Microsoft’s Phil Spencer Says Uncharted 4 Will Be A Great Game

Xbox boss Phil Spencer discusses the releases he’s looking forward to this year, and says that Naughty Dog’s Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End will be among the best.

While engaging with folks on his official Twitter account, Microsoft’s head of its Xbox division, Phil Spencer, was asked by a user which game he’s most excited for in 2016, which prompted the executive to immediately say thatis his top pick. However, Spencer then went on to say that he believed Ubisoft’s open beta for The Division was “good,” that he enjoyed Quantum Break ‘s narrative, and that Naughty Dog’s Uncharted 4 “will be a great game.”

After Spencer gave props to the developers at Naughty Dog by praising, some rather myopic gamers responded with comments saying that it was shameful for the Xbox boss to have admitted to the PlayStation 4 exclusive title being among his choices for the most anticipated video games of 2016. Interestingly enough, Spencer spoke honestly and directly to those unfairly criticizing him for giving his true opinion on the matter, as seen in the tweets below.

@IRISHGAMER1461Gears. I thought Division beta was very good. People will block me but UC4 will be a great game I'm sure. Love the QB Story.— Phil Spencer (@XboxP3) March 1, 2016

@wrath93We should all applaud when a team does something special. Those who hope for team to fail due to platform aren't real gamers.— Phil Spencer (@XboxP3) March 1, 2016

When speaking to the press, or in any forum for that matter, Phil Spencer rarely minces words, and is candid with his views for the most part, so it should come as no surprise that the Xbox boss crossed company lines to say that he expects Uncharted 4 to be a great release. As it happens, during a live interview at the 2015 GeekWire Summit, rather than blindly praise Microsoft’s current generation console, Phil Spencer said that he was unsure if Xbox One could beat PS4’s commanding sales lead, admitting to mistakes prior to the launch of the system that led to it falling behind financially.

Furthermore, in regards to Spencer’s above comments about what it means to be a real fan, the Xbox boss’ recent remarks on Twitter are just the latest example of him being open about how much he loves video games, regardless of platform. Several months ago, in fact, he commended the success of all current console-gen systemsfor Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony, showing that it’s important to support others within one’s same field, despite competition, as it creates good will and furthers innovation.

Phil Spencer Xbox Vision

Phil Spencer Xbox Vision

There will always be fans who have their preferred platforms. It’s inevitable. But to disparage another gamer because they play on this or that console, on their computer, or even on mobile devices does nothing but create useless enmity between people who, on the whole, have a huge commonality of interest for the wonderful world of video games. With that said, instead of futilely carrying on with the silly pettiness of the console wars, let’s try to embrace Phil Spencer’s attitude and simply enjoy gaming for the art form that it is.

What do you think about Phil Spencer’s assurance that Uncharted 4 will be a great game upon its release? Since he’s an executive at Microsoft, do you believe he should have only hyped Xbox One titles, or do you agree with his stance about what it means to be a real gaming fan? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End is set to release on April 22, 2016 exclusively for PlayStation 4.

Source: Phil Spencer – Twitter 1,(via IGN)