Those who prefer to see what the game looks like as a finished product before making their decision, however, might be getting the chance sooner than they’d expected, according to Destiny ‘s community manager DeeJ.

The Bungie Weekly Update published todayannounced that Update 2.0 is on its way, due September 8th, and will contain “much of the Year 2 groundwork”. On top of this, Bungie stated that Update 2.0 has a few surprises for every Destiny player, and one in particular from Lord Shaxx that promises to make September 8th a very popular week for Destiny ‘s PvP faithful.

Bungie will be letting all players, regardless of whether they have pre-ordered Destiny: The Taken King or not, into the Crucible to sample the new PvP modes on every single brand new map that will be included in the expansion. DeeJ was quick to point out in the update that the new Super abilities for subclasses won’t be available in the preview, as players will have to visit their class Vanguard in The Taken King to earn their new subclass once the game launches.

What Bungie is cleverly referring to as the Crucible Preview Event will take place from September 8th to September 14th, giving Guardians a full week to get a feel for the new Rift and Mayhem modes that will be making their official debut once The Taken King releases a day later. Once Oryx arrives and The Taken King is on store shelves and available for download, the new Crucible content will be accessible only for those who purchase the expansion.

destiny taken king guardians

destiny taken king guardians

The Crucible Preview Event is a nice bonus for players who might have been on the fence about whether or not The Taken King adds enough new PvP content to warrant a purchase, and also gives PvP pros a whole week to acclimatize themselves to the new Crucible environment before the game’s official release.

The September 8th patch will also bring the much-discussed changes to weapons like Gjallhorn, giving players their first taste of the newly balanced gun. Unfortunately, none of the new exotic weaponswill be available to test their PvP prowess, but purists might enjoy one final week of the Crucible with new maps and no sword gameplay.

Are you going to sink some hours into the free preview of Destiny ‘s future? Are you excited for PvP without Gjallhorn regardless of mode or maps? Let us know in the comments below.

Destiny: The Taken King releases on September 15, 2015 for for PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.

Source: Bungie

Destiny Adds Free Mayhem Mode Preview Starting Today

Destiny Adds Free Mayhem Mode Preview Starting Today

Destiny: The Taken King is bringing a great deal of well-documented changes when the expansion releases in four days.

is bringing a great deal of well-documented changes when the expansion releases in four days. Frankly, given the sheer volume of new content that the DLC is bringing Guardians, it can be kind of overwhelming to keep up. Between new patrols that add a king of Sparrow racingand the possibility of class-exclusive exotic weapons, it’s easy to wonder how players will find the time to interact with each new feature upon The Taken King’ s launch.

Luckily, the developers at Bungie have foreseen this as a possibility, and have been actively working to ensure that Guardians who want to familiarize themselves with some of The Taken King ‘s bigger additions are able to do so before the actual release. Players have already had the chance to experience Destiny ‘s new Rift PvP mode, and reviews have been positive: Bungie’s Year Two content looks like it’s going to revitalize the Crucible. However, the Rift is just one of Destiny ‘s new PvP attractions, and its sibling mode, Mayhem, has yet to share the spotlight.

That is, until now. Today marks the first day in The Taken King ‘s preview week that gamers will be able to get their hands on Mayhem in the Crucible, and Destiny fans will have continued access to both modes until The Taken King ‘s release, when only those who’ve purchased the DLC will be able to participate. The aptly-named mode features gameplay where the recharge rates for Super abilities are drastically increased, with the potential to recharge even faster based on the number of kills a player gets over the course of the match. The end result is a frantic, fast-paced style of play that really prioritizes the abilities of The Taken King ‘s new sub-classes, alongside old favorites like the Gunslingers or Bladedancers.

destiny taken king mayhem hunter

destiny taken king mayhem hunter

Given the positive reception that the Rift mode has already garnered, players will be hoping Bungie goes two-for-two on their overhaul of the Crucible. The focus on Supers will likely make for two draw out a fair amount of supporters and naysayers, but as long as Mayhem brings something unique to Destiny ‘s PvP experience, Bungie should feel they’ve succeeded in improving their multiplayer environment.

For all of the criticism that Bungie’s fledgling RPG/shooter hybrid has faced in its first year of existence, it’s clear that the developer plans to honor their long-term commitment to the franchise. It’s not as if Activision has to work very hard to justify their own support of Destiny , either. After all, a recent unintentional by-product of the Marty O’Donnell case revealed that Destiny’ s sales are even greaterthan people expected.

How was your experience with the Rift gameplay mode? Do you think Mayhem brings enough to the table to be a major player in Destiny ‘s PvP? Hit us up in the comments and let us know.

Destiny: The Taken King releases for PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One on September 15, 2015.


Destiny PvP Event Will Offer Closer Look at New Multiplayer Mode

Destiny PvP Event Will Offer Closer Look at New Multiplayer Mode

Yesterday, the first of Bungie’s three scheduled Year 2 streams for Destiny: The Taken King offered up tons of details regarding some of the changes players should expect to see when the action-RPG’s expansion officially goes live in September.

offered up tons of details regarding some of the changes players should expect to see when the action-RPG’s expansion officially goes live in September. Most self-proclaimed Guardians were happy to get the inside scoop on old exotics upgrades, as well as the good news that their vault space would be doubled. And with two more webcasts to go in the weeks before The Taken King releases, fans ought to expect even more surprises to be divulged.

Prior to the initial Year 2 reveal event, Bungie announced two new multiplayer modesfor the Crucible entitled Rift and Mayhem, both of which will be available in The Taken King DLC. This weekend – Saturday, August 22, at 10:00 AM PDT / 1:00 PM EDT, to be specific – the studio behindwill show off never-before-seen Rift PvP gameplay during a special Red Bull livestream.

Held in the Red Bull eSports Studio in Santa Monica, the broadcast will be hosted by Bungie’s David “Deej” Dague and designer Lars Bakken, as they should provide color commentary and development tidbits. Professional player Mike “Flamesword” Chaves will compete in the exhibition, alongside other Destiny community members such as Holtzmann, nKuch, Datto, Mtashed, KJHovey, Clout, FizZoR, and tripleWRECK. Fans can watch the show via the Red Bull Twitch channel.

