Blind Gamer Beats The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

A blind gamer completes the final boss fight in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Tim e after five years of working through the game with just the help of his hearing.

There’s no denying that, for the most part, video games are an incredibly visual medium. Although sound and touch are crucial to the experience as well, it’s hard to imagine completing any game without being able to see the screen. One incredibly dedicated blind gamer has overcome this obstacle and managed to beatwith just the help of the game’s sounds.

Terry Garrett lost his sight when he was ten years old, but he had already had fallen in love with gaming. In the following years Terry refused to give up his hobby and learned how to make his way through games relying on sound, rather than sight (much like he does in the real world). Terry has completed lots of games using this technique, including. As you might expect, some games make this technique more difficult than others. Ocarina of Time is definitely on the more challenging side of the scale.

We’ve seen someone beat Ocarina blindfoldedbefore, but that is completely different from Terry’s experience, because he wasn’t able to memorize the game before playing it. Instead, Terry spent five years practicing and working through the experience. He documented his final battle with Ganon to showcase his skill and technique…

Terry admits that he uses walkthroughs and and helpful fan-made videos to help him tackle the game’s puzzles and obstacles, but when it comes to gameplay he relies entirely on his hearing. Terry thanked all of his friends and fans for following along with his journey through one of the best ( and rainiest) games of all time…

“It has been long in the making, but I have finally accomplished my goal! Who knows what is next! Thanks for all those who have stuck with me through this series even after it seemed like I was giving up. Please enjoy the last vid of Zelda OOt , the final battle against Gannon!”

We can’t imagine the skill and dedication it would take to pull this off, but Game Rant definitely tips its hat to Jerry and everything he has accomplished. We look forward to following his YouTube channel and finding out what game he plans to tackle next.

What do you think of Terry’s accomplishment? What other games would you like to see him tackle? Let us know in the comments.

Source: YouTube

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