Xbox One Outsold PS4 During E3 2015 Week

Earlier this week, the latest report form analyst group NPD revealed that the PS4 outsold the Xbox One in the United States during the month of June.

in the United States during the month of June. This is the 16th month (out of 19) that the PS4 has held the title since the Sony and Microsoft consoles launched back in November 2013.

This PS4 win can largely be attributed to‘s PS4 exclusive content (the Scarecrow Nightmare DLC) as well as the sale of PS4/ Arkham Knight bundles. Given that Batman: Arkham Knight is also the second-best selling game of the year, this is understandable.

It would also be understandable if Microsoft was left feeling disappointed, as the company has been trying hard to beat the PS4 by extending the Xbox One’s holiday price promotionpast its initial January end date. However, the company isn’t taking this lying down at all, and instead, Microsoft executive Aaron Greenberg has pointed out that the Xbox One actually outsold the PS4 during E3 week.

Good June #NPD #XboxOnesales +51% YOY & proud we were #1 selling console the week of E3 +79% WOW, but Batman ps4 bundles strong as expected

— Aaron Greenberg (@aarongreenberg) July 16, 2015

Via the above tweet Greenberg reveals that not only was the Xbox One the “#1 selling console the week of E3” but also that sales of the console had risen by 79% when compared to E3 last year. Xbox One sales for the month of June 2015 had also risen by 51% in comparison to June 2014.

The sales increase year over year likely has a lot to do with those aforementioned price cuts, which have been huge for Microsoft in the last six months or so. Meanwhile, the win during E3 week is likely because of Microsoft’s huge Xbox backwards compatibilityannouncement.

While we wouldn’t go so far as to say that Sony’s huge E3 2015 surprises, including the announcement ofand the game demos ofand, just weren’t enough, these sales stats are sure to have gamers talking. One of the biggest criticisms of Sony’s press conference was the fact that, although the aforementioned games were exciting, the company has very little to release during holiday 2015 – something which Sony is well aware of.

So, if the Xbox One was able to be the best selling console because of a successful E3 press conference, then Microsoft could be eyeing another sales improvement when the backward compatibility feature goes live later this year. Plus, the Xbox One will also be getting (Xbox exclusives)and, which should also help the console rocket to the top of the sales charts. No wonder Microsoft is expecting to sell millions of Xbox Onesover the holiday season.

Do you think that the Xbox One can carry this momentum forward? What else does Microsoft need to do to improve the Xbox One’s sales? Leave a comment and let us know.

Source: Aaron Greenberg