Destiny PvP Event Will Offer Closer Look at New Multiplayer Mode

Destiny PvP Event Will Offer Closer Look at New Multiplayer Mode

The function comes about due to the energy drink brand’s and Bungie’s long-standing partnership with one another. Bearing that in mind, their relationship has stood on shaky ground in the past due to scammers having easily stolen Red Bull promo codesfor bonus XP and an extra quest. Not to mention, even further back, thanks to the beverage company’s mismanagement of promotional materials, Red Bull accidentally confirmed The Taken King expansionwell before Bungie intended on officially revealing the new DLC for Destiny . However, it’s obvious that little to no ill will remains between the two entities since both are associating for the aforementioned livestream this weekend.

At any rate, it will be fun to catch the Rift gameplay in action, as Destiny fans should bargain for some traditional capture-the-flag elements mixed with a tweaked points system that ought to make for intense and fast-paced excitement. Plus, it’s quite possible that Bungie will give people who tune in a glimpse of the new Crucible maps – most notably Bannerfall and Frontier – that have been previously confirmed to be included in the content for The Taken King .

Do you intend on checking out the Red Bull livestream this weekend? If so, do you think Bungie will show off any surprises unrelated to the Rift coverage?

Destiny: The Taken King is set to release on September 15, 2015, for PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.

Source: GameSpot

Destiny: The Taken King Adds Eight New Crucible Maps

Destiny: The Taken King Adds Eight New Crucible Maps

As anticipation continues to mount for Destiny: The Taken King , Bungie has stayed on the ball as far as informing would-be Guardians about everything related to the upcoming expansion’s content.

, Bungie has stayed on the ball as far as informing would-be Guardians about everything related to the upcoming expansion’s content. In fact, just recently, the studio let the public in on new details regarding the DLC’s Strikes, as well as fresh information about collectible Ghost shells that affect characters stats and add perks. Considering such upgrades, it’s arguable that Bungie has kept their diehard devotees at the forefront of their thoughts throughout the development of The Taken King , especially with the developer making sure to stay in the loop as to what fans want by asking them about their most wanted featuresfor the action-RPG.

Bearing all of this in mind, Bungie is well aware that one of Destiny ‘s most enjoyable aspects is the Crucible, so the company is striving to give fans the best and freshest experiences possible when it comes to the PvP multiplayer battles in The Taken King by including eight new maps for the mode. And as it happens, the fine folks over at Game Informer recently secured the help of Senior Multiplayer Designer Andrew Weldon to give people a better idea about what can be expected from each of these locations.

Before delving into the maps themselves, it’s important to realize that while some of these places are indeed Crucible-friendly, they may work better for other game modes, for Bungiehas been known to design environments catering to specific gameplay styles. At any rate, the eight new maps are called Bannerfall, Frontier, Crossroads, Sector 618, Ghost Ship, Exile, Memento, and Vertigo. The details that run down their varied strengths, weaknesses, and artistic designs are below.

Destiny Taken King Crucible Map Bannerfall

Destiny Taken King Crucible Map Bannerfall

•A solid, mid-sized map suited for Control and Rift matches
• Layout is similar to Tower set in-between missions
• Large, open courtyard reminiscent of the Guardian Tower’s, but with an angled back alleyway
• Bungie’s Explanation: “At one time there was a fourth faction that held court in this tower along with the beginnings of the New Monarchy faction. You can see that in the banners on each side of the map. On one side you have the familiar New Monarchy logo, but on the other you have this unfamiliar logo that is still tattered and torn from when this faction used to exist.”

• Vex structure on Mars with teleporters
• Perfect for Mayhem matches, allowing for great launches, and time to teleport away for special attack recharges
• Main body is separated by small island
• Bungie’s Explanation: “It’s almost two maps, because there is an entire chunk that functions as its main body where the teams spawn, and then there is a separate island that is a gnarled mass of trees and roots set way off to the side. They’re connected via launchers that catapult you across the map as well as three sets of teleporters.”

Ghost Ship
• First Crucible map set in the Reef, and is a Fallen ship out of commission after a Hive attack
• Smallest map in The Taken King
• Best-suited for battles with fewest people possible
• Bungie’s Explanation: “Ghost Ship features some low gravity effects, so dead Guardians and other objects will slowly float away.”

Destiny Crucible Map Frontier

Destiny Crucible Map Frontier

• Set far out on the city perimeter of Earth
• Semi-symmetric map with a train track running through its center and across a bridge for bottleneck combat
• Showcase Rift map with lots of clean sniper sight-lines
• Bungie’s Explanation: “One of the landmarks on the map is a little gondola platform, which is actually the same gondola you see in Twilight Gap. The idea is that these two maps are connected to each other. In the skybox, you can actually see that little outpost up in the mountains.”

• Hive prison cell inside of one of Oryx’s ships orbiting Saturn with architectural details resembling the Dreadnaught
• Long, narrow, and suited for Control and Clash mode
• Lower level gives combat a vertical feel, and complicated maze of corridors has tight corners
• Bungie’s Explanation: “There are three main lanes through the map. There is the bridge side that takes you out past a window that shows you Saturn and some of the other ships in Oryx’s fleet. Down the middle of the map is a ramp that takes you through a circular room with a crystal in it. In that room is a dropdown, which allows you to enter a lower catacomb level.”

• Set in European Dead Zone
• Built with two larger buildings in a triangular shape, with larger courtyard in the middle
• Moderate size good for Control and Clash mode
• Bungie’s Explanation: “Memento has a couple of significant elevation shifts where you can get some really strong high ground advantages.”

Destiny The Taken King Sector 618

Destiny The Taken King Sector 618

Sector 618
• Set inside the Cosmodrome wall, it has various floating platforms that could send Guardians falling to their doom, so there will be lots of careful jumping
• Square layout with two bridges intersecting with central chasm
• Unfortunately for Xbox owners, it’s exclusive to the PlayStation 4
• Bungie’s Explanation: “The core footprint of the map is the square created by the bridges . . . but on either side you have these multistage jump routes where you can platform up to the high bridge and then jump along the side to get the drop on another player. We wanted to give players a lot of different ways to move through space in interesting ways.”

• Vex structure set high above Mercury
• Symmetrical map
• Includes Cabal “bolted-on” architecture
• Bungie’s Explanation: “One of the key features of the map is a one-way teleporter that spits players out on a really powerful platform on the other side of the map. That platform gives you great coverage of both ends of the map and really opens up some interesting gameplay moments. Vertigo’s one central control room is really crucial and gives you fast access to anywhere on the map.”

With so many up-to-date details to take into consideration in reference to The Taken King ‘s new Crucible maps, it’s no wonder why so many Destiny fans have maintained faith in Bungie’s abilities. And with the promise of the forthcoming expansion’s Fall Raid being the biggest yet, Guardians are sure to stick around for the foreseeable future.

