ID unification: Dun & Bradstreet and Mozilla CMO’s show how to create a single customer view (webinar)

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Missed it? You can still access this essential webinar featuring Dun & Bradstreet CMO Rishi Dave along with Mozilla’s Jascha Kaykas-Wolff and VB’s Andrew Jones as they share how to construct a comprehensive, single view of customers — and its impact.

Personalization is a hot buzzword right now, and VentureBeat’s researchshows it delivers tremendous ROI across multiple measures — from email open rates to app installs. But creating personalized experiences demands knowing who your audiences are and what they care about, or all your technology investments are worse than useless.

VB Insight analyst Andrew Jones spoke with Rishi Dave, CMO of data and analytics giant Dun & Bradstreet, and Jascha Kaykas-Wolff, CMO of the internet powerhouse Mozilla, about how going beyond technology to develop a sophisticated customer identity data strategy can power a tremendous jump in ROI.

“As marketers we need to understand what our customers look like,” Kaykas-Wolff says. “And, oftentimes, it’s a completely missed step in the process.” Marketers too often jump into the technology investment as a quick fix, without first defining who their audience is.

Dave agrees: “It would be easy to jump right into technology, data, modeling, demand gen,” he says. “But what I figured out very quickly is that unless you know exactly who you’re targeting, and you’re differentiating messaging for that customer, and unless you’ve done that hard work — and most people have not — you won’t get the ROI from your technology strategy.”

It takes qualitative and quantitative research, Kaykas-Wolff says. “That helps us answer the kind of information that we’d like to ask our customers for.”

Once you’ve targeted your customer base, there’s a tremendous amount to know about users even at the top of the funnel. However, marketers are too often concentrating just on records with known identifiers.

“As an industry, in the last several years,” says Kaykas-Wolff, “we’ve almost jumped over the focus on using great behavioral and transactional data that isn’t specifically locked to a customer identity. This transactional data is incredibly important for your business.”

“In a way it’s understandable — it’s low-hanging fruit,” says Jones. “For email personalization, it’s very direct. A batch and blast approach.”

But anonymous behavioral data from web and mobile activity is increasingly one of the most valuable data sources, because it provides real-time insight into prospects’ interest and intent, even when a user is not registered or logged in — even if you don’t have the email address or phone number.

“There’s a lot above the anonymous level that you can use to move people along that sales funnel,” Jones says.

And even if it’s a known record, you still want that behavioral information beforehand — together, they’ll combine into a much richer representation of where that person has been in interest and intent.

The next challenge is making sense of all the disparate data sets gathered at dozens or hundreds of touchpoints throughout every stage of the funnel, from anonymous on down.

The technical term, Dave says, is master data management. “Enterprises who do that well are much more successful in terms of leveraging data to drive growth,” he adds.

“The idea of master data management having a relationship to marketing is something that we all have to take seriously in the roles we’re in,” says Kaykas-Wolff, “but oftentimes we don’t.”

Increasingly, Dave says, that unification piece is about the CMO working with the CIO to make governance and technology decisions about where all the data is coming from, what data matters, how we identify the key fields in that data, connect the data, and supplement it with third-party data — and finally, how to use the data once it’s unified based on your strategy.

But throughout the process, data collection needs to always be transparent. “If we impact the trust of our users in a negative way,” says Kaykas-Wolff, “it’s not going to help our businesses be successful over time.”

Rather than asking what types of data can you get from a customer, the question should be what types of data can your customers give you that will be most helpful — with their permission.

Don’t miss out!

In this webinar, you’ll learn how to: Unlock the customer data that you’re missing today Streamline your identity process, including detail-rich demographic information often overlooked Hear insider secrets for getting that personalized message hit the customer right in the sweet spot — driving serious bank to your bottom line

Andrew Jones , Analyst, VB Insight

Rishi Dave , CMO, Dun & Bradstreet

Jascha Kaykas-Wolff, CMO, Mozilla


Wendy Schuchart , Moderator, VentureBeat

This webinar is sponsored by Janrain.