New Uncharted 4 Screenshots Look Stunning

New Uncharted 4 screenshots were leaked and they showcase Nathan Drake’s latest adventure in a beautiful environment, complete with explosions and gunfire.

Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End is now only a month away from its release and today marks a rather fruitful lifting of one particular embargo. To celebrate, here are a bunch of new, stunning screenshots from the upcoming action-adventure game.

Uncharted 4 Leak 1

Uncharted 4 Leak 1

These images were first leaked the other day by Italian website, and have since been published all over the internet by those quick enough to save the images before the article was taken down. Given how visually impressive the shots are, it’s becoming increasingly clear as to how Uncharted 4 will reportedly push the boundaries of the PS4. As an exclusive title to the console, the latest in the Uncharted franchise is sure to be a strong selling point for PlayStation.

The screenshots appear to show off Nathan’s dramatic escape from an exploding building, as well as some hand-to-hand and gun-based combat that is sure, as ever, to be an important part of the gameplay. One image shows off the game’s beautiful environment as Nathan and his companions drive through a dark cave. According to previous reports, the world that players will be able to explore is around 10 times the sizeof those shown in the series’ previous titles.

The game is to be the final adventure for adventurer Nathan Drake, as he goes in search of a conspiracy behind long lost pirate colony Libertalia and it’s fabled pirate treasure. In a recent ‘Making Of’ video, developer Naughty Dog revealed that it wants Drake’s last hurrah to be a game capable of making fans laugh and cry. It’s a tall order but the Uncharted series is well known for its story-telling ability and it looks like the development team might just be up to the task, judging by the emotional tone of the latest trailer.

Although fans have had to wait a long delay-riddentime since their last encounter with Nathan Drake, the game has finally been completed. Despite having to wait much longer than initially thought, Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End is still easily one of the most anticipated games of this year and if the extra waiting time is just what the game needed to be fully ready to play, then so be it. The most recent delay was simply down to manufacturing time as PlayStation prepare enough copies to survive the game’s launch day.

Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End is set to release on May 10, 2016 exclusively for the PlayStation 4.

Source: WCCF.Tech

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