Destiny: The Taken King is set to release on September 15, 2015, for PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.

Source: Game Informer

Destiny: Crota’s End Final Boss Beat in 4 Minutes [Updated]

Destiny: Crota’s End Final Boss Beat in 4 Minutes [Updated]

The first Destiny expansion, The Dark Below , may have only been available to players for a matter of days , but we’re already seeing Guardians race to complete its Raid in the fastest time possible.

, but we’re already seeing Guardians race to complete its Raid in the fastest time possible. Yesterday, we received word that a team had managed to beat Crota’s End in the first six hoursafter the expansion launched — and now there’s evidence of an even more impressive dismissal of the new Raid’s boss.

A team known as ‘Legendary Crew’ have posted a video to YouTube in which they kill off Crota, son of Onyx in just seven minutes. A co-ordinated effort sees the bulk of the team focus on crowd control and dropping Crota’s shield, while the player filming the video grabs an enemy’s sword to deal hefty amounts of damage to the unprotected boss.

In a post on Bungie’s Destiny message boardsannouncing the group’s accomplishment, team member Bludrunk suggests that Legendary Crew had initially intended to go for the first clear of Crota’s End on launch day, before other commitments prevented them from doing so. He goes on to say, “we may not have gotten the first kill, but we believe we have the fastest run yet with sound strategies.”

Later posts by Bludrunk suggest that Legendary Crew’s Raid run only took five hours, which would pip the record set earlier in the week by Invigorate Gaming. However, his recording software didn’t record the whole thing, so it seems that his team will have to settle for a record-breaking boss kill for the time being.

Update: BIG_FESH_927and his fireteam beat it in FOUR minutes:

In the weeks following the first Destiny Raid, the Vault of Glass, we saw a host of teams compete to clear the Raid in record time. It seems that we’re seeing the beginnings of a similar contest for Crota’s End — but, given that players have had longer to get to grips with the intricacies of the game, it seems that the skill of players involved has increased greatly.

It will be very interesting to see if anyone can improve on the seven minute record for killing Crota set by Legendary Crew — or if Bungie will decide to make the boss a little more difficult to kill. The studio has demonstrated that they’re not averse to making tweaks to the game, even having adjusted the Atheon boss fight from the Vault of Glassshortly after it was released. Then again, a few of our Game Rant team got the the final boss within the first six hours as well but failed to defeat him.

At least for the moment, The Dark Below has given the Destiny community a new challenge to tackle. Just how quickly players have managed to get to grips with Crota might influence Bungie’s approach to difficult going forward; expect a real challenge when a harder variant of the Raid releases in January— if you’re struggling with Crota, check out our guide to The Dark Below .

Destiny and its first expansion The Dark Below are available now on PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One.

Destiny: Bungie Details The Taken King’s Vertigo Map

Destiny: Bungie Details The Taken King’s Vertigo Map

Thanks to the Halo series, Bungie has garnered a reputation as a developer that knows how to build stellar multiplayer maps.

series, Bungie has garnered a reputation as a developer that knows how to build stellar multiplayer maps. As a matter of fact, many Master Chieffans would argue that Blood Gulch, Boneyard, and Lockout are some of the best battle zones in the history of PvP combat. However, a lot of gamers would attest that Bungieis set to outdo themselves when it comes to the upcoming maps being added to their action-RPG expansion Destiny: The Taken King .

Recently, Bungie announced the inclusion of eight new Crucible mapsin which would-be Guardians can soon duke it out amongst their friends. Not to mention, next month’s DLC will have a couple of fresh multiplayer modesknown as Rift and Mayhem. Now, thanks to the good folks working over at Game Informer, Bungie sent two of their developers – senior multiplayer designer Andrew Weldon and Crucible level artist Adam Williams – to the publication in order to explain the process behind the creation of Destiny ‘s Mercury map, Vertigo.

Set high above the first rock from the sun, Vertigo is a floating Vex fortress with a bunch of Cabal architecture ham-fistedly fused to pieces of the primeval cyborg species’ architecture. Basically, the map offers up three main sections for combat, all of which are connected by some dog-legged tunnels. While its design is uniform for the most part, the developers had some hurdles to overcome when putting the level together. Regarding the matter, Weldon explains:

“One of the big things that we realized in development was how the symmetrical layout of this map led players to having a more difficult time determining precisely which side of the map they were on . . . [what] helped us determine how to break the map apart into different areas [was] very heavy directional sunlight bathing one half of the map entirely . . . [with] the other side cast in shadow, lit with the artificial lighting of the Cabal.”

Vertigo’s aesthetics are quite lovely, as they are reminiscent of ancient Egyptian constructions tinged with futuristic technology like portals and laser beams. For a closer look, we’ve compiled a set of screenshots for perusal above. Additionally, the map ought to offer up some frenzied gunfights with its multiple zones to be covered. As for which mode the area would work best with, senior multiplayer designer Andrew Weldon says, “I would say that this map would definitely work best with Control.”

Should folks be into video game design, Destiny ‘s in-depth mythology, or if they’re simply trying to get a jump on planning their gameplay strategy before The Taken King is released, Game Informer’s videorun-down of Vertigo is certainly worth a watch. Fans of the sci-fi MMO should also keep their ears open and their eyes peeled, as Bungie ought to reveal some more surprises with a couple more Year 2 streamsscheduled for the weeks ahead.

Destiny: The Taken King is set to release on September 15, 2015, for PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.

Source: Game Informer

Destiny’: Crota’s End Raid Beaten in 6 Hours

Destiny’: Crota’s End Raid Beaten in 6 Hours

‘Destiny’: Crota’s End Raid Beaten in 6 Hours
The thriving community behind Destiny has shown that Bungie still knows how to turn an online shooter into a phenomenon.

still knows how to turn an online shooter into a phenomenon. They have outdone themselves yet again, as just hours after the game’s expansion, The Dark Below , was released, the first group of players have already completed the newest Raid, Crota’s End.

The task was completed by a group of 7 players – known as Invigorate Gaming – in just over 6 hours. Admittedly, the Raid was beaten on the standard difficulty (since the Hard version won’t be coming until January). Even so, the feat is an impressive one, since it was Invigorate who previously captured the record of defeating The Vault of Glassfirst as well.

Veteran players may argue that the truly impressive record completion times and fire team size will come with the increase in difficulty to Crota’s End (although the Raid is brutal in its current form), but if the record-setters have brought any fact to light, it’s just how quickly dedicated Destiny players are burning through content faster than Bungie can produce it.

Crota was defeated by 7 players in 6 hours. We've reached out to @InvigorateINVfor comments. Stand by...

— Bungie (@Bungie) December 9, 2014

That isn’t to say that Crota’s End was the only major update brought with The Dark Below , and the completion time pays no mind to the increased emphasis on story Bungie is focusing on, beginning with the titular Crota, a godlike being revered by the Hive. With new weaponry and gear, it’s safe to assume that players will be just as eager to play through Crota’s End until the studio reveals the next planned expansion.

Kill Confirmed: Crota has met his end. RT @LtJohn5: World first repeat? @Bungie @InvigorateINV

— Bungie (@Bungie) December 9, 2014

It’s a difficult task ahead of the development team: keeping seasoned players engaged with new, more difficult contentand overpowered weapons, but somehow continuing to keep Destiny friendly to newcomers (or making the more controversial decision of simply prioritizing the veterans over the beginners).

Whether the mysterious changes coming to Crota’s End in January will address that problem, or more fun-focused gameplay like the rumored Racing Modewill help Destiny appeal to the swarms of new players receiving a home console or copy of the game in the coming weeks. And then there’s the music lovers being courted by Bungie as well.

Have you tried your hand at Crota’s End yet, or have you been kept busy by the other Strikes and loot unlocked with The Dark Below ‘s arrival? Share your own impressions in the comments, and we’ll keep you posted as more record-breaking achievements roll in.

Destiny: The Dark Below is available now for PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.

Follow me on Twitter @ andrew_dyce.

Bungie’s Next Game to Feature ‘Sandbox’ Elements

Bungie’s Next Game to Feature ‘Sandbox’ Elements

It feels like it’s been a while since gamers got their hands on a Bungie title.

Halo: Reach was the last game to arrive on store shelves courtesy of the developer, but since then the company has severed ties to Microsoft and given up the Halo franchise to pursue the development of a new property — signing a 10 year agreement with Activisionin the process. Bungie teasing its next project with cryptic t-shirtswas a nice distraction, but gamers are ravenous for information on the developer’s next game. Despite concrete details about the project, codenamed Destiny , being kept secret for now, fans have received a small tidbit of news from the company’s official site.

During the latest ‘Mail Sack’ feature on , one fan asked what Bungie thought of Rockstar Gamesand the titles that it’d produced. The Bungie dev hosting the fan-focused Q&A, more specifically DeeJ (David Dague), was more than happy to answer the curious gamer’s question, and confirmed that his company had hired Danny Bulla of Red Dead Redemption fame to help them “fill your next sandbox.”

“We liked Red Dead Redemption so much that we hired Danny Bulla to come here and help us fill your next sandbox. He’s doing some amazing work and, so far, he hasn’t tried to lash any of us to a pair of railroad tracks.”

Despite news that the first Destiny installment will be an Xbox 360/720 exclusive(information that was made public courtesy of the ‘ Call of Duty ‘ lawsuitearlier this year), there’s been absolutely no info for fans to sink their teeth into. Previous rumors have pegged the mystery game Bungie is working on to be an MMO, but that’s incredibly unlikely given that the creators of Halo are set to deliver three additional followups to Destiny within a 10 year time frame.

An open-world sandbox sounds ideal, and it’s in line with the original plans the company had for Halo: Combat Evolved before being purchased by Microsoft. The original concept was filled to the brim with exotic wildlife, vehicles, and massive areas for gamers to explore, so maybe fans should be looking at examples of Bungie’s past to see what may be lined up for its future.

More information on Bungie’s next project should emerge in the not too distant future, so stay tuned to Game Rant for more details as they become available.

Follow me on Twitter @ TheRileyLittle.

Source: Bungie(via GamesRadar)

Bungie’s Next Game to Feature ‘Sandbox’ Elements

Bungie’s Next Game to Feature ‘Sandbox’ Elements

It feels like it’s been a while since gamers got their hands on a Bungie title.

Halo: Reach was the last game to arrive on store shelves courtesy of the developer, but since then the company has severed ties to Microsoft and given up the Halo franchise to pursue the development of a new property — signing a 10 year agreement with Activisionin the process. Bungie teasing its next project with cryptic t-shirtswas a nice distraction, but gamers are ravenous for information on the developer’s next game. Despite concrete details about the project, codenamed Destiny , being kept secret for now, fans have received a small tidbit of news from the company’s official site.

During the latest ‘Mail Sack’ feature on , one fan asked what Bungie thought of Rockstar Gamesand the titles that it’d produced. The Bungie dev hosting the fan-focused Q&A, more specifically DeeJ (David Dague), was more than happy to answer the curious gamer’s question, and confirmed that his company had hired Danny Bulla of Red Dead Redemption fame to help them “fill your next sandbox.”

“We liked Red Dead Redemption so much that we hired Danny Bulla to come here and help us fill your next sandbox. He’s doing some amazing work and, so far, he hasn’t tried to lash any of us to a pair of railroad tracks.”

Despite news that the first Destiny installment will be an Xbox 360/720 exclusive(information that was made public courtesy of the ‘ Call of Duty ‘ lawsuitearlier this year), there’s been absolutely no info for fans to sink their teeth into. Previous rumors have pegged the mystery game Bungie is working on to be an MMO, but that’s incredibly unlikely given that the creators of Halo are set to deliver three additional followups to Destiny within a 10 year time frame.

An open-world sandbox sounds ideal, and it’s in line with the original plans the company had for Halo: Combat Evolved before being purchased by Microsoft. The original concept was filled to the brim with exotic wildlife, vehicles, and massive areas for gamers to explore, so maybe fans should be looking at examples of Bungie’s past to see what may be lined up for its future.

More information on Bungie’s next project should emerge in the not too distant future, so stay tuned to Game Rant for more details as they become available.

Follow me on Twitter @ TheRileyLittle.

Source: Bungie(via GamesRadar)

Fallout 4 Guide: Where to Find Face Paint & New Hairstyles

Fallout 4 Guide: Where to Find Face Paint & New Hairstyles

When it comes to travelling the wastelands of Fallout 4 , every player wants their survivor to look unique.

, every player wants their survivor to look unique. Some achieve that goal through the game’s surprisingly deep and easy-to-use character customization tool, which lets players choose between male and female, while others add flair through accessories.

To assist with the goal of looking a little different in Fallout 4 , PC Gamer has put together a few tips for where to find additional character customization items. Specifically, the Fallout 4 guide highlights where players can find face paint, face grime, and a few new hairstyles to make their wasteland survivor stand out from the pack.

Fallout 4 players looking for a little face paint or face grime to spruce up their look should head to the Diamond City Market. There they will find Doc Crocker, the same guy who lets players tweak their character customization choices at any point during the game. So, if any players feel as if their wasteland survivor doesn’t quite look right, they can make some changes at Crocker.

Fallout 4's Lead Actors Recorded 13,000+ Lines in 2 Years

Fallout 4's Lead Actors Recorded 13,000+ Lines in 2 Years

Additionally, Crocker sells face paint, which can be applied in a number of configurations and colors. Granted, applying face paint basically undoes what Crocker can offer in terms of character customization, but a little extra paint might help make your Vault 111 dwellerlook a little more menacing.

But, if you want your survivor to look a little weathered, Crocker also sells grime, which gives the illusion that the player has been through the thick of it. From dirt to dust, the artificial grime adds an added layer of wear and tear to your survivor, and will hopefully make the post-battle screenshots or conversationsfeel a little more authentic.

Alongside some additional face customization items, Fallout 4 also offers a few additional hairstyles to make the Vault 111 survivor look a little more unique. Again, hit up Diamond City, or any barber for that matter, and they will help outfit your character with a new ‘do.

However, for the top tier hairstyles in all of Fallout 4 , a.k.a. the most ridiculous ones, players will need to procure one of two issues of a magazine called Le Coiffe. With Le Coiffe in their possession, players will have access to some pretty unique hairstyles, including one that looks like a nuclear explosion of hair.

Fallout 4 Megaton Hair

Fallout 4 Megaton Hair

To find Le Coiffe, players will need to hit up Fallon’s Department store, which is due South of Diamond City – it’s the building with the Fallon’s sign on it. Or they can head to Charlestown Laundry by traveling southeast from Bunker Hill. Search each of the areas of the magazines, and be ready for a crazy hairstyle.

How have you customized your wasteland survivor in Fallout 4 ? Do you prefer a weathered look for your vault dweller?

Fallout 4 is out now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One. Read Game Rant’s Fallout 4 review here.

Source: PC Gamer

Fallout 4 Player Beats Game Without Killing Anything

Fallout 4 Player Beats Game Without Killing Anything

Kyle Hinkley (A.K.A The Weirdist) manages to exploit Fallout 4 ‘s mechanics enough to complete the game without killing anyone – all on the hardest difficulty.

Since Fallout 4 came out in November, players have been searching the wastelands of the action role-playing game, constantly discovering new ways to play and the best exploits to take advantage of. It was only a matter of time before someone managed to find a way to beat the typically combat-heavy video game without killing anything.

Not only did Kyle Hinkley (A.K.A. The Weirdist) complete Fallout 4 without killing anything whatsoever, he did so on the game’s hardest difficulty: Survival. In July 2015, Fallout ‘s Game Director, Todd Howard, told The Guardianthat the game would be mostly completable without killing anyone, although he made sure to state:

“I can’t tell you that you can play the whole game without violence – that’s not necessarily a goal of ours.”

By all means, Howard is correct,goes to great lengths to make players kill things such as Super Mutants, Synths, or even fellow humans. There are many times where it seems unavoidable to avoid the killing of various creatures but as Hinkley has proven, there are ways around everything.

Responding to Howard’s statement in an interview with Kotaku, Kyle Hinkley claimed:

“The thing about Todd Howard is, even he doesn’t know what his games are capable of.”

Hinkley has put many hours into his playthrough, which he has cut down into a 37 part series on his YouTube channel. After being forced to restart the game, following a mistake in faction choice that claimed 6 lives, the YouTuber created the character Dizzy, who would go on to be the biggest pacifist the wasteland had ever seen.

Dizzy Fallout

Dizzy Fallout

With her high charisma stat, Dizzy travelled the world of Fallout 4 , talking her way out of all conflict and influencing enemies to turn on one another. Although Dizzy herself is a pacifist, she was responsible for her fair share of deaths. Unlike the game’s predecessor Fallout New Vegas , players aren’t given the option to talk themselves out of violent encounters and so Hinkley was forced to get creative in order to keep his in-game stats from registering any kills.

Escaping the vault was easy enough, Hinkley avoided the radroaches by trapping them in certain areas of the map and managed to kite any unavoidable enemies into areas where NPCs would help dispose of them. To gain XP ordinarily earned in combat, Kyle rebuilt the same objects in a settlement over and over again until he reached level 10 – which is high enough to allow purchasing of some of the important perks that the gamer would need such as “Wasteland Whisperer” which provides a chance at managing to calm down enemies.

Fallout Stats

Fallout Stats

“I’m a little disappointed in the lack of diplomatic solutions in this game, it’s a lonely departure from the rest of the Fallout series,” Hinckley said. “My version of pacifism isn’t really diplomatic, it’s more exploitative of the game mechanics to achieve a zero-kill record.”

While it’s true that Fallout 4 isn’t the most pacifist-friendly game, it wasn’t ever designed to be. The latest entry into the popular franchise made a point of having excellent gun combat, inspired by Bungie’s first-person shooter, Destiny. What’s more, developers Bethesda introduced many new mechanics such as gun modificationthat would mostly go to waste in a run where a player makes little use of weapons.

Fallout 4 is available now for PC, Xbox One and PS4.

Fallout 4 Mod Adds Classic Dialogue Options

Fallout 4 Mod Adds Classic Dialogue Options

One Fallout 4 fan has crafted a mod allowing players to experience the classic dialogue option interface that’s available in previous entries from the series.

For those Fallout 4 players who aren’t too keen on the default interface built around the game’s voice acting, NexusMods user Cirosan has created a mod that hearkens back to the original system found in prior entries of the post-apocalyptic franchise such as Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas . Instead of relying on thedialogue wheel’s brief excerpts of text that offer up the gist or tone of what protagonists will say, Cirosan’s Full Dialogue Interface mod will give gamers the complete transcription of main characters’ choices for responses during exchanges.

To be specific, the mod itself is actually Cirosan’s English conversion of Shadwar’s Russian NewDialog mod, and instead of button prompts presenting truncated bits of discourse à la Mass Effect 3 ‘s script and voice dialogue options, the Fallout 4 utterances will be shown as full sentences in the form of a numbered list. It’s important to note that the mod is still in its beta form, so while everything is currently running smoothly, there could be a few chat options that get lost in translation.

Although this will definitely be beneficial for those Fallout 4 fans who wish to meticulously plan out exactly what kind of protagonist they want, Cirosan’s mod will take away some of the fun built into Bethesda’s original design for the action-RPG. After all, the dialogue wheel’s choices are meant to make conversation sequences’ tête-à-tête more fluid and kinetic, which in turn is supposed to construct a scene that’s compelling to players, as they are less likely to skip the voice actors’ actual line readings and hear the full discussion take place.



Nevertheless, this is far from the first mod that folks have cooked up for Fallout 4 . Even though it’s only been a little over a week since the post-apocalyptic title’s hit the market, there have been numerous fan-made materials ranging from the useful to the absolutely ridiculous.

So far, one of the more practical builds that can be downloaded is Xylozi’s mod that allows players to craft ammo, and it has been a solid choice for many would-be Vault Dwellers needing to re-up on some much needed rounds to survive the harsh wilds of the Wasteland. Then, of course, for those of us looking for an added boost of zaniness, there’s Trainwiz’s Atom Bomb Baby modwhich morphs the game’s mini-nukes into infants of mass destruction.

With tons to be done in the actual base game of Fallout 4 , the prospect of having so many mods at one’s fingertips could be dizzying to the casual fan. And with Bethesda making the official Creation Kit mod tools available in 2016for console fans and PC gamers alike, there will soon be an even higher influx of them from which to choose. Hopefully, though, their widespread availability will incentivize gamers unfamiliar with the practice to try their hand at producing mods of their own.

Fallout 4 is out now and is available for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

Source: NexusMods(via Reddit)

Fallout 4 Mod Improves Frame Rate, But There’s a Catch

Fallout 4 Mod Improves Frame Rate, But There’s a Catch

A new Fallout 4 mod attempts to boost the frame rate for PC gamers using low or medium-end graphics cards and CPUs, lowering the game’s system requirements.

While Fallout 4 console gamers have been pleasantly surprised at the visuals and lack of frame rate drops in the game, PC gamers aren’t always so lucky. Depending on a PC gamer’s rig, the game may be as smooth as butter, or it may struggle through frame rate drops and jarring visual lag.

One modder is setting out to make it easier for PC gamers with low or medium-end computers to handle. Rather than just setting the game’s graphics to low, he’s manually going through and modifying environmental textures one by one.

According to modder Torcher, Fallout 4 ‘s textures are massive, which is part of the reason why many gamers’ systems struggle to handle the game. The game’s basic textures are 2048×2048 for the ground, and 1024×1024 for plants, not to mention character and item textures. While this makes Fallout 4 look way better than Fallout 3 , it can be too much for some computers to handle while still providing a fluid gameplay experience.

Torcher’s Texture Optimization Projectis going through the painstaking process of downsizing and compressing textures, allowing even low-end graphic cards to play through the game. As is to be expected, the graphical downsize makes the game look less sharp, but Torcher notes that he’s doing the best he can to maintain Fallout 4 ‘s artstyle while providing simplified textures. On the plus side, Torcher reports that he can maintain anywhere from 50-60FPS depending on his character’s actions with the mod, whereas his frame rate sometimes drops below 10 without it.

fallout 4 texture mod with without comparison

fallout 4 texture mod with without comparison

This graphics mod is a complete turnaround from Fallout 4 ‘s first mod, which addressed the dissatisfaction some gamers felt with the game’s graphics by giving them an overhaul. While this is a great example of how PC gamers can boost a game’s visuals, it only works if the gamer’s computer can already handle the vanilla game without problems. Considering that graphics cards can cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars, it’s understandable that not every gamer may be well enough equipped to handle what Fallout 4 has to offer.

The Fallout 4 modding scene has already produced a wide variety of mods, ranging from minor graphical tweaks to massive changes, like letting the sole survivor have monster companions. Thankfully, this graphics tweak will allow more gamers to fully appreciate the game on the PC. Since Bethesda just announced that Fallout 4 won’t receive console commands on the PS4 or Xbox One, playing on the PC with mods and console commands provides a fuller experience than its console counterparts. PC gamers who haven’t been able to play the game can give it another try, instead of returning it on Steam.

PC gamers, how has your computer handled Fallout 4 ? Will you be making use of this mod?

Fallout 4 is now available for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

Source: NexusMods

Call of Duty Probably Never Going to Space

Call of Duty Probably Never Going to Space

Once a series firmly rooted in depicting genuine historical conflicts, the Call of Duty franchise has mostly explored modern times and the near-future since Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare helped revolutionize the franchise years ago.

helped revolutionize the franchise years ago. Despite rumors that the series was finally returning to World War II, the upcoming Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 will also be sticking to a near-future setting, taking place in the year 2065.

and last year’s Advanced Warfare have both opted to take place in the future, allowing for a variety of technology to be used in the game that seem like things pulled straight from the pages of a science-fiction novel. Even so, don’t expect Call of Duty to go full sci-fi, as it’s unlikely any game in the series will be set entirely in space.

As explained by Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 multiplayer director Dan Bunting, Activision is not completely against the idea of having a Call of Duty set entirely in space, but it’s extremely unlikely that it will ever actually happen. “I don’t think we’re ever going to reach a point where we just completely ignore finding authenticity,” Bunting said in an interview with GamesRadar.

Bunting continued, “There’s an element of Call Of Duty as a brand that’s very gritty, it needs to feel believable. Even if it’s not real it needs to feel like it could be.”

Even though fans are unlikely to see Call of Duty: Space Warfare happen any time soon, the series has actually ventured into space on a couple of occasions in the past. In fact, the opening mission of Call of Duty: Ghosts is set on a space station, and a Zombies map for the original Call of Duty: Black Ops is set on the moon.

Call of Duty Black Ops 3 Combat Slide

Call of Duty Black Ops 3 Combat Slide

What’s interesting is that Bunting claims that the reason why an in-space Call of Duty isn’t on the table is due to a desire to have the games feel grounded and realistic. This is in stark contrast to features like the popular Zombies mode, which is definitely not based in reality, and it doesn’t use any existing military technology or technology in development for its inspiration.

Even the game that Bunting is working on, Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 , features a Zombies mode. Furthermore, the multiplayer experience in Black Ops 3 is one of the least realistic multiplayer experiences that the franchise has featured, as it includes a time-traveling robot, among other oddities.

Do you want to see Call of Duty tackle a space setting? What settings would you like the series to explore in the next entries?

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 will be available November 6th for PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.

Source: GamesRadar

Call of Duty: Ghosts’ Story Trailer Goes Into Space

Call of Duty: Ghosts’ Story Trailer Goes Into Space

‘Call of Duty: Ghosts’ Story Trailer Goes Into Space
Can Call of Duty be as effective in zero-gravity as a modern battlefield?

be as effective in zero-gravity as a modern battlefield? Can Infinity Wardmake its last release before the arrival of next-gen systems the most successful to date? Can a German Shepard bring down a helicopter? These questions and more are answered in the newest trailer for Call of Duty: Ghosts .

In the action-packed cinematic trailer setting the stage for the near-future Ghosts , the action goes higher than ever before – literally – with combat-ready astronauts, orbital attack platforms, and a peek at the story beats and cinematic set pieces fans can look forward to.

It seems that the rumors from years ago that an upcoming Call of Duty title would be set in the future and feature ‘space marines’weren’t so far-fetched after all. Everything that has been shown of Ghosts ‘ multiplayer and singleplayer leads us to believe that most of the game’s campaign will be set planetside, but whether the space setting is purely cinematic in delivery, or just a means of kicking off the campaign with a bang, the game will contain astronauts – packing sufficiently more firepower than usual.

Call of Duty Ghosts Story Trailer

Call of Duty Ghosts Story Trailer

For those unaware, the majority of Ghosts ‘ story will be set in the near future, after a devastating attack has left America in ruins, losing its status as a global superpower and forced to fend off a host of potential invaders. Thanks to the new trailer, it’s clear what kind of attack befalls the country. Specifically, an orbital weapon named ‘ODIN’ that is turned against its owners by a group of what we can presumably refer to from here on out as space-terrorists.

The only thing keeping America from succumbing completely is a group of elite soldiers from a handful of military branches, calling themselves ‘Ghosts.’ And elite they must be, if the scale of action and destruction glimpsed in the trailer is any indication. While thrilling, speeding trains, collapsing skyscrapers, and shattered aircraft carriers aren’t exactly a brand new direction for the Call of Duty brand, so it seems the developers at Infinity Wardwill be turning elsewhere to make the experience a must-play one.

Building the campaign around a pair of brothers (as the trailer shows, following in their father’s footsteps) is a new way to increase player investment when the firefights break out, but certainly not the most promising. Or, at this point, the most infamous.

Call of Duty Ghosts Riley Helicopter

Call of Duty Ghosts Riley Helicopter

We speak of course of Riley, the brothers’ German Shepard, apparently every bit the elite soldier they are. The canine comrade has gained some notoriety since his first reveal, but it seems he’s still got a few new tricks in store for the game itself. Whether it’s eliminating targets with stealth, mastering the art of the ‘reverse breach,’ or apparently bringing an entire helicopter down, Riley looks to be one of the most intriguing aspects of Ghosts .

The dog’s potency in combat, and the space combat are both clear examples of just what Infinity Ward meant when they said they were valuing “fun over innovation” withalthough the glimpses of action show a graphical prowess (in cut-scenes, at least) better than some were predicting. However, the over-the-top spectacle isn’t being confined to the rollercoaster pacing of the singleplayer campaign, as Ghosts multiplayer is in for some advancements as well.

The map dubbed Free Fall by the developers is just one case of the team’s new emphasis on ‘dynamic environments,’ set on a collapsing section of a skyscraper. Add a new selection of multiplayer game types– with Blitzbeing one we’re keen to try out ourselves – and Ghosts stands a good chance of attracting devoted fans and astronaut-envying dog people.

What do you think of the trailer? Is Infinity Ward giving the dose of insanity that’s needed at this point, or is it the multiplayer you’re most interested in? Share your thoughts in the comments.

Call of Duty: Ghosts releases November 5, 2013 for the PS3, PC, and Xbox 360. PS4 and Xbox One release dates have not been announced.

Follow Andrew on Twitter @ andrew_dyce.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 Will Have Mod Tools on PC

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 Will Have Mod Tools on PC

Activision and Treyarch reveal that mod tools are coming to the PC version of Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 at some point in 2016, with a closed alpha planned for March.

Despite not being held in very high regard by many in the gaming community, Activision seems like they’re starting to listen to what players want from their flagship Call of Duty franchise. This was apparent when Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 featured an extensive multiplayer betafor the first time since World at War launched in 2008, and it’s apparent yet again with the announcement of an often-requested feature coming to the PC version of the game.

Beginning in 2016, PC players will be able to create mods for. This feature will begin as a closed alpha in March, with players able to create their own multiplayer maps and game modes. Additionally, players will have the option to host the content they create on their own dedicated servers.

Once the closed alpha concludes, the feature will enter open beta, allowing players to share their creations with other PC Black Ops 3 players the world over. The timeline is subject to change, but for now, this is what Activision and Treyarch are planning.

While it wasn’t explicitly stated if it’s coming one way or another, it would be nice if mod tools were made available for the Shadows of Evil Zombies modeas well. While Treyarch has proved more than capable of creating engrossing experiences with Zombies in the past, just imagine what creations the community can dream up when given the opportunity.

Call of Duty Black Ops 3 Zombies screenshot

Call of Duty Black Ops 3 Zombies screenshot

Furthermore, with Fallout 4 PC mods coming to console, there’s a chance that the PC mods created for Black Ops 3 could come to consoles as well. This would give the game significantly more value for players on all platforms, and with PlayStation receiving official Black Ops 3 DLC first, access to mods could help tide over dedicated Call of Duty fans on Xbox.

By giving players access to mod tools in Black Ops 3 , Activision is blowing the doors wide open for a near-endless stream of content and support for the game. The modding community has proven to be extremely creative in the past, and it will be very exciting to see what sort of maps and unique game modes they are able to cook up for Black Ops 3 next year.

Has the addition of mod tools for the PC version of Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 convinced you to buy the game? Do you hope to see the mods come to consoles in the future as well? Get at us about PC mods for Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 in the comments below.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 will be available on November 6th for PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.

Source: Game Informer

Check Out This Mirror’s Edge Level Recreated in Dying Light

Check Out This Mirror’s Edge Level Recreated in Dying Light

Although the release of Mirror’s Edge Catalyst is only a few months away, for some super fans the 5-month wait is still too long.

is only a few months away, for some super fans the 5-month wait is still too long. One fan in particular has decided to keep himself occupied in the meantime, by creating an homage to Mirror’s Edge ’s first level using the mod tools in Dying Light .

Although it’s not yet finished, the modded Mirror’s Edge level is extremely impressive. Obviously some of the aesthetic details are different because of Dying Light’s zombie apocalypse look, but the red and white interiors capture the spirit of DICE’s free-running cult classic very well.

Even beyond nailing the color scheme and the aesthetics of the Mirror’s Edge level, what’s most impressive is that this is (or will be when finished) a 1:1 remake of the original game’s opening. Everything is to scale and perfectly recreated in the Dying Light world.

Although Dying Light launched to mid-to-high reviews from critics, players flocked to the title in early 2015. However, while many of the early year releases fizzled out, Dying Light has found a way to sustain thanks to mods like this, and the promise of a major expansion, called The Following, in 2016.

But, while the Mirror’s Edge map is impressive, it’s not without its speed bumps. According to the map’s creator, life has simply got in the way and prevented him from putting as much time into the mod as he’d like. He’s also been working on an exact replica of Assassin’s Creed 2 ’s Monteriggioni for quite some time, but a lack of free time has prevented that mod from getting finished as well.

So, rather than let his work go unnoticed, the modder decided to release this Mirror’s Edge map recreation in an “alpha” state so that, at the very least, people can see his tremendous work. Unfortunately, it doesn’t sound as if the project will ever get finished, at least not by its original creator.

For as much as we like to tout impressive mods like those recently seen in Fallout 4 – check out the Randy Savage modif you haven’t seen it – or Grand Theft Auto 5 , ultimately it can become a job to get these projects finished. Smaller things, like pushing around some code to make expanded dialogue optionsisn’t as labor intensive, but recreating an entire map using mod tools for a different game can’t be a simply task. Our hats off to this modder regardless and we hope that his work doesn’t go unnoticed by people in the industry.

Have you seen any impressive Dying Light mods like this?

Source: Steam(via)

Mirror’s Edge Catalyst Delayed to May 2016

Mirror’s Edge Catalyst Delayed to May 2016

Via Mirror’s Edge Catalyst ‘s official website, DICE and Electronic Arts announce that the prequel to 2008’s original game is now delayed until May 2016.

Mirror’s Edge Catalyst was originally scheduled for availability on February 23, 2016, which would have put the parkour-driven title’s release alongside Deus Ex: Mankind Divided and Far Cry Primal , but now DICE has declared that the game will be delayed until May 24, 2016. While neither the studio nor its parent company Electronic Arts have given an exact reason as to why Mirror’s Edge Catalyst is being postponed, fans have been thanked for their “patience and support.”

Although the game is being pushed back, Sara Jansson, DICE’s Senior Producer for the title, assures fans that the delay is happening in order to ensure that they get the best experience possible when they take over the role of Faith once more. Regarding Mirror’s Edge Catalyst ‘s setback, Jansson wrote, “We will use these few extra months to make sure that when you step into the massive City of Glass and experience the rise of Faith, it’s as entertaining, impressive, and memorable as it can be.”

EA officially confirmed Mirror’s Edge Catalyst ‘s initial release date via its Twitter account a week prior to E3 2015, and fans have subsequently been receiving tastes of what kind of gameplay will be included. While the prequel will stick firmly to its free-running roots, it’s also being promoted as a departure from the inaugural installment in some respects.



As far as changes go, there will be no gun combat, as opposed to Faith’s ability to wield weapons against enemies in the first one. Additionally, DICE decided to expand upon the title’s single-player mode by providing Mirror’s Edge Catalyst with multiplayer elementsranging from leaderboard-based Dash races to hacking billboards as a means to indirectly communicate with other gamers.

Save for today’s announcement, it’s been roughly three months since we’ve heard anything substantial about Mirror’s Edge Catalyst . The last significant update was DICE’s sneak peek at the game’s narrative with a story trailerback in July.

When a studio pushes back a title’s release date during the production process, it’s often construed as bad sign for creators and gamers alike. Be that as it may, it’s important to note how difficult game development can be, and that deferring the launch day doesn’t necessarily mean the end result will a be poorly conceived mess. From concept to completion, there are an innumerable amount of tasks and hurdles involved, and since there’s nothing to go on as to why the hold-up for Mirror’s Edge Catalyst is happening, fans will do well to remain optimistic. In the meantime, check out our hands-on previewto get a better idea of what can be expected.

Mirror’s Edge Catalyst is now set for release on May 24, 2016 for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

Source: Mirror’s Edge

Fallout New Vegas Mod Recreates Original Game

Fallout New Vegas Mod Recreates Original Game

Modders recreate the first Fallout in Fallout New Vegas , answering the prayers of any gamers who wanted to play the original game in the series’ new format.

There has sometimes been a large gulf between fans of the original Fallout games and the more recent Bethesda offerings. However, some intrepid modders have recently attempted to bridge the gap between the two different game styles. In fact, themodding community is offering up a chance to play the entirety of the original Fallout using the more recent gameplay style.

Titled Fallout: The Story , the currently in-development mod is aiming to give a full makeover of the first game in the much-lovedfranchise. Bringing the former isometic RPG into a 3D environment is no easy task, but it seems as though the modders have made some serious headway with the project already. The mod already includes two completed Vaults, with work progressing well on other settlements including The Hub and Shady Sands.

The Fallout series has, of course, recently seen the release of the fourth game in the main series. Fallout 4 was released on November 10 to rave reviewsacross the board. Offering up an impressive and immersive open world, as well as a thrilling main quest and improved gunplay, the title has proved to be a must-have item for gamers at the end of the year.

However, the success of the most recent Fallout games have sometimes delivered a bit of a conundrum. Modern gamers who first fell in love with the franchise over Bethesda Fallout releases have not always had the easiest ride when trying to play the earlier games in the series. The original titles are vastly different from their more modern counterparts, with a much less forgiving difficulty level and an entirely different viewpoint and combat system.

The mod may also prove of interest to old-school Fallout fans that have been less than impressed with the series since Fallout 3 . Recently, more details were released on, the cancelled attempt by Black Isle to create its own Fallout 3 . After the game was cancelled in 2003, in the middle of Interplay’s financial woes, the rights to Fallout fell into the hands of Bethesda, who continued the series with a very different feel.

As of yet, there is no finite release date for the mod over at itspage, but given the amount of work that has already been done on the project, hopefully gamers interested in the project will not have long to wait. Since Bethesda bedfellow The Elder Scrolls regularly receives modded remakes such as, perhaps fan-made recreations could become a regular staple of the Fallout series as well.

Source: Nexus, YouTube

